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Army Hands Out 10 Demolition Orders To Villagers Near Hebron

author Monday May 10, 2010 16:54author by IMEMC Staff - IMEMC News & Agencies Report post

Israeli troops invaded on Monday the village of Bani Neim, near Hebron in the southern part of the West Bank, and handed out 10 demolition orders.

Israeli troops in the west Bank- Photo by Ghassan Bannoura 2008
Israeli troops in the west Bank- Photo by Ghassan Bannoura 2008

Troops targeted homes that are built off the village center, local sources reported.

The army says that those homes were built in an Israeli controlled area without the army's approval.

Some villagers refused to take the orders from he troops by not opening their doors, soldiers then placed the notes at front steps, local sources reported.

category hebron | israeli attacks | news report author email ghassan at imemc dot org
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