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RIVERSIDE, January 29, 2009 - The Brown Berets of Aztlán led a march from the César Chávez Community Center at the Bobby Bonds Park to the Riverside Sheriff's Department, where they held a candlelight vigil and demonstration. They convoked the assembly to build momentum for the movement for justice for Annette García, a Perris resident, Brown Beret member, and mother of six, who was shot in the back on January 23 by a Riverside sheriff's deputy. Another demonstration is called for this Saturday 10 am at Bobby Burns Park in Riverside. Full Report: Justice for Annette García: Community responds to police murder of activist mother by Rockero

LOS ANGELES, January 21, 2009 - Last Sunday saw a group of Los Angeles families and friends gather to protest at MacArthur park. The demonstrations were organized by The Coalition For Justice Against Police Murder. The rally formed into a march on the Rampart police station where speeches, testimonials and grass roots organizing techniques were given from the steps without police interference. The crowd was small, orderly and diverse. The police presence for the entire protest was absent which gave it a spontaneous and genuine feel. At the events closing the group petitioned the station supervisor by entering the facility and gently but affirmatively demanding investigative action on various deaths that allegedly were caused by LAPD misconduct. From the Newswire: Families of Police Murder Victims March to Rampart by Robert Stuart Lowden

Related Story: Oscar Grant! No Isolated Incident! A Photo Journey of Unarmed Folks Killed by Cops Worldwide by T. Love

Marching at the largest Martin Luther King Jr Day-the 24th year commemoration last January 19, 2009 from Western to Leimert Park, hundreds of peace activist and anti-war advocates marched with thousands of people chanting: “ MONEY FOR JOBS AND EDUCATION. NOT FOR WAR AND OCCUPATION!” The more than 200 protestors marched under the lead banner of the Topanga Peace Alliance and Veterans for Peace and led by the Cuahtemoc Azteca Dancers banging their drums. They marched together with more than 400 different delegations, floats and marching bands representing all shades and political color all over Southern California marched past the mains stage located at Crenshaw Blvd.

From the newswire: ANTI WAR PEACE ADVOCATES MARCH AT MLK DAY in LA by Echo Park Communtiy Coalition | | Peace Activists At the MLK Jr. parade by Cliff Olin | New: Video by Cliff Olin

Monday, January 19, 2009 - As the final hours of the Bush-Cheney regime draw nearer millions around the world are breathing a collective sign of relief that they survived the Bush-Cheney era. The one word Obama campaign slogan: Hope, is still the operative word in the minds of the public. The crowds at the 2009 inauguration are expected to break all records with perhaps over 3 million people lining the parade route. Not in recent history as a president entered the office with expectations so high.

Corporate media has transformed the event from an inauguration into a coronation. The pre-inaugural hype now resembles that of the Rose Parade or a Super Bowl game. The voices of alternative viewpoints lost in the spectacle of the parade and tournament. With the news that KPFK, a major local outlet of alternative news, has been denied access to broadcast facilities at the inauguration non-corporate representation of the event will be very limited.

Fortunately Indymedia activists are gearing up to cover counter-inaugural events. The DC-Indymedia web site has a redesigned homepage for special coverage. There are reporters from Urbana-Champaign IMC in DC now and filing reports. Also there is a live webcast at Radio Portland IMC. Locally here in Los Angeles there is a counter-inaugural event downtown planned for Tuesday.

Latest from the newswire: Commentary - Some Thoughts on Obama and the US Empire by Chris Burnett

LOS ANGELES January 14, 2009 - Early this morning, Jewish activists in a historic first in Los Angeles, chained themselves to the entrance of the Israeli Consulate and blocked the driveway to the parking structure, blocking all traffic in and out of the building. "We sent a clear message to the world that LA Jews are part of the global majority in opposition to the Israeli siege of Gaza," said Lenny Potash a 72-year old protester who was cuffed to eight other activists, blocking the driveway to the consulate. The activists were joined by 50 other supporters and who chanted "LA Jews say, End the Siege of Gaza" and "Not in Our Name! We will Not be Silent!" Protesters also held up signs reading "Israeli Consulate: Closed for War Crimes." From the newswire Jews Shut Down Israeli Consulate -LA By riKu Matsuda | | JEWS SHUT DOWN LOS ANGELES ISRAELI CONSULATE! by International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network | | BREAKING NEWS: Jews Shut Down Israeli Counsulate in Protest of Attack on Gaza! by Jewish People of Conscience | | Jewish activists block Israeli Consulate by Robert Stuart Lowden

