Blogs about: Protest

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The Campaign Against Drones, Creech Air Force Base, Nevada

wandering raven wrote 38 minutes ago: This article on drones by Kathy Kelly and Brian Terrell talks about their vigil outside a drone base … more →

Tags: Drones, Assassination by drone, uav, Suffield, united states


Ameya wrote 3 hours ago: world is falling apart,ripped from within by hate,there is despair everywhere,no tears left anymore … more →

Resisting With A Mall Pillow Fight Waged To Aid The RNC 8

deaconstruck wrote 4 hours ago: At least The Flagstaff police seem to have been pretty laid back about it. At 3 p.m. on March 28, 40 … more →

Tags: activism, democracy, draconian legislation, First Amendment, Government Waste, Police Action, Police State, Republican, Republican Hacks

The Establishment

Alex Peak wrote 5 hours ago: We’re Living in the Future and We’re Living in the Past. These are the dark Ages where M … more →

Tags: Art, History, Literature, Poetry, libertarian poetry

Mass protest in Rome over financial crisis

truth11 wrote 6 hours ago: AFP Sunday, April 5, 2009 Several hundred thousand workers, pensioners, immigrants and students fil … more →

Tags: Government, Economics, Economy, 2. All Articles And Quotes, Protests, Protesting, Rome, financial crisis

Students use "Wall of Shame" to fight discrimination [Video]

allpositivenews wrote 8 hours ago: I love the idea these students had and the story that came from it. When it comes to negative stere … more →

Tags: Art, Inspirational, School, Youth, Students, College, Student, racism, stereotype

The Weekend in NYC Activism in Pictures

keepleftnyc wrote 8 hours ago: Check out the Pope Condom by the International Women’s Health Coaltition.  Speaking of religio … more →

Tags: Events, Reverend Billy, Marriage Equality New York, Gay Marriage, union square park, Green Party, Bail Out The People, Civil Rights Front, Wall Street

G20 Death: Police Story in Tatters

sytaffel wrote 10 hours ago: This from the Guardian The man … more →

Tags: climate change, Media-activism, activism, media, Violence, G20, climate camp, Ian Tomlinson, Guardian

California Tea Parties -- plus a note on Waffles from San Fran ...

vbonnaire wrote 11 hours ago: The Tea Party movement is BIG out here.  Really BIG, just like our state.  A google search for tea p … more →

Tags: American values, Americans, California Politics, dems for mccain, Election 2008, Feminism, Feminist Politics, Green Democrats for McCain, Green Politics

Some niche photojournalism (not by me)

jeffarmstrong wrote 14 hours ago: Photographers:JAMES PEARSON-HOWES AKA QUEENIE & JAMIE TEATE OK, so it’s not mine but if I … more →

Tags: ramblings, Photography, London, G20, Blog, Marxism, Socialism, anarchist, Philosophy

Police 'assaulted' bystander who died during G20 protests

Junius wrote 14 hours ago: Police ‘assaulted’ bystander who died during G20 protests The man who died during last … more →

Tags: police, activism, death, Riot, anarchism, recession, Anti-Capitalism, G20

Anti-NATO protests in Strasbourg

changingsociety wrote 15 hours ago: There are organized and escalating protests taking place against the NATO summit in Strasbourg this … more →

Tags: Uncategorized

G-20 protests - City workers prove there's still little regret1 comment

postmodernpr wrote 18 hours ago: One thing I keep hearing in relation to the banking crisis is the mantra “banks must build tru … more →

Tags: Publishing, Politics, Reputation, Financial, G-20, rbs, city, bankers

G20 Protests: Perspectives on Police Tactics, Part 3 - Dispassionate Mechanism

Alderson Warm-Fork wrote 19 hours ago: The two perspectives considered in the last couple of posts were both very person-oriented: they tre … more →

Tags: Philosophy of Protest, police, G20, kettling

Intolerance goes International 2 comments

peterratna wrote 21 hours ago: Sinhalese are more equal, even in Melbourne Video: Dared to dissent On Saturday April 4th, Di … more →

Tags: Tamil, Sri Lanka, Tamileelam, Sinhala, Melbourne, Violence

Killed by the Metropolitan Police?

cosmodaddy wrote 22 hours ago: I wrote the other day about the man who died during the G20 protests. It was known he had not been p … more →

Tags: Politics, Human Rights, Civil Liberties, Police State, metropolitan police, police, ipcc, Independent Police Complaints Commission, police brutality

The Australian Media: how full of crap are they?

fear2love wrote 22 hours ago: Who Started It? I have completed several articles lately around the G20 summit protests in London … more →

Tags: Politics, Freedom, Global Government, Government, Repression, fear2love, Fear, Love, G20

Protesters Get a Facefull...of Teargas!

DysfunctionalParrot wrote 1 day ago: Protesters attacked police and set a hotel and a customs station ablaze Saturday near a bridge linki … more →

Tags: Politics, obama, News, G-20, NATO, World

Ged Murray at Strangeways

petebrook wrote 1 day ago: © 2009 Ged Murray To append my last post about iconic photographs of rooftop inmates during the Stra … more →

Tags: press, Documentary, Prison, Photographers, Riot, Photography, Strangeways, manchester, GED

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