MelbourneProtests Weblog

This site is a continuation of Melbourne Protests - - the name pretty much self-explanatory …

Waitangi Day, 6 February 2008 February 11, 2008

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Outside the consulate

Representatives and supports of Indigenous peoples across the Pacific gathered outside the Aotearoa/NZ Consulate in Melbourne on 6 February as part of an international protest. In addition to speakers from Aotearoa a statement from the Aboriginal Tent Embassy was read by a representative of ISJA (Indigenous Social Justice Association) and Krautungalung elder Robbie Thorpe spoke. Others included Nick Chesterfield, long-term campaigner for Indigenous rights in the Pacific, and Marisol Salinas, who delivered a message of solidarity on behalf of the Mapuche people of Chile.
Video of this event on YouTube in three parts:

There is a full report with photographs on Whenua, Fenua, Enua, Vanua -
See also Aotearoa IMC -


Solidarity with Aotearoa/NZ arrestees - International Day of Action October 29, 2007

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Banner at Federation Square

Under the slogan “Activism is not Terrorism” about 70 Melburnians joined a protest rally at Federation Square at noon on Saturday 27 October - one of a series of such rallies scheduled across the world to express opposition to the recent and ongoing attacks on activists and dissent in Aotearoa/NZ. MC was long-time Indigenous Rights activist Robbie Thorpe of the Krautungalung people of the Gunnai Nation, the traditional owners of Lake Tyers. Other speakers included Sina Brown, Sina Brown, Polynesian Anti Globalisation Activist;Marisol Salinas Mapuche, Environmental Activist, Lasnet; Rayna Fahey, Treaty, Green Activist; Will Anderson from Civil Rights Defence; Liz Thompson, Ongoing G20 Arrestees Solidarity Network, FairWear; and Anthony Main, Alliance for Civil Disobedience Coordination, Socialist Party. Waiata/song was provided by Ivan Davis (Tainui). Statements were also read out by representatives of the Anarchist Black Cross ( see and Socialist Alliance ( see - and there was an open mic session at the end. As reported elsewhere ( there was also fundraising involving cupcakes …
See also:

There is video of the rally on EngageMedia:


Protest at NZ Consulate - Solidarity with 15 Oct arrestees October 18, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — melbourneprotests @ 6:19 am
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Placard outside the Consulate

The street theatre may have looked light-hearted, but there was anger as well as mockery in the air outside the building housing the NZ Consulate in Melbourne. Speakers condemned the arrests and intimidation of activists in Aotearoa, while the ‘air attack’ on the building highlighted the absurdity of the terrorism charges. There is a report with pictures at
For up-to-date coverage of the events see
and other postings on the Aotearoa Indymedia site.
See also

There is video of this protest on EngageMedia -