UPDATE - Statement from Activists: Why We Chained Ourselves to the Israeli Consulate by Lisa Adler, Robin Ellis, and Eric Romann

LOS ANGELES, January 11, 2009 – This weekend saw continued protests against the Israeli invasion of Gaza. A march and rally estimated at 2,000 to 3,000 people took place in Westwood Saturday. At least one person was arrested on Saturday for climbing on a stop light to hang a banner. There was some minor police violence against protesters who tried to prevent the man from being arrested as he climbed down from the pole. And on Sunday another demonstration in Westwood drew hundreds including hundreds of pro-war counter-protesters. Police formed a line between the two rival groups and kept them separated. Local protest reports from the newswire: VIDEO: Free Gaza Protest | Zionists vs Gaza supports at protest | Free Palestine | | PHOTOS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | Timeline of call ins from Sunday’s Protest
New photos: Protest Against The Gaza Incursion Draws Thousands To Westwood
by Robert Stuart Lowden
LET GAZA LIVE - A video and photo documentary of the march and rally by Ozzie Carmona

Jan. 16 demo (report/photos): Local Groups Join Forces to Oppose Gaza Offensive by Strangest Dream

Latest independent news from the region: Israel Indymedia

LOS ANGELES, December 30, 2008 – Demonstrations were held at the Westwood Federal Building and the Israeli Consulate today in response to continued air strikes on Gaza City by Israeli Defense Forces. Protesters are calling for an immediate ceasefire and a resumption of peace talks between all warring parties. Close to 1,000 people demonstrated outside the Israeli Consulate this evening. Despite a few incidences with a small group of pro-war counter demonstrators the protest was mostly peaceful.
From the Newswire: Video: Jeff Warner, LA Jews for Peace | Video: Mike Farrell at Gaza Massacre Protest | | Timeline of call ins: Protests Dispatch #1 & #2 | | Cel Phn Photos from Gaza Massacre Protest | | Los Angeles Protest at Israeli Consulate | Dece3mber 30th Protest by Robert Lowden | | Pictures and Video: Muslim family face off with LAPD after Husband / Dad / Brother Arrested by markers10

Protests continue as ground invasion begins: 1/3: Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza, Worldwide Protest Against Invasion by Lee Siu Hin
PHOTOS by Robert Stuart Lowden: Gaza Protest at the Los Angeles Israeli Consulate | Jews for Peace Protest Los Angeles January 4th | Gaza Incursion Protest and Counter Protest January 7th

This year's AntiMall was held at East LA's Chavez Studio. As organizer Laura Palomares explained on Uprising last year (full interview here), the concept was inspired by her experiences with Zapatistas and the notion of an alternative, parallel economy. The AntiMall brings together many co-ops. “So the idea of El Puente is providing a space where you know you're buying something directly from the artisan, and that group of people are working on making things better for their community,” she explained to Uprising's Sonali Kolhatkar. “So they--for example, the Zapatistas--are not waiting for the government to come in and fix what's going on in their community. They're going to make a demand, but at the same time they're working on creating their own autonomous communities. So the purpose of El Puente is to support those communities in their struggles and not support things like Walmart and Target in our neighborhoods but really invest back into social change .”

Story and photos: 2008 AntiMall (part 1) and 2008 AntiMall (part 2) by RP

LOS ANGELES, December 20, 2008 - In the wake of another fatal police shooting community members living under the gun of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Lennox Division are calling for the formation of a new Citizen Police Control Board. Citing the failure of the appointed Office of Independent Review they are calling for all-Elected, all-Civilian, Sheriffs/Police Control Board.

