A New SSL Certificate has been installed

Seeing messages about a changed ssl certificate on https://mail.resist.ca or when you download your mail? Don't be worried, we finally got a new certificate installed to replace the expired one.

News by Mostlywater.org

The Daniel Topey Trial

Palais de Justice MontrealPalais de Justice Montreal

The case of Daniel Topey is complex and has so far escaped much reporting, especially in English. The incident in question took place on the 27th of April, 2007. The incident being an armed pursuit of Topey by the Montreal police in the neighborhood of Notre-Dame de Grace.

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Condi, Clinton, Bush: 3 War Criminals in 1 Week - Urgent Action!

Just as preparations are underway to 'welcome' Condoleeza Rice for a $500 a plate dinner at the University of Calgary comes word that former US presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush will be at Toronto's Metro Convention Center May 29!

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Media Coverage of Haiti's Sham Elections

Media support for sham Haitian elections.

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The Art of Perverting Justice, and of Racism by White Australia: Documentary Final Cut

How the Australian judiciary and the Australian High Court conspire to pervert justice, dispense with the rule of law, and use the police to harass and victimise Australians.

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U.S. Expansion of Afghan Occupation, the Uses of NATO, and What Obama Should Do in Israel-Palestine

By Noam Chomsky - April 04, 2009

"...[T]he first question to ask about NATO is why it exists. We're now approaching the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, unification of Germany, first steps in the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now, the alleged reason for NATO's existence was to protect the West against a Russian assault. You can believe what you like about the reason, but that was the reason. By 1989, that reason was gone. So, why is there NATO?"

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Non-Violence in Palestine

By RAMZY BAROUD - April 17-20, 2009

In recent history, many advocates of non-violence have been celebrated as modern day icons. From Ghandi to King...[h]olidays are instituted in their honor and around the world...Why is it that the ?establishment? goes to such great lengths to lift up these individuals? Where are the holidays commemorating the life and sacrifices of Malcolm X, where are the stories of Crazy Horse or Geronimo?...When the ?establishment? celebrates individuals for their non-violence, could that be another way of recognizing them for making just enough commotion, but not too much commotion?

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The roundcube webmail application is back

For those who love it, we have enabled the roundcube webmail application again:


Now with fewer broken parts!! shell.resist.ca and Sympa are running again!

Well it's been a crazy few days and we are far from confident but are hopeful that the new hardware and clean configuration will keep our services running. In the meantime expect some strange looking changes and difference between the system you will see today and what you saw yesterday.

We still have lots of details to configure but for now all our core email services should be functional. Please be patient with problems you encounter and give a us a little while to get things back up to speed.

Let's hope our problems are resolved!

Having Trouble Connecting To Your Mail?

For webmail (https://mail.resist.ca), POP FAQ on riseup.net.">POP and IMAP FAQ on riseup.net.">IMAP (with thunderbird, OSXMail, outlook etc.) be sure you are using your complete email address (username@resist.ca) as your username? If you are and still can't connect please contact us and be sure to provide an alternate email address that we can contact you to reset your password.

shell.resist.ca users

shell.resist.ca is now a separate server, with a separate password. Your shell login uses the old username format NOT YOUR COMPLETE EMAIL ADDRESS. Once you login to shell.resist.ca you will then use your mail password to connect to the mail.resist.ca and read your email. Mail passwords are now complete email addresses (user@resist.ca).

If you reset your password via mail.resist.ca (our webmail) this will only change the password for your mail, your shell.resist.ca password is changed by logging in and typing:


at the prompt and then provide the information requested.

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