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There is some controversey over whether the picture leaked of Rihanna's assault is really her. What do you think?

Will more people start looking into entrepreneurial pursuits this year?

Suggested by: TheFranchiseKing

Do you feel discipline should be put back in schools?

Suggested by: webpage

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What do you think about SSI and Medicaid?

Suggested by: webpage

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What do you think about the "Earned Income Credit"?

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In the '50s & '60s military enlistees were promised free medical for the rest of their lives if they stayed in 20 years to retirement. Do you feel this promise, although not in writing, should be afforded those military retires?

Suggested by: webpage

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Do you feel congress should have the same retirement and other benefits as other government employees?

Suggested by: webpage

How bad must the economy get before I will vote my Senator or Representative out of office?

Suggested by: webpage

If your son or daughter confessed to being gay, how would you take the news?

Suggested by: capybara

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With the closing of Guantanamo Bay. How do feel about the charges against the suspects in the bombing USS Cole being dropped?

Suggested by: scabe1

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