The call comes in the aftermath of the fatal shooting of Christian Portillo who witnesses say was killed by L.A. County Sheriffs while he sat unarmed in his parked car in the driveway of his home. A demonstration was held this Saturday at the Lennox Sheriffs Station. Christian’s mother, Mrs. Elida Portillo, spoke at the rally. This December 20th would have been Christian’s 35th birthday. From the newswire: Justice For Christian Portillo! Stop Killer Cops! March On Lennox Sheriffs by jubilee shine

Saturday, December 13, 2008 LOS ANGELES - The organizers of the first annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair sent out a call for "dreamers, fighters, organizers, and rebels to come, meet, strategize, learn from each other, get books, attend workshops, participate, and join the movement." And despite the state's efforts to squelch our efforts, come they did--more than 700 people, mostly from the greater Los Angeles area, although some came from as far as San Diego, the Bay Area, Oregon, New York, and even Canada, to participate in this herstory-making event.

Story with photos: First Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair: A Beginning Marker of Resistance by Rockero | | PHOTOS: Photos from the Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair by Spicy Organic Tofu | | VIDEOS: Videos from the Anarchist Bookfair by Spicy Organic Tofu

PASADENA, Dec. 13, 2008 - Despite the threat of rain and many other competing activist events this Saturday there was a very good turnout at the demonstration in front of Forever 21 in Old Town Pasadena. Forever 21 intends to build warehouse space on the land of the South Central Farm, which developer Ralph Horowitz acquired by dubious means. (More details here.)


The 1st Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair - Saturday, December 13th, 2008 Zines, pamphlets, DVD, Cd's, radical bumper stickers, protest shirts, records, tapes, speakers, workshops, panels, open discussions, games, diy distros and much more...

Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair
Saturday, December the 13th, 2008
Southern California Library for Social Studies & Research
6120 South Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca. 90044

$5 includes vegan lunch and dinner, provided by Los Angeles and Santa Ana Food Not Bombs

From the newswire: First Annual Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair by Joaquin Cienfuegos | | LA IMC CALENDAR | | AUDIO: Anarchist Bookfair By KPFK's Indy Media On the Air

Don’t Let Them Get Away with the Murder of Julian Alexander...Turn Grief into Resistance
At 1:30 am on Tuesday, October 28, Julian Alexander heard noises outside the middle class home he shared with his wife Renee, who is seven months pregnant. They had just gotten married about a week ago when Julian turned 20 years old. Feeling like their safety was threatened, Julian grabbed a broomstick and walked out on the front lawn to look around. Minutes later, he was killed by two bullets to his chest, one of which struck his heart. Hearing gunshots, Renee and her 15-year-old sister looked out the window and saw the killers—Anaheim police—turn Julian’s body over and handcuff him. Family members tried to rush to Julian’s side, but were told to get back…or else.

Full story from the newswire:Don’t Let Them Get Away with the Murder of Julian Alexander...Turn Grief into Resistance by Revolution newspaper

The recent exhibit Tongva: Our Voice, Our History, Our People, which ran from September 13 through November 22 at the Ruth & Charles Gilb Arcadia Historical Museum, demonstrated that Southern California's history goes back far beyond shopping centers, Hollywood, city lights, theme parks, car culture, missionaries, Cabrillo, etc., etc.

As Chief Red Blood Anthony Morales stated at the show's grand opening, Tongva people have lived here for many thousands of years. He added that the community of Aleupkingna (sometimes spelled Aluupkenga) encompassed the land currently occupied by the Santa Anita Mall, the Santa Anita Race Track, and the Arboretum.

Story and photos:Tongva: Our Voice, Our History, Our People by RP

Ni una muerta más - International Day Against Violence Against Women in Guatemala
November 25, 2008 GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala - Guatemalan women's organizations commemorated International Day Against Violence Against Women with a five-kilometer march from the Palacio de Justicia to the city's central plaza. Up to 2,000 women, men, and children from over twenty women's and human rights organizations participated, including a solidary group from Los Angeles.

