Forward without forgetting – 90 years after the German Revolution
By Marie Frederiksen   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
german-revolution-ends-horror-of-war-thumb.jpgIn 1918-19 the German workers could have taken power. Had they done so world history would have been very different, as it would have a huge impact on the workers of Europe, thereby breaking the isolation of Soviet Russia and thus stopping the Stalinist degeneration. A genuine international federation of socialist republics could have been built. Unfortunately the German Communists committed a series of errors, errors which we must learn from and prepare for the future.
Alan Woods speaks to Cuban students
By Jordi Martorell   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Alan Woods speaks to Cuban studentsOn February 19 and 20, Alan Woods spoke to students at the International School of Cinema and TV (EICTV) in San Antonio de los Baños, the Raul Roa Higher Institute of International Relations, to the national and Havana provincial secretariats of the Federation of University Students (FEU). In all the meetings there was keen interest in the genuine ideas of Marxism, highlighting the fact that among the youth there is a determination to discover the real essence of Marxism and defend the Cuban revolution.
Iran: Two more labour activists flogged!
By Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
iwsn.gifOn Saturday 21 February Abdollah Khani and Ghaleb Hosseini were summoned to the Prosecutor’s Office in Sanandaj (in Iranian Kurdistan). The two labour activists were then arrested so that their sentences could be carried out.
Protest messages against killing of two workers in occupied Mitsubitshi factory in Venezuela
By In Defence of Marxism   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
We have received more messages of protest against the killing of the two workers in the occupied Mitsubitshi factory in Venezuela from Iran, Indonesia and Germany. [Go to latest message]
Alan Woods habla ante estudiantes cubanos
By Jordi Martorell   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Como parte de la participación de la Fundación Federico Engels en la Feria del Libro de La Habana, Alan Woods fue invitado a hablar en varias instituciones y centros de educación superior, además de con la Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios (FEU).
Chile sin ti, Celia Hart
By Ida Garberi - responsable de la página en italiano de Prensa Latina   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
"Este año Celia no ha podido participar físicamente en el acto, pero estuvo presente en nuestros corazones, mientras los asistentes tristes, de pie y algunos con los ojos húmedos estuvimos en silencio durante un minuto, recordándola. "
Adhesión desde la tierra del Che
By Delvy Betancourt y Luis Giménez   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Mensaje del Partido Comunista de los Trabajadores de Argentina-Direción Nacional en memoria de Celia Hart.
Penuhi Tuntutan Buruh MMC! Singkirkan Kekuatan Kontra Revolusi dari Republik Bolivarian Venezuela!
By Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Berikut ini adalah surat solidaritas dari PRP (Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja) untuk kawan-kawan buruh pabrik Mitsubishi di Venezuela yang sedang menduduki pabrik mereka. Pada tanggal 29 Januari, 2 buruh Mitsubishi dibunuh oleh polisi ketika sedang mempertahankan pendudukan pabrik mereka.
Protesta combativa de los estudiantes franceses
By Genevieve Dupont   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Spanish translation of French students in militant protest (February 24, 2009)
Dertig jaar sinds de Iraanse revolutie
By Fred Weston   
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Dutch translation of Thirty years since the Iranian Revolution (February 12, 2009)
Britain: Preparing for a summer of rage
By Fred Weston   
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Britain: Preparing for a summer of rage. Photo by 3arabawy on Flickr.High-ranking British police officers have expressed concern that Britain may be facing an outburst of street protests. The head of the Metropolitan police's public order branch has spoken of the possibility of riots like those that rocked the country in the 1980s, erupting later this year as people who lose their jobs, homes or savings join a wave of violent mass protests. The perspectives of the police come close to those of the Marxists.
Britain: The Ridley Report. How the Tories planned to take on the miners and the working class
By Anthony Healy   
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Britain: The Ridley Report. How the Tories planned to take on the miners and the working class. Photo by nicksarebi on Flickr.Today, almost 25 years since the miners’ strike began, the industry has been decimated, with only a few thousand jobs left. The proud traditions remain and many miners have taken their fighting traditions into the wider labour movement but many of the pit villages are crumbling. The main lesson of the Ridley Plan for the labour movement and the politically active layers of the youth is that a Tory government would be forced to move against the working class, to deal with the crisis that the capitalist system clearly faces.
Ireland: Turn March 30th into a one-day general strike…
By Séamus Loughlin   
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Ireland: Turn March 30th into a one-day general strike… Photo by informatique on Flickr.The ICTU has called for a national strike day on March 30th because the employers in both the public and private sectors are reneging on the national wage agreement. The Irish Trade Union leaders are clearly under enormous pressure and have no doubt also been emboldened by the mood of the workers and the show of force on Saturday.
Iran: Over 70 students arrested after clashes at Amir Kabir University
By Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network   
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Iran: Over 70 students arrested after clashes at Amir Kabir UniversityIranian regime's attempt to re-bury war dead from the Iran-Iraq War in the grounds of the university spark protests from hundreds of students, clashes with the security forces and over 70 arrests.
