Mixx Tools

SearchMe Toolbar

Download the Mixx toolbar courtesy of our partners over at Searchme. This feature allows you to Search in your browser, directly add any web page to Mixx and scan and access latest Mixx stories, photos and videos.



The Mixx bookmarklet makes it easy to submit your favorite stories, pictures, and videos. Follow these simple instructions:


Drag this link: Add to Mixx! up to your Bookmarks Toolbar.

(Using Internet Explorer? Right-click on the link and choose "Add to Favorites." Click OK if you receive a security alert—don't worry, the link is safe! Add the new favorite to your Links folder and you're all set!)

RSS Feeds

Mixx allows you to subscribe to your favorite Mixx content using RSS. Just click the RSS symbol to quickly add the feed to your favorite reader.

  • RSSPopular – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxPopular
  • RSSNews – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxNews
  • RSSBusiness – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxBusiness
  • RSSEntertainment – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxEntertainment
  • RSSSports – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxSports
  • RSSInterests – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxInterests
  • RSSHealth – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxHealth
  • RSSTech – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxScienceTech
  • RSSScience – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxSciences
  • RSSFun – http://feeds.mixx.com/MixxFun