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Protest Against Nestle Killing Workers

Today Around 20 people protested loudly inside and outside Nestle New Zealands head office in downtown Auckland, not far from Parnell. The protest originally meant to occur in Newmarket took place down town in Nestle's brand new offices. Around 15 protesters went inside the offices and attempted to meet with management to express our anger at the murder of union leaders and members in the Phillipines and to show our solidarity with the 600 Filipino workers which have been on strike for seven years. The protest was organised by Auckland Philippines Solidarity (APS).
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Create Resistance: Call out to artists

Contribute to the struggle for freedom. Artworks wanted for exhibition and auction in support of the 'Urewera 18'. The October 15th Solidarity crew in Wellington is organising an art exhibition and auction because believe in the power of art as a voice of dissent. Art is a tool for advancing social justice. It is at the core of a revolutionary strategy and is a source of memory and future ways of knowing. A great injustice occurred in Aotearoa when the state invaded homes and lives with its so-called “terrorist raids” of October 15th 2007.
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International Womens Day - M8 09

International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed since in the early 1900's, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. [IWD Website] Annually on 8 March, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all around the world ranging from political rallies, business conferences, government activities and networking events through to local women's craft markets, theatric performances,
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Justice for Palestine presents VIVA PALESTINA!

VIVA PALESTINA! Learn more about the situation in Palestine and Gaza. WEA (59 Gloucester St, Christchurch) Saturday 7th March. 2pm onwards. Learn more about the situation in Palestine and Gaza. Gold Coin Donation. Workshops,Speakers,Films Afternoon Tea and a shared Halal dinner. Bring a plate of Halal or vegetarian food to share if u wish. All Welcome!
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Uranium Industry is not a cure to Aboriginal Poverty

From the newswire: FEBRUARY 26, 2009. The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) has dismissed claims by the Australian Uranium Association (AUA) that uranium mining is the solution to systemic Aboriginal disadvantage. The uranium industry's attempt to promote itself as a cure to Aboriginal poverty is in direct conflict to the reality of the Aboriginal experience. Extensive research has shown that mining agreements have not improved life for Aboriginal people - uranium mines mean more problems. The main lasting effect of uranium mining for Aboriginal people is radioactive waste on their
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Langkah Mundur Bagi Universitas Indonesia

Menyikapi Larangan Konser Tribute to Munir

Larangan konser musik kemanusiaan Tribute to Munir di kampus Universitas Indonesia (UI) merupakan sebuah kemunduran bagi UI. Kampus ini merupakan representasi Indonesia di mata dunia dan selama ini menjadi salah satu ujung tombak perubahan. UI merupakan lembaga yang aktif menggerakkan dan mempelopori proses reformasi. Alasan pelarangan tidak jelas dan cenderung mengada-ada. Nama UI akan dicatat dalam sejarah sebagai kampus di era reformasi yang pernah melarang konser musik kemanusiaan.

Demikian antara lain yang disampaikan dalam konferensi pers di Kedai
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FEB 10, 2009 - From the newswire: NICOLA PARIS - REPORT FROM ANTARCTICA - "South of 70 degrees. Where there is no god. If that's your thing... "...Its 140am on the 5th of February and I can't sleep. I am looking out the porthole at a muted grey sea scape, in a state of constant twilight. Yesterday morning I was woken up at 5am by someone letting me know that two of the whaling fleets harpoon ships were suddenly flanking us as we were pacing with the Nisshin Maru - the whaling fleets factory processing ship. We had a long running battle the day beforehand and everyone was catching up on sleep.
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War in Gaza

Palestine Bleeds; the World Shudders

A comprehensive view of censored and under-reported realities from the battle zone, front lines and the global scene

In this report:
- Israeli navy attacks humanitarian aid ship from Cyprus to Gaza; ship rammed and fired upon.
- Overview of the global protests against the Israeli attacks on Palestine.
- Summary of the military situation, including views of the Resistance and civil society.
- Gaza has run out of medicines; How you can help with humanitarian aid.
- Legal and Diplomatic developments.

As hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe are
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10 Tahun Tragedi Semanggi I

Sebuah perjuangan melawan lupa

13 November 2008. Puncak rangkaian peringatan 10 tahun Tragedi Semanggi I dilangsungkan hari ini, berpusat di Kampus Universitas Atma Jaya. Hari ini bertepatan dengan peristiwa Tragedi Semanggi, 13 November 1998, peristiwa penembakan secara brutal dan membabi buta oleh aparat TNI dan Polri terhadap massa demonstran, yang menewaskan 17 masyarakat sipil termasuk mahasiswa dan pelajar saat aksi menentang Sidang Istimewa MPR.

Rangkaian acara hari ini diawali dengan berziarah ke makam Sigit Prasetyo (mahasiswa UPI/YAI) di TPU Tanah Kusir. Pada pukul 10.00 acara di
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The Life and Times of Melbourne Indymedia

The Melbourne Indymedia collective met in February after a long hiatus to discuss its future. We decided that we did not have the energy required to continue the project and that therefore the collective had come to an end.

We are however keen to help others take up the challenge of producing an activist based, participatory news site, whether that be a Melbourne Indymedia, an Australia Indymedia or something all together new. We feel such a space is very much needed.

Several Melbourne Indymedia members expressed interest in mentoring such a project. If this interests you please contact us
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Melbourne Indymedia Suspends Publishing

Open publishing has been suspended on Melbourne Indymedia as numbers in our editorial collective are insufficient to manage the site effectively and responsibly. We realise that MIM has played a vital role in reporting activist news from Melbourne, around Australia and internationally. To this end the present collective will be assessing options for how best to provide an activist news service in the future. If you wish to get involved, please contact us, or subscribe to our mailing list.
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Indigenous Elder wins Environment Award

The Australian Conservation Foundation's (ACF) Peter Rawlinson Award was given to 'Uncle' Kevin Buzzacott, an Arabunna elder, on World Environment Day in 2007 for two decades of work highlighting the impacts of uranium mining and promoting a nuclear free Australia. Uncle Kev has been a tireless campaigner for indigenous rights including reclaiming the kangaroo and emu sacred totems from the Coat of Arms from Parliament House in Canberra and accusing the Federal Government of genocide. [Full Story]
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A Spate of Spam

In recent times, we have had to go offline because of a flood of spam.
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Full Circle: The Philippines and the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal

After Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia, the Philippines will only be the third country in history to be the subject of a session twice by the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT).
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So Young, So Committed, and So Much in Danger

Even as young lawyers, they have witnessed injustices being committed as they chose to defend the oppressed. And because they persist in handling "controversial" cases, Jobert Pahilga and Noel Neri have earned the ire of some of the country's most powerful landlords and capitalists, as well as state security forces, and have become victims themselves of political retribution. BY DABET CASTAÑEDA
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