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Asus launches ultra-thin Eee PC 1008HA Netbook; what Apple Netbook should be view story

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blogs.zdnet.com — Sexiest netbook ever. Asus gets in on the design game and puts out what Apple should have: a slim and sexy netbook.

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Comments (6)

  1. I always thought netbooks were kind of dumb--and still do--but holy crap is that a beautiful machine!

    • (0 Kudos received)
  2. one of my employees recently purchased an Asus laptop...a gamer one with 4GB of RAM!!!!

    it is beautiful!

    • (1 Kudos received)
  3. Good post as we need to look beyond the normal go-to sources. I do wish that Apple would clone Jobs. They need much more executive bench strength.

    • (0 Kudos received)
  4. It's just a shrunk Macbook Air, and we all know how well that thing turned out...

    • (0 Kudos received)
    1. @FRIEDjellyWALNUT Given Asus' reputation for solid chassis designs, I'm hoping this might be a little more robust...

      • (0 Kudos received)
  5. But haven't there been really thin laptops out for like . . . 5 years?

    • (0 Kudos received)

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245967_24 seelowitz submitted this on March 3, 2009.