
Joe Gregorio's writings (archives), projects and status updates.

Intro to REST Slides

I've posted my slides (odp) (pdf) for the Intro to REST YouTube video. Also available off my projects page.

Update: In OpenOffice be sure to view the slides from 'notes' tab, and in the PDF version the slides are repeated twice, the second time with the notes visible.

Bloomnames on BitBucket

I've cleaned up the tests and pushed bloomnames onto BitBucket.

BestBuy and Giftag

Giftag is a cool application put together by BestBuy using Google App Engine. On the Giftag blog the developers posted a great video interview on their impressions of App Engine and what it was like to develop on it.

Disclaimer: Only slightly ego driven blogging as they called me out by name ;)

PyCon 2009

I will be at PyCon this year (my first, w00t!) and will be doing two sessions. The first is a tutorial, "Introduction to Google App Engine", and the second is my talk "The (lack of) design patterns in Python". If you've got specific things you'd like to see covered in the tutorial let me know in the comments or via email. And hopefully I'll see you there.

Paging and Sharding Articles

I've got two new articles up the App Engine site, one on Paging, and the other on Sharding Counters. The Sharding Counters article is fun because it highlights some of counter-intuitive solutions you apply when working with the kind of datastore that App Engine supplies.

Dopplr Annual Report for 2008

My Dopplr Annual Report for 2008 is available. Highlights include my CO2 consumption (0.6 Hummers) and my speed (about that of a duck).