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Oppose the Counter-Terrorism Bill 2008

Main CAMPACC leaflet September 2008

Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, Statewatch and Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC)

A seminar series from June-October 2008 on


Venue: College of Law 14 Store Street, WC1E 7DE 6.30-8.30pm

Demonstration against Counter-Terrorism Bill-12th May 2008

Click here for more images.

SOCPA Front 
Click here for SOCPA Laws & April 2007 Demo.

To no man will we deny or delay justice....
Magna Carta, Article 40, 1215 AD

The 'War on Terror' at Home

The 'War on Terror' promotes a racist culture of suspicion towards migrant and Muslim communities. It generates and manipulates public fears to justify a perpetual state of war. 'Terrorist suspects' are created by several means:Read more Download leaflet

glorification of terror protest
Mark Thomas protests against the "glorification of terror" clause. more


We are all Terror Suspects

Concious Clothing

See What's New

CAMPACC nominated for Human Rights Award 2005
The award is organised by Liberty and JUSTICE, and sponsored by the Law Society, Bar Council and Institute of Legal Executives. They honour the dedication and commitment to human rights shown over the past year. Nominations are invited from the public, and the shortlist and winners are decided by an independent panel of judges. Thanks to all the individuals and organisations who have worked with CAMPACC.


Big Brother
Sometimes Reality is Scarier than Reality TV ...details

A Permanent State of Terror?
Published by CAMPACC in association with Index on Censorship - details

Listen to the Refugee's Story:
How UK Investment Creates Refugees and Asylum Seekers

The Refugee Project launched in Parliament, June 04 - examining links between the creation of refugees and British foreign policy and company activity. See project website

The War on Truth : Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Published by Arris Books

"On the subject 'How and Why America was Attacked on 11 September, 2001,' the best, most balanced report, thus far, is by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed..." — Gore Vidal, in The Observer more


