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DOMA Protest, Vet Profile, Gaza Vigil, Colombia Strike


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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Tuesday memorial for beloved Guatemalan activist Jose Ruiz Maya

I want my CITV!Friends, family and comrades of Guatemalan activist and Chicago resident Jose Ruiz Maya will gather on Tuesday night from 6-9PM on Chicago's north side to remember our comrade and help raise funds for his funeral. The event is being held at Casa Guatemala's fair trade store, Maya Essence, at 4357 N. Lincoln Ave. (at Montrose) on Chicago's north side.

For more than 25 years, Jose Maya was a committed participant in local movement work, never failing to lead with his compassion and sense of solidarity for the struggle for economic and social justice. For him, there were no sacred cows, and he informed his work with an abiding kindness — and a relentless refusal to simply stand by in silence, when the crimes of government instead demand that we step up.

Read more about the event. | Read more about Jose and post a remembrance.

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Announcement :: Media

Chicago Independent TV in March: DOMA, Vet Profile, Gaza, Colombia

I want my CITV!The March episode of Chicago Independent Television features a Chicago protest against a law blocking against gay rights, and a Kosovo veteran who entered politics. The episode also includes features of a candlelight vigil to commemorate the recent turmoil in Gaza, and of a recent sugarcane workers' strike in Colombia.

Read more about Episode 45 | CIMC TV Podcast | CIMC Video Page | CITV on YouTube

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News :: Children & Education : Civil & Human Rights

Chicago Public Schools Supporters Rally, Protest, Campout, Save Six Schools

Reading, Writing, Resistance…Efforts from teachers, students, activists, and concerned citizens, have continued in the February struggle to save some 20 schools from phase-out, closure, and consolidation under the city's controversial "Renaissance 2010" plan.

Activist efforts have succeeded in saving six schools from impending closure, but efforts on behalf of the remaining schools have continued unabated. They have included a campout, a public rally and protest, and continuing outreach.

Recent Chicago Indymedia features: Plans To Gut Chicago Public Schools Draws Scores to Protest

Additional Resources: The Caucus of Rank and File Educators | 2009 CPS Hearings | Substance News

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police

Federal Judge Finds Massive Civil Rights Violations At Cook County Jail

Torture… From the newswire: "Federal Judge Matthew F. Kennelly made summary judgment rulings in favor of several hundred thousand former inmates at Cook County Jail in the largest-ever class action suit about strip searches of inmates.

According to one attorney: "The judge's finding shows that the Cook County Jail violated the constitutional rights of inmates approximately half a million times," with rampant unsanitary conditions, intimidation with guard dogs, group strip searches, often without regard to the degree of charges faced. Read more

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News :: Media

From the Trenches for Februrary: About the economy

The February 2009 episode of Chicago Indymedia's monthly radio show "From The Trenches" features two segments about the economy: Kim Bobo, author of Wage Theft in America speaks at the Chicago Public Library and David Schweikart, author of After Capitalism speaks at Third Unitarian Church in Chicago.

Download entire show | Chicago Indymedia's radio page | CIMC / FTT Radio podcast feed

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Gender & Sexuality : Protest Activity

Chicago Freedom To Marry Actions See Hundreds Protest, Seven Arrested

What do we want? Equal rights!From the newswire: "Seven activists with the Gay Liberation Network (GLN) and the Chicago chapter of the Join The Impact [campaign] were arrested today when they refused to leave the Cook County Marriage License Bureau in Chicago after clerks said they would not issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. Meanwhile, about 400 protesters rallied outside the Bureau and then marched to the Bureau's doors.

"While the Chicago protesters saw their action as a way to help sway the California Supreme Court to throw out Proposition 8, local issues played a role as well. Despite having a state government completely dominated by the supposedly gay-friendly Democratic Party, Illinois doesn't even have civil unions, let alone marriage equality. Moreover, like dozens of states, Illinois has its own "Defense of Marriage Act"; yet the state Democratic Party leadership won't even offer a promise to junk the anti-gay legislation."

Read more / See photos | Chicago Indymedia video coverage

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Media : Peace : Protest Activity

Activists Score Big Win Over Right to March in Chicago

Hasta la victoria siempre!From the newswire: "Peace and immigration rights activists won big late Monday in circuit court when they defeated a City of Chicago emergency motion to put on hold a permit victory that the Chicago Anti-war and Immigrant Rights Coalition (CAIRC) had won in a lower court." [Read Dispatch]

City attorneys claimed that the presiding judge misinterpreted the city ordinance, but the tactic backfired. "[T]he whole [hearing] devolved into semantic hairsplitting reminiscent of the immortal Bill Clinton line about how something "depends on what the meaning of 'is' is. But Associate Judge Joseph M. Sconza wasn't having any of it. " [Read analysis]

But the city is likely to continue its cold-shoulder treatment of activists. As one of the attorneys for the activists stated at a press conference: "The reason we prevailed…was because the city violated a technicality of the permit ordinance. There was no political will to issue a permit, and there still is no political will to issue a permit. So this will continue to go on…" [Watch video of press conference]

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Media : Peace : Protest Activity

City Officials (again) Challenge Activist Rights to March on War's Anniversary

Fight for your right to protest!Peace and immigrant rights activists won an unprecedented victory in Chicago's Adminstrative Law Court to secure a permit to hold a parade against the war, scheduled for March 14. However, city officials quickly responded back by filing an emergency motion of appeal with barely a day's notice.

A subsequent hearing in Circuit Court resulted in a stalemate of sorts. From the newswire: "What happened today could best be described as us having dodged a bullet. It was not a victory, but fortunately it was not a defeat either. Even though we had no real lawyer and less than 24 hours to prepare, the City attempted to get the judge to rule today on their emergency motion, and hence completely screw us. They were playing very, very dirty. Fortunately the judge told them, at least for now."

A follow-up hearing is scheduled for Monday, February 9, at 2pm at (Room 1107 of the Daley Center, 50 W. Washington Street), where the presiding judge may hear arguments from attorneys about the merits of this "Emergency Motion". Whether or not activists win the fight over the motion will determine whether or not activists maintain their victory.

Additional Coverage: Chicago vs. anti-war activists, year VII | Video from Press conference - Hearing on Permit for Chicago 6th Anniversary March for Peace (Feb. 3, 2009)

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