Call for the noborder camp 2009 in Lesvos (Greece)

03.Apr.09 - In the last few years the island of Lesvos has represented one of the main entrance gate for thousands of refugees and migrants seeking to reach Europe. Packed in tiny plastic boats they try to cross the sea border between Turkey and Greece but some of them can't make it. More than 1.100 migrants and refugees have lost their lives that way in Aegean sea the last 20 years. Here in Lesvos the building of the "Fortress Europe" is clearly visible. That's why we would like to invite you to join us in August (25-31), to share with us the experience of what is going on at the borders, to discuss the problems, to coordinate our actions and to fight against border regime and the practices of control and repression.  [read the call]

meanwhile in lampedusa... (#2)

18.Feb.09 - This morning on Lampedusa, the southern-most island of Europe, a revolt started in the "Centre for identification and expulsion", following the hunger strike of 300 detainees from Tunisia. The detention center hosts more than 800 migrants, mostly from Tunisia. The fire destroyed most of the building and the police used teargas to fight the revolting migrants revolt

The mayor of the city Bernardino De Rubeis has released a declaration against the Italian government, quoting his own words: "Guilty is the Government which transformed this center in a Lager, the migrants are desperate." The revolt seems to have exploded when 107 Tunisian migrants were to be deported back to Tunesia. [photos]

Report on 'Des Ponts pas des Murs' in Paris 17th of octobre 2008

16.Feb.09 - With 300 organisations under the call and 1000 participants the euro-african summit Des Ponts pas des Murs (Bridges No Walls) in Paris on the 17th of october 2008 was the counter summit for the Euro-African Inter-ministerial conference on migrations and development in Paris held on the 25th of november. Des Ponts pas des Murs was the second counter summit after the summit in Rabat on the 30st of june and the 1st of july 2006 which lead to the Rabat Manifesto on Migrations, Fundamental Rights and Freedom of Movement.  [read more]

meanwhile on Lampedusa...

25.Jan.09 - This Saturday more than 1000 migrant 'guests' in the 'Centre of first Reception' (CPA) of Lampedusa have escaped from the detention centre, forcing the entrance gates and getting past police controls. They joined a demonstration by residents who were protesting plans to open another detention center on the island. The immigrants who escaped from the detention camp, participated in this demonstration towards the square in front of the Town Hall shouting slogans including 'Freedom' and 'Help us'. On Sunday most migrants had gone back to the detention centre but they are now free to come and go as they please.

 [read more]

all previous items are available via the news archive