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Netvibes has opened its platform to allow publishers and developers to benefit from our technology. Netvibes Universal Widget API (UWA) is a free and elegant widget framework that uses XHTML for structure, CSS for styling and JavaScript/Ajax for behavioral/DOM control ; it can also use iframes and plugins such as Flash. UWA supports all major widget platforms, including Netvibes, iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, iPhone and more.

5 reasons why you should use the Universal Widget API:

  • Quick. Simple. Get started in minutes!
  • Write once, run everywhere. UWA widgets are compatible with all major widget platforms (iGoogle, Windows Vista, Apple Dashboard,, iPhone, Opera, blogs, MySpace, etc.).
  • 100% compliant. Open web standards, utilizing XHTML/XML, JavaScript/Ajax, CSS.
  • Elegant. CSS templates and JavaScript controls that quickly generate beautiful widgets.
  • Adaptive. netvibes platform will support a wide number of technologies.


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News. Media kits. Press releases.