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Solidarity with Gaza
People stand in solidarity with Gaza. For independent media agencies coverage visit Israel IMC, the Palestine News Network, the International Middle East Media Center, or Tadamon!.
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Why is Chuck Turner in Handcuffs?
3063136691_e37d1dbef5.pngThe Boston media used a grainy photograph released by the FBI to conclude that Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner is guilty of extortion. But the accompanying FBI affidavit, when shorn of speculation and irrelevancies, is a decidedly unconvincing document that fails to provide a legitimate law enforcement justification for the targeting of Turner. Could it be that Chuck Turner’s history as an outspoken critic of the FBI had something to do with his being targeted?
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19 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / Human Rights
Mass union leaders call on Obama to support Medicare for All
More than forty Massachusetts labor leaders have signed onto a letter to President Obama raising concerns that some policy makers in Washington are backing health care reforms based on the state plan adopted two years ago. The Massachusetts plan features an "individual mandate" requiring all citizens to buy private health insurance. The letter sent today and spearheaded by the Jobs with Justice coalition, states:
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18 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / Labor : Politics : Social Welfare
Mexico Presents Flawed Theory in Shooting Death of American Journalist
bradwill.png(Cambridge, Mass.) February 4, 2009 - Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) charges that Mexico's investigation into the shooting death of an American video-journalist has presented a scientifically flawed theory that ignores PHR's conclusive findings, including the discovery that one of the bullets was a ricochet.
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06 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / Globalization : Human Rights : International
HLS Infiltrated by Undercover Investigation
3.jpgNow for the seventh time in ten years Huntingdon Life Sciences have been infiltrated and exposed again. Shocking cruelty and footage of experiments have been filmed inside HLS during 2007 and 2008; and primates caputred in the wild were shipped over by plane to France and then road to HLS, enduring 30 hour journeys in small cages from Vietnam.

Animal Defenders International have exposed the primate trade across three continents, including an undercover worker inside a primate unit at HLS during 2007 and 2008.
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06 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / International
Cambridge City Council Votes Unanimously to Oppose Surveillance Cameras
surveillance.PNGBOSTON -- In the first move of this kind in the state--and perhaps the nation--Cambridge City Council voted 9-0 on February 2, 2009, to oppose the installation in the city of eight surveillance cameras. The cameras were intended to form part of a network funded with a $4.6 million Department of Homeland Security grant linking Cambridge and eight other Greater Boston communities.

The Council took this action after two sessions during which Councilors sought to learn more about a secretive grant process that was four to six years in the making. They also heard testimony from dozens of Cambridge residents who feared the cameras could violate their First Amendment and privacy rights.
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05 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / Organizing : Technology
Rising Tide Boston Crashes Talk by Arch Coal CEO
coal-bubble.PNGBoston, MA - Seven activists from Rising Tide Boston disrupted a lecture at Harvard University being delivered by Arch Coal CEO Steve Leer, who was speaking on the future of “clean coal” technology. The activists attempted to enlighten the coal baron and the lecture attendees on the true cost of coal extraction. "Arch coal is participating in the destructive practice of mountaintop removal," says Tyler Kinser, a member of Rising Tide Boston. "How can coal ever be clean when entire communities are being poisoned and displaced by coal extraction?"

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05 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / Environment
Philippines: Don’t revive the “Monster of Morong, Bataan”
Bataan-Nuclear-Power-Plant-Philippines.jpgMonday, 02 February 2009 MANILA, Philippines—For making the public choose between paying more for power generation that they do not need to begin with, and tolerating misplaced priorities where debt service supersedes social welfare, the Freedom from Debt Coalition today urged Congress to stop the planned rehabilitation, re-commission and commercial operation of the controversial Bataan Nuclear Power Plant.
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04 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / Environment : International : Politics : Social Welfare : Technology
Venezuela: Terror in Perija
afichesolidaridadyukpas-2008.GIF* The following article was originally published on Jan. 30 2009 in El Mundo, a Caracas daily. Written by a member of the editorial collective of El Libertario , it calls attention to what we fear is a bloody attack against these original inhabitants of the western part of the country.
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03 Feb 2009 | Filed under: News / Environment : Human Rights : International
Local Interest
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Today House Majority Leader Adam Hasner (R) and Sen. Garrett Richter (R) become the Newest Union-Busters opposing the Employee Free Choice Act ("0")
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Capitalists Attempting to Redefine Socialism ("0")
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