How to Spend my Blog Earnings?

On what I will spend my earnings from my blogs? This question toke too much time from me thinking about the ideal way to spend my earnings from my blogs. You maybe notice that my personal blog is still new, and need more traffic, this make me think about it, and I got an idea that i think it’s the best to do for new blogs.

I will spend the most of my earnings on developing my blogs and get more targeted traffic by advertising on different advertisements networks. Also I think it’s a great idea to use premium template instead of the free ones that I used before all the time. Now! It’s the time for a Wordpress premium theme.

I have just started by buying a premium template that I am planning to run on all of my blogs. I have purchased ElegantThemes membership. I have paid $19.95 Dollars to get unlimited access for one year, and I think it’s the best themes membership someone can get for this price.

what you get when you purchase ElegantThemes membership?

Each WordPress theme comes expertly coded in valid XHTML and CSS, and all are made compatible with the latest version of WordPress. I make sure that each template performs flawlessly in each of the most widely used browsers to insure maximum functionality. Furthermore, all sidebars are made widget ready for your convenience.

I have used the Basic theme to run on my personal blog, I just made some changes to the side bar by adding some image links to my social networks and google ads, also I have added some other minor changes, and it’s working like a charm.

You also can join ElegantThemes and start using a premium theme that will work better for your goals.

If you have some other interesting premium themes websites plz tell me about it, but it should be in a reasonable price. Maybe you would like also to share your blog if you are running an ElegantThemes on it.

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4 Responses to “How to Spend my Blog Earnings?”

  1. dear Mr. says:

    how are today Mr…

    of this I want to joinningwith you Mr….

    My name is hadie…

    dear Mr.’s last blog post..

  2. Hi Hesham, I joined ElegantThemes a while back and I’m running their themes on a few of my sites including the Extreme Ezine. The themes are top shelf and they also have a nice support forum.

    Brian D. Hawkins’s last blog post..Ten Steps To A Responsive Email List

  3. Hesham says:

    @ dear Mr. - it’s a great idea to join, Thank you for your comment and good luck!

  4. Hesham says:

    @ Brian - Good to hear from you again my friend!

    Thank you for mention the forum support, I checked it before, really nice!

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