Northampton: Sixty Demonstrate Peacefully Against Business Improvement District, Police Arrest Two

Note: If you have any video, photos, or a witness's descriptions of the arrest, please post them here and email them to (the Poverty Is Not a Crime Press Office. Also, one arrestee is looking for an attourney to represent him without fees...if you know of any attourney that may be able to do this please contact us immediately.

Friday at 4:00, sixty people gathered to protest the highly

Rejected proposal to create more jobs

Rejected proposal to create more jobs

The decision of the Legislative Assembly which rejected yesterday, by only one vote, the PCA (Proposal of Constitutional Amendment) that link the granting of tax incentives for companies to maintain and expand the jobs, leave us perplexed, if it did not confirmed the unfortunate commitments of some members of our house of laws

UMass Minuteman Spews Hate, Endangers Students

The Minuteman is a newspaper-like publication distributed by a Registered Student Organization at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst called "the Silent Majority." After going out of print for three years, they are back with a vengeance...literally.

Its front cover features an unflattering picture of hate crime victim Jason Vassell, with the caption "Who is paying for Jason's lawyers? You are." Related articles throughout the paper are flagrantly racist and sexist. A piece called "Jason: Be a Man" claims that if "Jason...were a real man, none of this would have happened."

Jason Vassell's Pre-Trial Hearing: Defense Asks More Evidence, Prosecution Must Prove Case Race-Neutral

On Monday March 2, the Northampton Superior District Court heard the defense of hate crime victim Jason Vassell's motion to ask the prosecution for more evidence. This motion of discovery requests raw data about Univeristy of Massachusetts Police Department racism, as well as the school records of one of Jason's assailants, Jonathan Bowe, whose trial is expected to take place next week in the Belchertown District Court. Jason's defense has demanded this evidence as part of their motion to dismiss all charges against Jason Vassel on the basis of racism, in the police report and prosecution.

PINAC Helps Establish New Free Meal in Northampton

Spearheaded by Poverty Is Not A Crime member David Beyer, PINAC negotiated pickups of surplus food that would be otherwise be thrown away from the Hampshire College dining services, allowing for Manna to provide another free meal to the low-income population of Northampton. Good work!

Resistance Planned in case of Stolen Election

A McCain "Win" Will Be Theft, Resistance Is Planned
By David Swanson

If your television declares John McCain the president elect on the
evening of November 4th, your television will be lying. You should
immediately pick up your pre-packed bags and head straight to the White
House in Washington, D.C., which we will surround and shut down until
this attempt at a third illegitimate presidency is reversed.

A McCain "win" will not be illegitimate because I disagree with his

Planet Diversity and Global Food Disaster

Last week a study commissioned by the United Nations and World Bank reported that 850 million people in the world were not getting enough to eat. (Published by the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)), The UN’s emergency relief coordinator, Sir John Holmes said:

"Eight at the Gate" return to Westover five years into the Bush regime's illegal & immoral occupation of Iraq

[Five years into the bush regime's illegal and immoral invasion and occupation of iraq; 4,000 dead u.s. soldiers and countless iraqi deaths later, the "8 at the Gate" affinity group returned to Westover AFB early this morning. Here's the springfield republican version of this morning's action at westover. it was, of course, pouring rain. the gate was closed immediately upon their arrival and remained so for perhaps two hours. jean, francis, paqui, et. al. had banners saying "Stop This!"; "Illegal occupation of Iraq"; and another i couldn't read.

End UMass Amherst Primate Testing

by Hampshire Animal Liberation Advocasy
Email: endtestingnow (nospam)
08 Feb 2008

Professor Melinda Novak (UMass Amherst Psychology Department Chair) is currently well into a 14-year research project investigating Self-Injurious Behavior (SIB) in primates. To do so, she is exposing primates to stressful environments which result in primates committing acts of self mutilation though biting and other such activity.

Greenpeace promotes privatization of commons

Greenpeace is emailing its membership in the service of Cape Wind, a for-profit company seeking to erect a massive industrial wind plant in the public waters of Nantucket Sound off the Massachusetts coast. The message asks supporters to notify the Bush regime-headed Minerals Management Service of their support for Cape Wind during the present public comment period.

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