

A New Way Forward: Protesting the Banking Bailouts

Zurich: Sans-Papiers protest for Identity Papers

On Tuesday, 7 April 2009, more than 100 undocumented migrants and supporters marched from the refugee café "Refugees Welcome" to the Department of Social Affairs and the Department of Migration of the Canton of Zurich. They demanded valid identity papers and protested against their identity cards being taken away.

Eat Squirrel

I've warned you Herbivore, if you keep taking out the main page and denying everybody elses free speech I'll shoot down Bambi, gut him out and eat him and post the video here. Maybe I can send the liver to you? You enter the information right when you post a video here or delete it. I've said please before.



3:45 min. ~ Download

Debating Zionism and Gaza, fascism or self-defense

Debate on Gaza, Zionism and The State of Israel with Lenni Brenner and Shannon Taylor moderated by Paul DeRienzo and Joan Moossy.

Rhizome Collective Sounds International Call

7 min. ~ Download

Zurich: Right to Stay Now! (1)

On 19 December 2008, approximately 150 undocumented migrants and solidarity activists occupied the Prediger Church in Zurich (Switzerland) for more than two weeks. The squatters demanded a just implementation of the hardship provision, the abolition of the prohibition of work and the legalization of the status of all undocumented migrants.

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