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100 Creative, Painless Ways to Downsize Your Life After a Layoff view story

138 votes — You will be pleased to discover how much you can do for so little money without having to live like a monk. The following tips and suggestions provide plenty of opportunities for you to take advantage of a chance for finding fulfillment after a layoff.

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Comments (8)

  1. great article! tons and tons of good tips.

    • (0 Kudos received)
  2. These are fantastic ideas. Good ideas on trimming the budget. Several I will be using as well. Really good article. Recommend everyone read it!

    • (0 Kudos received)
  3. Nice article with some really good tips, whether or not one loses their job! Thanks

    • (0 Kudos received)
  4. My problem with this article is that everything works in theory , When it comes to practical use not many of these things don’t work. I know I have tried most of them. I was laid off in December and the most important thing is your attitude, keep it as positive as possible. Clip coupons, stay in contact with friends and work associates. Find someone you can talk to about what you are feeling, because your confidence will falter. But then what do I know?

    • (1 Kudos received)
  5. OMG! ideas and tips lol!

    • (0 Kudos received)
  6. they are too much, but very constructive.. thanks

    • (0 Kudos received)
  7. Great Great Article !!

    • (0 Kudos received)
  8. Great post

    • (0 Kudos received)

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206976_24 neelkantha submitted this on March 5, 2009.