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Owl Attacks - Maine Skiers Warned

Hand picked by Kori on March 10th, 2009

The people of Maine are being told to watch their backs — or more accurately, their heads. Seems as if some cheeky owls have decided to turn of their wisdom switch and are trying to figure how many nicks does it take to get to the center of a skiing human. Ba-dum-ching!

Thanks for the “heads up,” BrettFavre.

For sale: The house that Michael Vick built

Hand picked by Kori on March 6th, 2009

Michael Vick’s not-so-humble abode actually sounds like quite the rad pad. And the added bonus: No scary revenge-seeking doggy ghosts in your presence as Vick’s infamous dog fighting operation took place on his property in Virginia.

Interesting submission, billhartzer!

The 10 Most Parent-Aggravating Toys of the 1980s

Hand picked by Kori on March 5th, 2009

I’m a child of the 1980s (1984 to be exact) therefore I’m very familiar with many of these toys. Especially Cabbage Patch Kids.

Little did I know, apparently my parents were fighting other parents at the toy store to get me those damn baby dolls. So, thanks Mom and Dad, for being Olympian-level toy-brawlers. Oh, and Grandma for taking me to Babyland General Hospital, to see real live births of Cabbage Patch Kids. (Yes, it really exists and yes, I really went there.)

Awesome submission, SilentJay74.

Grandma Runs Over Purse Snatcher with Car

Hand picked by Kori on March 4th, 2009

People tend to underestimate the elderly. Well, they shouldn’t. Especially when they are at the reigns of some heavy machinery, more commonly known as a car.

Val Renfro really showed some tenacity when she didn’t let her purse-snatcher get away and instead chased him down with her car.

Great find, billhartzer!

Australian Madoff smashable doll ‘a smash’

Hand picked by Kori on February 24th, 2009

Take out your anger over the crappy economy (and every other single financially-corrupt story that you can’t stand to hear about anymore) on the Bernie Madoff smashable doll.

Great find, s_lockyer.

Baby Born In Bay Area With 12 Functioning Fingers, 12 Toes

Hand picked by Kori on February 19th, 2009

Is the human race evolving? First, people are born without wisdom teeth and now they have extra fingers and toes — functioning, no less!

What’s next? Wings? (Ooo, that would be fun!)

Great submission, calinazaret!

Russian, U.S. satellites collide in space

Hand picked by Kori on February 12th, 2009

Hey, Valentine’s Day is coming up and the satellites were lonely. You can’t blame them for wanting to be together.

Thanks, CNNReader. You never fail us.

Punxsutawney Phil sees shadow, winter to continue

Hand picked by Kori on February 2nd, 2009

Ya know, Punxsutawney Phil, you make it really hard to like you. Another 6 weeks of winter? Well, we’ll be sure to bundle up!

Thanks, DarkNemesis618!

Google Maps Car Hits a Deer, Records Entire Ordeal on Google Maps

Hand picked by Doug on January 30th, 2009

I guess “don’t be evil” doesn’t apply to street view. billhartzer found this post about the Google cameras catching a car hitting a deer.

Fewer cookies in the box

Hand picked by Kori on January 29th, 2009

Even the Girl Scouts are feeling the pressure of a struggling economy! This year, the popular Girl Scout cookies Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, and Tagalongs are getting fewer cookies in the box.

As long as they don’t mess with the Somoas, we’re okay with it! Not to mention, these measures certainly can’t hurt American’s problems with their waistlines.

Thanks for the submission, AmyVernon! Now we’ll call up the Girl Scout headquarters complaining about being shorted on our favorite cookies!

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