15-12-08 Invisible Barriers: Detention without Trial/Social Housing Policy in the UK Today more
08-12-08 UNJUST POWERS in the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008, CAMPACC leaflet more
26-11-08 Protest against Baloch terror trial on 1 December 2008 more
16-11-08 UNJUST PROPOSALS REMAIN in the Counter-Terrorism Bill: More punishment without trial more
12-11-08 On International Human Rights Day "After 60 years...why human rights?" - Public meeting on 10 December more
26-10-08 26 October 2008 Hackney demo for Kurdish freedom struggle: report from Hevallo more
26-10-08 Prof Bill Bowing: Presentation at Behatokia conference, Bilbao 24-25 October 2008 more
19-10-08 "The 42 day victory hasn't won the war" by Henry Porter, The Observer, 19 October more
13-10-08 Another blow to justice in anti-terror bill, Marcel Berlins, The Guardian more
08-10-08 CAMPACC Press Release: Counter Terrorism Bill at a critical stage in Lords more
08-10-08 New Statewatch Report: 11  Sept 2008 "The Shape of Things to Come" by Tony Bunyan more
28-09-08 Fourth seminar on "TERRORIST LISTS" PROSCRIPTION, DESIGNATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS Tues 21 October, 6.30pm more
22-09-08 Counter-Terrorism Bill 2008: CAMPACC Submission to Lords more
14-09-08 EU implementation of UN Security Council's 'terrorist list' breaches fundamental rights - Statewatch, 3rd September more
06-07-08 Taxi To The Darkside - DVD now available from Revolver Entertainment more
15-06-08 "This is about more than 42 days", CAMPACC Letter in The Guardian, 3 June 2008 more
11-06-08 Terrorism Bill & Vote on 42 Days Detention: Maria and Barbara in action on youtube.
09-06-08 CAMPACC submission to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights concerning Policing and Protest more
05-06-08 University of Nottingham Graduate and Employee Facing Imminent Deportation Without Hearing - 26-05-08. more
04-05-08 Oppose the Counter Terrorism Bill. more
27-04-08 Demo Leaflet-12th May 2008 - Demonstrate against the Counter-Terrorism Bill more
07-04-08 Was it like this for the Irish? - Gareth Peirce - London Review Of Books more
01-04-08 Counter-Terrorism Bill: April Fool's Day in the Commons more
22-03-08 Conference on Tamil rights in Sri Lanka : CAMPACC talk more
20-03-08 Report on Public Meeting, 14-03-08 more
13-03-08 Censorship and Resistance in Kurdistan, the Middle East and Britain more
26-02-08 Public meeting - 14-03-08: 'Creating a Climate of Fear: Counter-Terrorism and Punishment without Trial' more
31-01-08 Campaign for Free Assembly.more
17-01-08 CAMPACC response to the government consultation on 'Managing Protest around Parliament'.more
04-01-08 Paper On Government Consultation SOCPA.more
21-12-07 The injustices faced by those charged with control order breaches are indefensibly brutal, Gareth Peirce. more
20-12-07 Defend Aamer Anwar - Campaign update. more
20-12-07 A shocking welcome - Victoria Brittain. more
13-12-07 How to Catch an MP. more
13-12-07 Help me put Gordon in jail - Mark Thomas. more
11-12-07 Statewatch terrorist list updated. more
20-11-07 National Campaign Against Anti-Terror Powers (NCAAP) urgent actions. more
03-10-07 Press Release : Report Supported by 7/7 Victims Calls for Major Security Reforms. more
03-10-07 Public launch of new report “Inside the Crevice: Islamist terror networks and the 7/7 intelligence failure”, by Nafeez Ahmed . more
14-09-07 Public Meeting at TUC conference, Brighton. more
09-09-07 Civil Liberties and the Anti Terror Laws. Urban Green Fair, Brixton. more
14-07-07 Report: Outlawed: Rendition, torture & disappearances in the ‘war on terror'. (22 June 2007 Event). more Sarah Ludford, MEP, speech is available here.
14-07-07 UPDATED: CAMPACC continues to campaign against the banning of organisations under the Terrorism Act 200. See the Terrorism Lists website set up by Statewatch, CAMPACC and the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers. more
11-07-07 EVENT: Detention without Trial - Lives in Limbo in Britian. In association with CFSOT, CAMPACC and Cage Prisoners. more
07-07-07 URGENT PETITION: NO to Extension of Anti-Terrorism Detention and Stop and Question Powers. more
04-07-07 2000 days of Guantanamo: Launch of Exhibition - ‘Guantanamo: Portraits of injustice’. Public meeting and the Lanuch of first exhibition on Guantanamo in this country. more
25-06-07 CAMPACC meeting 25-Jun-07 @ 7pm at Camden Town Hall, Judd St, WC1. ‘War on Terror': US-led “disappearances”, secret detention and rendition.  Guest speaker, Chloe Davis from Reprieve.
22-06-07 Public meeting & film showing of Outlawed: Rendition, torture & disappearances in the ‘war on terror'. more
06-06-07 FILM LAUNCH: Taking Liberties, directed by Chris Atkins. more
30-05-07 Amnesty International Report: Concerns in Europe and Central Asia: July-December 2006. more
02-05-07 CAMPACC meeting 2nd May 2007 - "Terrorism" Lists versus the Rights to Self-Determination and Democracy. more
20-02-07 Join "Friends of Kongra-Gel" appeal. more
19-02-07 BOOK LAUNCH. Prison Writings by Abdullah Ocalan - The Roots of Civilisation. more
14-02-07 Sri Lanka: Stop the War on Tamils! - Support Tamil Rights! more
25-01-07 Statement from Gareth Peirce on return of Algerian detainees. more
16-01-07 Statement from "terror suspect" Detainee "Y". more
16-01-07 Open letter from "terror suspect" Reda Dendani. more
16-01-07 No trial means justice denied - detention in Britain. more
29-12-06 CAMPACC sends season's greetings to all CAMPACC supporters and friends. more
25-12-06 Watch video of Mark Thomas and Brian Haw speaking at CAMPACC's "Reclaiming our Rights" conference on 2nd Dec 2006. here. Read the text of their speeches here
06-12-06 Gareth Peirce condemns Britain's police state. more
02-12-06 CAMPACC "Reclaiming our Rights" conference has been a success. Read more about the conference.
