Feature articles

End the Siege of Gaza rally in London


Photos from the Saturday, January 10th rally to call for an end to the siege of Gaza -


Before the march

Rally against the siege of Gaza   Rally against the siege of Gaza

Rally against the siege of Gaza

5 Arrested in Cayuga to Stop Edwards Street Landfill


5 Arrested in Cayuga to Stop Edwards Street Landfill

OPP determined to escort garbage into the Edwards Street Landfill, but even after arrest of 4 supporters, Six Nations activists refuse to remove blockade. OPP violently arrest Six Nations man leaving the site.

December 11, 2008

10 Anti-War Advocates Convicted in Burlington, Ontario Court on International Human Rights Day

Homes Not Bombs

Homes not Bombs
Because Canada should build homes, not blow them up.....

10 Anti-War Advocates Convicted in Burlington, Ontario Court on International Human Rights Day; Decision by Justice of the Peace Upholds Supremacy of Property Rights over Human Rights

We can’t change our lives if we don’t change the world!

Becky Ellis

The feminist movement in Canada recently got a new boost of energy and inspiration from the Waves of Resistance Pan-Canadian Young Feminist Gathering which took place from October 10-13, 2008 in Montreal, PQ. Over five hundred young women from Canada and Quebec gathered to discuss, share, and organize collectively against sexism, racism, and the rise of the right.

From the "save our forest city" rally against Wal-Mart

On Saturday, September 6th there was a rally against Wal-Mart. Here are the speeches, a poem, and some photos from the rally -


Speeches and a poem from the rally (in order of appearance) -

Southern Ontario ARA Shuts Down Fascists in London

Jonny Pastrami

On Sunday, July 27th, anti-fascists ("antifa") came together from across Southern Ontario to confront and shut down an attempt by long time hate organizers to intimidate the participants of London's 2008 Pride Parade.

Acting on information found posted on white supremacist websites, antifa in several cities were able to organize and produce the numbers despite minimal preparation time.

Drive-thru Campaign: What You Can do to Help | 1-9

Council of Canadians London
Public Participation Meeting on Tuesday July 15th | 4pm | Centennial Hall. Please come to show your support. You are welcome & encouraged to speak. (limit 5 min.)

The campaign for a moratorium began not with a conviction that banning new drive-thrus would make a gigantic difference in the unfathomable ecological devastation we have, as a society, created, however – we recognized it as an opportunity to initiate dialogue and raise consciousness on a range of important and interwoven issues, such as our society's:

  • unconscious sense of entitlement to wasteful consumption patterns;
  • air quality problems and associated respiratory ailments; children suffer the most breathing 50% more air than adults;
  • illogical and destructive devotion to more sprawl and congestion, especially in the age of peak oil;
  • inordinate greenhouse gas emissions resulting in acceleration of climate change;
  • the current obesity epidemic in children;

And, of course, there was also the hope that a moratorium could even represent a first – and admittedly modest and partially symbolic – step towards both conceiving and building a newer, healthier, more sustainable city that is less devoted to oil and the automobile. Ask our city to embrace such a vision. Our communities must start drastically cutting out emissions – drive- thrus should be viewed as a very simple place to start.


2007 Regional Social Forum in London, Ontario - Part 2

Ted Cooper

Part 2 of footage from the 2007 Regional Social Forum in London, Ontario.

Interview with and performance by Darius Mirshahi

2007 Regional Social Forum in London, Ontario - Part 1

Ted Cooper

Part 1 of footage from the 2007 Regional Social Forum in London, Ontario.

Includes interviews with Jeanelle Spratt from Kay Nou, Joan Mason-Grant of the Salv Aide Project and former RSF organizer Andrea Browning.

Seeing the Big Picture on Drive-Thrus and the Need to Start Somewhere

Tony Weis

Seeing the Big Picture on Drive-Thrus and the Need to Start Somewhere

In the increasingly heated debate over whether or not the city of London should establish a moratorium on new drive-thrus, an advocate for the moratorium was recently told by a vocal opponent (a city counselor) that they had lost sight of the ‘bigger picture’ of jobs and economic growth. Advocates for the moratorium have also been criticized by some activists who suggest that prohibiting future drive-thrus is a marginal issue amidst so many other ‘bigger’ problems.

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