Council Tax resisters beseige Edinburgh Council

Council TAx Protesters outside Edinburgh City Chambers

Anti Council Tax resisters beseiged Edinburgh City Chambers today 5th February after the Council barred members of the public from the public gallery during the full City of Edinburgh Council meeting. Police eventually moved in to manhandle demonstrators out of the Chambers entrance. "The Council are acting like tinpot dictators - but we wont be intimidated," say Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty.

Strathclyde University Gaza occupation wins demands

Victorious student occupiers at Strathclyde University (from

Students who were, until this afternoon, occupying the McCance building at Strathclyde have today won some concessions and guarantees from the university.

"Resist the Council Tax" - demo at Edinburgh City Chambers

Protestors from Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty are due to converge on the City of Edinburgh Council meeting this Thursday morning, as the latest stage in the resistance to the Council's new hard-line policy on Council Tax arrears. On 11th November the Council decided to threaten another 12,377 citizens with bankruptcy if they didn't pay off their arrears within a year.

Glasgow School Closures

Glasgow City Council has just announced a major program of school closures. This will allow the Council to save £3.72m estimate per year eventually, less the £0.25m extra cost of bussing children to the surviving schools, a net saving of £3.5m per year.

Report and photos of all Scotland demo for Gaza.

Saturday 10th January 2009 saw a 10,000 strong all Scotland protest in Edinburgh against the current Israeli attack on Gaza.

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