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Seeding Cloud Computing: A Conversation With Java Champion Alan Williamson March 19, 2009
Seeding Cloud Computing: A Conversation With Java Champion Alan Williamson
Alan Williamson, the UK's first Java Champion, discusses the challenges of and misconceptions about cloud computing.
Consuming RESTful Web Services With the Jersey Client API March 17, 2009
Consuming RESTful Web Services With the Jersey Client API
Learn how to use the Jersey 1.0.2 Client API to consume HTTP-based RESTful Web Services. The Jersey 1.0.2 client API is an easy-to-use, high level, Java technology API that can help you write clients for any HTTP-based RESTful web service.
March 12, 2009
Meet Sun Software Engineering Manager Masood Mortazavi, Part 2: Java DB, Project Models, and More
Sun software engineering manager Masood Mortazavi discusses the strengths of Java DB, the importance of project management models, and more.

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Education. Innovation. Exchange. Education. Innovation. Exchange.
View the full webcast from CommunityOne East as experts discuss OpenSolaris, GlassFish, NetBeans, Java, Dtrace, Storage, MySQL, cloud computing and more.
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Leveraging Identity with GlassFish and MySQL Leveraging Identity with GlassFish and MySQL
This paper describes what identity management is, how to install and configure Sun Identity Manager using GlassFish and MySQL, and compares the TCO for this solution to other vendors' offerings.
Get the Java SE 6 Update 12 Now!
Highlights include the highly anticipated 64-bit Java Plug-In (for 64-bit browsers only), Windows Server 2008 support, and performance improvements of Java and JavaFX applications.
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SDN members, sign in to Project Kenai, Sun's destination for developers. Freely host open-source projects and code, and collaborate and connect with peers.
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Developer Videos
15 Minutes or Less: JavaFX

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15 Minutes or Less - JavaFX
Join Sun Microsystems' Robert Eckstein as he teaches you the fundamentals of the new JavaFX programming language, all in fifteen minutes or less!
Edward Ort and Jacob Lehrbaum

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Deep Dive with Ed Ort - JavaFX
SDN Deep Dive host Ed Ort is joined by Jacob Lehrbaum, Senior Product Line Manager for JavaFX Marketing, to discuss the latest developments in the exciting new JavaFX platform.

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From the Blogosphere
From the Blogosphere Tim Bray on the Sun Cloud
Get the back story, the announcement, and the API. Then check out the license, the progress, and the plan.
Nazrul on Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager
GlassFish Enterprise Manager provides improved management and performance visibility features for production GlassFish deployments. Nazrul rounds up demos, information, and FAQs.

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2009 JavaOne Conference, June 2-5, San Francisco **Register Now**
Stay on top of everything new and different, both inside and around Java technology. Register by April 22, 2009, and save $200 off a Conference Pass or Conference Plus Pass. Register now
Java University at the 2009 JavaOne Conference - **May 31 & June 1**
Java University now spans 2 days and covers the hot topics that developers are asking for including SOA, GlassFish, Web 2.0, Web Services and more. This year, we'll have discounted Sun certification testing on site. Learn More & Register
2009 MySQL Conference & Expo - April 20-23
Harness the power of MySQL and celebrate the huge MySQL ecosystem.
Nominate Innovations for Duke's Choice Award
Got a hot new Java technology-based product? Nominate yours for a Duke's Choice award by March 27.

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Java Learning and Certification
Young Developers New to Java Programming Center - Young Developers
Getting started with Java technology? Check out these tutorials, articles, and other learning tools for young developers.
Certification Retake Promotion Is Back
Purchase any one of our certification exams or packages at regular price and get an extra exam voucher just in case you need it. Special SDN Bonus offer also available.

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