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Support Needed to Stop Genetic Modification of Williams

FEB 6, 2009 From the newswire: On the 6th of January 2009, a group of 30 Williams farmers and their families, took to the streets to fight the WA Government's decision to commence genetically modified canola trials, allowing 1000ha of Monsanto's Roundup Ready canola to be grown this year. Despite political lobbying and street protests, the resistance group are now calling for urgent support from activist and Indymedia communities for their struggle. Activists, film makers, free radicals or just plain healthy eaters are invited by one of the communities leaders to visit their farm and help form
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The Freedom Shop is moving!

Alas, the Freedom Shop has recently moved out of Shop 204b, Left bank, Cuba Mall, Wellington. The shop is New Zealand's longest running anarchist bookshop, having been set up in 1995. But it isn't the end for the Freedom Shop. The collective that runs the shop is currently deciding on a new location, but in the meantime we will be selling our wares at festivals and events around Wellington, including: Waitangi Day 6 Feb at Waitangi Park, the Island Bay Festival at Shorland Park on 15 Feb, and the Newtown Festival on March 8. So come along and check us out! We might be seen at some other
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Christchurch Forum: Oppose the 90-day Sacking Law

A forum on the new 90-day legislation, the National-led government’s Xmas present to workers, is being held on Wednesday, February 4 at the WEA (Workers Educational Association) building, 59 Gloucester St, Christchurch, starting at 7pm. Speakers include Andrew Mckenzie (Alliance; and a lawyer specialising in labour issues); Byron Clark (Workers Party; youth union activist); Fay Birch (cleaner and worker-advocate, specialising in personal grievance issues). Other union speakers have been invited. The meeting is organised by the Workers Party and the Alliance Party.
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Outrage over gang rape injustice

From the newswire: 31 Jan 08 - The ROAR Feminist Collective, and other angry Perth residents plan to protest against a legal decision which has lead to three men accused of a violent gang rape on a Perth teenager to be released on bail. Rape charges against one of the men have been dropped and charges against the others are likely to being dropped on Monday. ROAR spokesperson Kat says "women already have such a difficult time reporting rape and giving evidence, that to be gang raped and then know that the court have released the perpetrators on bail must be terrifying." Kat believes that the
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3rd June - Australia Day?

From the newswire: "Australians, unlike many people around the globe, have a lot to celebrate. Unfortunately celebrating Australia Day on the day a penal colony was established in NSW on the 26th January 1788, is causing personal anguish to an increasing number of Australians who are becoming more aware of their history. "...if during World War Two the Japanese Imperial Forces had overrun Australia and Australians were dispossessed of their land, forced to speak Japanese, had their children taken away from them and still lived on the fringes of society, very few Australians would be
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Stop Sri Lanka's War on the Tamil People: Auckland Protest

Global Peace and Justice Auckland is supporting a rally and march organised by the New Zealand Tamil Community for next Wednesday 4th February. The protest is make the public aware of the murderous attacks on Tamils by the Sri Lankan military in the past two weeks. This follows the Sri Lankan army fighting their way into Tamil areas in North-East Sri Lanka where they are trying to suppress the Tamil struggle for self-determination. Links: Sri Lanka's Genocide of the Tamil Minority | Green Party NZ should act on Sri Lankan humanitarian disaster | Tamils Gagged, Gunned and Bombed | 10,000
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War in Gaza

Palestine Bleeds; the World Shudders

A comprehensive view of censored and under-reported realities from the battle zone, front lines and the global scene

In this report:
- Israeli navy attacks humanitarian aid ship from Cyprus to Gaza; ship rammed and fired upon.
- Overview of the global protests against the Israeli attacks on Palestine.
- Summary of the military situation, including views of the Resistance and civil society.
- Gaza has run out of medicines; How you can help with humanitarian aid.
- Legal and Diplomatic developments.

As hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe are
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10 Tahun Tragedi Semanggi I

Sebuah perjuangan melawan lupa

13 November 2008. Puncak rangkaian peringatan 10 tahun Tragedi Semanggi I dilangsungkan hari ini, berpusat di Kampus Universitas Atma Jaya. Hari ini bertepatan dengan peristiwa Tragedi Semanggi, 13 November 1998, peristiwa penembakan secara brutal dan membabi buta oleh aparat TNI dan Polri terhadap massa demonstran, yang menewaskan 17 masyarakat sipil termasuk mahasiswa dan pelajar saat aksi menentang Sidang Istimewa MPR.

Rangkaian acara hari ini diawali dengan berziarah ke makam Sigit Prasetyo (mahasiswa UPI/YAI) di TPU Tanah Kusir. Pada pukul 10.00 acara di
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Napak Tilas Tragedi Semanggi

10 tahun tragedi semanggi

9 November 2008. Ratusan aktivis melakukan aksi mimbar bebas dan napak tilas rute long march salemba-semanggi sebagai bagian dari peringatan 10 tahun Tragedi Semanggi. Aksi napak tilas dengan kendaraan bermotor ini dimulai dari  Tugu Proklamasi hingga Kampus Unika Atmajaya, melewati rute Tugu Proklamasi, Bundaran HI, Diponegoro, Salemba, Kampung Melayu, Casablanca, Sudirman, Semanggi. Setelah 10 tahun berlalu, kasus pelanggaran HAM yang menewaskan mahasiswa dan rakyat dalam kasus Trisakti, Semanggi I dan II tak kunjung ada penyelesaiannya.

Aksi yang dikoordinir
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The Life and Times of Melbourne Indymedia

The Melbourne Indymedia collective met in February after a long hiatus to discuss its future. We decided that we did not have the energy required to continue the project and that therefore the collective had come to an end.

We are however keen to help others take up the challenge of producing an activist based, participatory news site, whether that be a Melbourne Indymedia, an Australia Indymedia or something all together new. We feel such a space is very much needed.

Several Melbourne Indymedia members expressed interest in mentoring such a project. If this interests you please contact us
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Melbourne Indymedia Suspends Publishing

Open publishing has been suspended on Melbourne Indymedia as numbers in our editorial collective are insufficient to manage the site effectively and responsibly. We realise that MIM has played a vital role in reporting activist news from Melbourne, around Australia and internationally. To this end the present collective will be assessing options for how best to provide an activist news service in the future. If you wish to get involved, please contact us, or subscribe to our mailing list.
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Indigenous Elder wins Environment Award

The Australian Conservation Foundation's (ACF) Peter Rawlinson Award was given to 'Uncle' Kevin Buzzacott, an Arabunna elder, on World Environment Day in 2007 for two decades of work highlighting the impacts of uranium mining and promoting a nuclear free Australia. Uncle Kev has been a tireless campaigner for indigenous rights including reclaiming the kangaroo and emu sacred totems from the Coat of Arms from Parliament House in Canberra and accusing the Federal Government of genocide. [Full Story]
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A Spate of Spam

In recent times, we have had to go offline because of a flood of spam.
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Full Circle: The Philippines and the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal

After Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia, the Philippines will only be the third country in history to be the subject of a session twice by the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT).
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So Young, So Committed, and So Much in Danger

Even as young lawyers, they have witnessed injustices being committed as they chose to defend the oppressed. And because they persist in handling "controversial" cases, Jobert Pahilga and Noel Neri have earned the ire of some of the country's most powerful landlords and capitalists, as well as state security forces, and have become victims themselves of political retribution. BY DABET CASTAÑEDA
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