25-11-06 Insecurity over Queen's speech. more
23-11-06 "Time for Justice: No to the Ban on Kongra Gel". Read report and statements from CAMPACC meeting in parliament on 15-11-06. more
19-11-06 'Terror Suspect' Detainees threatened with deportation. more
07-11-06 Turkey's US backed ‘war on terror’: a cause for concern ? . more
06-11-06 CAMPACC meeting 15th Nov 2006 - "Time for Justice - No to the Ban on Kongra-Gel" . more
07-10-06 March and conference for Migrant's Rights. more
22-09-06 Ex-UK Army Intel Official Says Liquid Explosives Claim 'Fiction'. more
05-09-06 CENSORED: The NY Times "Terror Plot" Expose They Don't Want You to Read. more
30-08-06 Comedian calls for 'mass lone demonstration'. more
30-08-06 Police deal with protest deluge. more
29-08-06 You can now donate to CAMPACC to enable us to continue our work. more
24-08-06 The Truth about the "Terror Plot".... and the new "pseudo-terrorism". more
24-08-06 First "mass lone demo" takes place in parliament square. more
17-08-06 The UK terror plot. What's really going on ? more
14-08-06 Terrorism - Laws and Rights. Sunday Telegraph tries to scare people into ignorance. more
04-08-06 Protest banning of Kurdish political organisation KONGRA_GEL on 9th August 2006. more
02-08-06 Read transcripts of speeches at CAMPACC's meeting in House of Lords re London bombings on 7th July 2005. more
17-07-06 NOTE : This event has been postponed due to a clash with the emergency Lebanon protest. New date to be announced. From Stockwell to Forest Gate - One year on ! Is justice possible in the war on terror ? more
10-07-06 Petition and background information about Algerian 'terror suspect' detainees in Britain. more
03-07-06 CAMPACC public meeting (12-07-06): Before & After 7/7: Interrogating British ‘Security’ Policies more
28-06-06 CAMPACC public meeting: The Algerian `terror suspects’: from acquittal or internment to deportation – and torture ? more
25-06-06 London: police and “terrorists”more
22-06-06 Police allow protest against "glorification of terrorism" clause.more
09-06-06 Police invasion of Forest Gate: ‘anti-terror raid’ or psychological warfare ? more
05-06-06 Report on terror suspects’ treatment buried by ministers. more
12-05-06 CAMPACC statement about 7/7 whitewash report. more
07-05-06 CAMPACC makes contribution via Network Against Repression to ESF Assembly of Social Movements. more
22-04-06 CAMPACC co-organises seminar on "Torture & 'Security' Agencies in the 'War on Terror' ". more
13-04-06 CAMPACC makes submission to the International Commission of Jurists. more
02-04-06 The reality of living under a control order. more
01-04-06 Families speak out on control orders at public meeting in House of Lords on 29th March more
30-03-06 CAMPACC statement re House of Lords vote on 'Glorification of Terrorism' clause in Terrorism bill. more
22-03-06 CAMPACC makes submission to Lord Carlile of Berriew Q.C. re Inquiry into the Statutory Definition of Terrorism. more
23-02-06 Control orders create a ‘domestic prison’ regime. more
08-02-06 CAMPACC benefit event 17th March 2006 featuring comedian Mark Thomas and other artists.
08-02-06 CAMPACC makes submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights re Inquiry into Control Orders. more
02-02-06 Is "Extraordinary Rendition" better known as torture ? more
22-01-06 CAMPACC produces legal commentary on the use of evidence obtained through torture. more
22-01-06 Vigil 22-1-06 at 1pm to mark the 6 month anniversary of the death of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was killed by police at Stockwell tube station on 22nd July 2005. more
20-01-06 National demonstration for the British residents in Guantanamo Bay. more
04-01-06 Letter from "terror suspect" Detainee P (former Belmarsh prisoner). This message is from a disabled detainee recently released from high security prison into the isolation of house arrest. He now lives alone in a flat and is only allowed two hours outside each day (12.00 – 2.00pm) more
01-01-06 Watch video [67M] (© www.kdwyermedia.co.uk 2005) of interview with Saleh Mamon from CAMPACC about the erosion of our right to protest.
01-01-06 CAMPACC makes submission to Joint Committee on Human Rights. more
30-12-05 Read Harold Pinter's Nobel Lecture "Art, Truth & Politics". more
20-12-05 Protesters Demand Justice for Bill Bowring and Democracy for All. more
20-12-05 CAMPACC makes submission to the Foreign Affairs Committee regarding Britain's role in torture abroad. more
15-12-05 Defend democratic and human rights in Russia. Justice for Prof Bill Bowring. Protest at the Russian Embassy. Friday, 16 December 12.30-2pm. more
13-12-05 Families of victims of police shootings launch national on line petition to stop shoot to kill policy . more
13-12-05 CAMPACC shortlisted for Human Rights Awards 2005. This is the second year running that CAMPACC has been nominated for the award. more
11-12-05 CAMPACC makes submission to Home Affairs Committee re Inquiry into Terrorism Detention Powers. more
09-12-05 Protesters turned out in force outside the Special Immigration Appeals Commission in London for the latest bail hearings of individuals that the government is endeavouring to deport to other countries. more
06-12-05 Open letter from Belmarsh. more
02-12-05 Lawyer accuses government of manipulating justice system to ease passage of anti terror law. more
20-11-05 Kurds of London drew attention to UK's policy of Deporting failed asylum seekers to Kurdistan. more
18-11-05 Prof Bill Bowring (Professor of human rights and international law) is deported from Russia. Read letter of protest to Russian ambassador. Read news report from Radio Free Europe. Read news report from Ekho Moskvy radio, Moscow.
12-11-05 Read extract of letter from "Terror Suspect" Detainee I at Full Sutton prison.