Article with photos from the newswire:
Ni una muerta más - International Day Against Violence Against Women in Guatemala by Rockero

Solidarity destroys fascism: LB activists unite to ignore racists
The conservative student at Cal State Long Beach invited Jim Gilchrist, founder of the anti-immigrant Minutemen, and Ted Hayes, homeless advocate-turned anti-immigrant opportunist, to speak on campus during immigration awareness week. The good people of CSULB ignored them, and the racists went away, proving that regardless of the strategies chosen, solidarity is the key in winning our struggles.
Article from the newswire:
Solidarity destroys fascism: LB activists unite to ignore racists by Rockero

LOS ANGELES - El Jueves 20 de Noviembre del 2008, Transgeneros Unidas de Bienestar por primera vez en la historia de Los Angeles cordialmente tuvo un evento en Espanol, llamado Recordando a La Comunidad Transgénero, especialmente recordar a las mujeres transgéneros Latina que han muerto por crímenes de odio. Este evento comenzo a las 5:30pm en el centro de Hollywood de donde una procesión tomo rumbo a la iglesia de la Comunidad Metropolitana de Los Ángeles. Durante la ceremonia hubo una remembranza de las mujeres transgénero que murieron por crímenes de odio a lo igual se dio un mensaje positivo hacia esta comunidad que siempre es oprimida, marginilizada, y discriminadad. Mas con fotos: Transgeneros Unidas | | More photos, video and English text: Transgender Day of Remembrance by SCHA-LA

LOS ANGELES, November 18, 2008 – All was going nicely at this Sunday’s opening night event for an alternative community art center, dubbed the TOW space, until some uninvited city employees ruined the party. Claiming to be in search of a shoplifting suspect police forced a group of about 50 people out of the space and into street for a line up. Everyone was searched and forced to line up for close to 30 minutes while police went down the line. Six people in all were arrested. At least 25 police officers took part in the raid with a police helicopter circling above and it seemed to those there to be a rather excessive response to a shoplifting incident. The shoplifting claim is widely believed to be a cover story for a police raid that appeared to many to be planned in advance. Speculation is that the space is being targeted by the LAPD for the political affiliations of some of the participants in the event last Sunday night. There are reports that two of those arrested are members of the Black Riders Liberation Party.
Reports and eye witness accounts: LAPD suppresses radical art space by tu_kuñ(A)'o | | Police Raid of Anarchist Event by johnaimani | | Anarchist bookfair meeting raided by LAPD by josh | | Media from raid on anarchists by witness | | Video: X-Vandals Benefit Show in LA Gets Raided by LAPD by Puerto Rican Alliance

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Free Gaza Activists Welcomed Home as Heroes, then Join Protest Against Israeli War J30 11:35PM


Los Angeles Activists Attend International Gathering J30 5:48AM

Justice for Annette García: Community responds to police murder of activist mother J30 12:30AM

Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers (pictures) J28 5:39PM

Brown Berets to lead march against the Riverside County Sheriffs J28 10:27AM

Juan Santos: Im Memorium J27 2:50PM


Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers J27 2:57AM


Local Residents to Protest Plans for Paramilitary Training Center in Riverside, CA J26 12:41PM


Act Now to stop the militarization of public lands! Jan 31 deadline J25 6:25PM

LA Go Green Expo: An Affluent Affair J25 12:11PM

Military-Industrial Recruitment Fair Infiltrated In Santa Barbara J24 8:30PM

Media Release: ELF Press Office Condemns FBI Hunt for Environmental Defenders J24 9:31AM

Zapatista University Chapter 3: How Science Works J24 7:31AM

Photos from The Post Proposition 8 Demonstrations J23 1:57PM

University of CA service workers sit-in at Chairman of the Regents office J22 5:09PM


Beer Brewing Classes at the TOW Community Space J22 12:54PM

SCIC Planning Meeting to Protest ABC's "Homeland Security USA" J22 2:05AM

SDSU Hosts Teach-In on Israel, Gaza J21 6:50PM

Why We Chained Ourselves to the Israeli Consulate J21 1:11PM

Groups Picket Rick Warren's Saddelback Church J21 10:04AM

Families of Police Murder Victims March to Rampart J21 1:08AM

Israeli Cultural Exchange Not Welcome in Santa Barbara J20 11:50PM

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