Action Alerts: Take Action!

LET GAZA LIVE! Stop the U.S./Israeli War
Against the Palestinian People

The Work Begins November 5th

What does democracy look like? Even if your candidate wins the election, who do you think’s gonna be rolling up their sleeves the day after? The petro-chemical industry? Probably. How about the pharmaceudical corporations? Insurance companies. Wall Street, you know Wall Street will be there. All these people looking to do business, no matter who wins on November 4th. What about you? Ready to do some heavy lifting?

The Work Begin November 5th to Strengthen Independent Media

Without strong, independent media, we can’t keep an eye on what people in power are doing. Regardless of who wins November 4th. If we’re not informed, we can’t hold them accountable. Here’s a few things you can do, starting November 5th.

The Work Begins November 5th to Stop global warming Now!

It's going to take people, a lot of us, to force politicians to act in our interests. Vote? That’s just the beginning. Presidents don’t make change, people make change. No matter who wins on November 4th. Here are just a few groups that are going to need your help starting November 5th.

The Work Begins November 5th to Bring Our Troops Back Home!

Presidents don’t make change, people make change. Ending slavery, civil rights, the 40 hour work week, stopping the war in Viet Nam. People, lots of them, made that happen. Vote? Absolutely. But no matter who wins on November 4th, don’t be fooled. That’s just the beginning. Here’s what you can do, starting November 5th.

Join the struggle against corporate globalization

Learn more about Corporate malfeasance and join the campaigns organized by CorpWatch. CorpWatch investigates and exposes corporate violations of human rights, environmental crimes, fraud and corruption around the world.

Bloodletting: Life, Death, and HealthCare

Join the Fight for Universal Health Care.

Abolish the Death Penalty

The death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights.

Help NARAL protect the reproductive rights of women.

The majority of Americans believe in freedom and personal responsibility. We believe that women have the intelligence and thoughtfulness to make their own decisions about their reproductive health. And we believe that politicians should not interfere in our personal lives.

Do Something About Poverty

ACORN is a social justice organization working to win a living wage for everyone. You can help. Click here
for links to current campaigns and actions. Or contact ACORN’s Living Wage Resource Center directly at 718-246-7900 x230

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