Iran: Labour activist Taha Azadi tried for "acting against national security"
By Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network   
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
iwsn.gifTaha Azadi, a member of the Steering Committee of the Free Trade Union of Iranian Workers was tried by the Revolutionary Court in Kangan on 15 February. The judge accused him of acting against national security and conducting propaganda against the Islamic system.
The Great Depression
By Michael Roberts   
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
The Great DepressionIt is the working class of the world who will really suffer from the present crisis. Globally, the UN estimates that unemployment will reach 220m this year. Out of a global workforce of about 3 billion, that’s "only" 7%. But this figure leaves out millions of hidden unemployed who just cannot even begin to look for work. And as a percentage of those working in sweat shop and factories around the globe, it is more like 20%.
Ireland: Civil Servants fight: No pension levy! All out on the 26th!
By Seamus Loughlin   
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Ireland: Civil Servants fight: No pension levy! All out on the 26th! Photo by informatique on Flickr.Following on from Saturday mega-demonstration in Dublin, now workers in the public sector have voted massively for strike action, starting with a strike this coming Thursday of the Civil and Public Service Union.
French students in militant protest
By Genevieve Dupont   
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
French students in militant protest. Photo by farfahinne on Flickr.At the end of January French students were out of the classroom and back on the streets. On January 29, students and teaching staff joined in the national strike that had an estimated 2.5 million French workers marching in the major cities to prove to President Sarkozy that his provocative remark in the summer of 2007- ‘These days, when there’s a strike in France, nobody notices,’ was as wrong as it was rash. [This article was originally published on February 9.]
Bologna Process - a password for privatisation
By Joe Boustead   
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Bologna Process - a password for privatisationCoupled to the Bologna Process has been the privatisation of education and all that this entails. So now not only are students faced with the fact that they will have to work harder and longer hours for a shorter period of time, that the costs of their education will also increase, but also that their courses may end up being influenced by some company who’s only real interest in to create profit out of the process.
Iran: Mohsen Hakimi free!
By Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network   
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
iwsn.gifMohsen Hakimi was freed on Wednesday 18 February. Since his arrest on 22 December 2008 Hakimi has been held in block 209 of Evin Prison, where he was held in solitary confinement and subjected to physical and psychological abuse.
Dublin: 200,000 march against the crisis
By Séamus Loughlin   
Monday, 23 February 2009
Dublin: 200,000 march against the crisis (Photo by infomatique on flickr)On Saturday a huge demonstration of 200,000 marched through the streets of Dublin, protesting over unemployment and job cuts. The development of the past period has enormously strengthened the Irish working class and now in the face of crisis it is flexing its muscles.
Ireland – bosses try to punish low paid for the crisis
By Ewan Gibbs   
Monday, 23 February 2009
lost_celtic_tiger_small.jpg As the capitalist crisis continues to ravage the once mighty ‘celtic tiger’ the Irish government has stumbled across a sure fire method to stimulate economic growth and raise living standards; cut the wages of the lowest paid workers!
Havana International Book Fair 2009 – Homage to Celia Hart
By Jordi Martorell   
Monday, 23 February 2009
Havana International Book Fair 2009 – Homage to Celia HartAt 3.30pm on Saturday, February 21, more than 50 people gathered at the F. Engels Foundation stand at the Havana Book Fair to participate in a brief but moving homage to Celia Hart. The tragic death of comrade Celia Hart and her brother Abel, in a car accident last September was a great shock to her many friends and comrades all over the world.
Iran: Two female labour activists flogged!
By Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network   
Monday, 23 February 2009
iwsn.gifAccording to the Co-ordination Committee for the Creation of Labour Organisations on Wednesday 18 February 2009 Shiva Kheyrabadi and Susan Razani, two female labour activists, were flogged. The flogging of Ms Kheyrabadi and Ms Razani exposes the Iranian regime and shows the whole world its true colours.
Nigerian workers begin struggle for a living wage
By Ola Kazeem in Lagos   
Friday, 20 February 2009
100_naira-thumb.jpgMost Nigerian workers earn miserably low wages. The present minimum wage is set at 5,200 Naira (US$36) per month. The workers have now raised the demand for a 52,000 Naira (US$360) minimum wage, still low compared to international standards, and yet the Nigerian elite complain that this will damage the economy!
Nigeria: Police brutality ‑ Symptom Of Capitalist Decay
By Iyabo Aje in Lagos   
Friday, 20 February 2009
Scenes of innocent people being killed at the hands of the police are becoming ever more common in Nigeria. Here a Nigerian Marxist links this phenomenon to the ever deeper senile decay of capitalism.
Pakistan: Unilever dismissed workers protest in Rahim Yar Khan
By Action Committee Dismissed Workers Unilever Rahim Yar Khan   
Friday, 20 February 2009
Pakistan: Unilever dismissed workers protest in Rahim Yar KhanThis article by the Action Committee of the Dismissed Workers at Unilever in Pakistan, written by its President Muhammad Azeem and Secretary General Jehanzaib Khan), gives an account of the ongoing protests to get the sacked workers reinstated.
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