End detention without trial
Protect the right to dissent

'I have a horrible feeling that we are sinking into a police state' George Churchill-Coleman, former head of police anti-terrorist squad during 1980s-90s


08-02-06 CAMPACC makes submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights re Inquiry into Control Orders. more

20-12-05 CAMPACC makes submission to the Foreign Affairs Committee regarding Britain's role in torture abroad. more

13-12-05 CAMPACC makes submission to Home Affairs Committee re Inquiry into Terrorism Detention Powers. more

07-10-05 CAMPACC makes submission to Joint Committee on Human Rights re Inquiry into Counter-terrorism policy and human rights. more

03-05 CAMPACC's response to the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 and the control orders. Read.

07-05 Embedded Experts in the 'War on Terror' Read the CAMPACC paper on the partisan role of policy analysts and commentators. Download paper

07-05 We are all 'terror suspects': The 'War on Terror' at home End the policy of 'Shoot to kill' to terrorise'. End the militarisation of the police and of our society.Read more Download leaflet

Detainee P's letter , Jan 06
This message is from a disabled detainee recently released from high security prison into the isolation of house arrest. He now lives alone in a flat and is only allowed two hours outside each day (12.00 – 2.00pm) within his immediate area. Only visitors vetted by the Home Office are allowed. more

Extracts of a letter received from Detainee I, MX8760, Full Sutton, York. YO141PS , Nov 05
' We lost our bail hearing and are waiting on what will happen next month. As far as I am concerned, maybe little. This Government are determined to keep people behind bars for a political purpose. Our situation is degrading day by day. We have not seen the sky for more than 3 months. The cells are very cold.' see more

A Cry for help from Detainee A, MX8754, incarcerated in HMP Full Sutton, York, Sep 05
I must admit you have raised my morale in this confined unit. What has happened to us is very bad. We are now called by the media "preachers of hate". Last month we were called "a risk to national security". Basically, we are scapegoats. see more

A Cry from the Forgotten Detainees of Conscience, Mar 05
...We prisoners, detained against our will, would like to thank every one of you who has helped, by whatever means, to liberate our Brother detainees who were detained without charge or trial. We were emotionally overwhelmed by the huge support around the country from all human beings, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. So thank you very much.

We are prisoners who were wrongly arrested by British government agents to please the sadistic mood of corrupt regimes that want to extradite us. We have been in prison for long periods of time, ranging between 2 and 10 years, without charge or trial. The British government use the fig leaf of "extradition" to cover its shame of our detention.

We were, and still are, subjected to harsh, degrading and humiliating treatment in Belmarsh and other prisons.

Injustice is more than fate. It is man-made and you must expose it.
See full text and more on the control orders

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Campaign Against Criminalising Communities
Website upated by
CAMPACC September 2007