MelbourneProtests Weblog

This site is a continuation of Melbourne Protests - - the name pretty much self-explanatory …

Big Day Out Against Racism - 17 November November 19, 2007

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At the State Library

A few photos from the Melbourne rally and march which preceded a community festival in support of African communities in Australia - see Speakers at the State Library included representatives of the African communities - who also provided the music - as well as Greens candidate Adam Bandt and Western Suburbs Open Family youth worker Les Twentyman …

Here is the text of the callout:

November 17 - Big Day Out Against Racism

The Western suburbs Community Festival in support of African communities in Australia has joined forces with the March for Multiculturalism.

Both events will now happen on Saturday November 17.

The MARCH will start at 1pm at the State Library and participants will then invited to attend the Festival in Footscray, starting 4pm.

Festival performers include: The Conch, Ajak Kwai, Busted Onions, The Brothahood, Lorazi Red, Valanga Khoza, King Marong & more.

The two events will be a combined show of support for the African-Australian community.

Come and celebrate our multiculturalism and support the African-Australian community!

We reject the Federal Government’s attempt to isolate and marginalise the African community in Australia, and its targeting of the Sudanese community in particular.

We welcome African migrants and refugees and celebrate their valuable contributions to our community. Come and celebrate our multiculturalism and support the African-Australian community!

Together we can stand in solidarity and friendship.

Organisers of the March for Multiculturalism
Organisers of the Racism No Community Festival

One of African community speakers

Les Twentyman

On the march

More Greens on the march

Refugee Action Collective

Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group and others