A New SSL Certificate has been installed

Seeing messages about a changed ssl certificate on https://mail.resist.ca or when you download your mail? Don't be worried, we finally got a new certificate installed to replace the expired one.

News by Mostlywater.org

The IDF has No Mercy for the Children in Gaza Nursery Schools

By Gideon Levy - January 17, 2009

The fighting in Gaza is "war deluxe." Compared with previous wars, it is child's play - pilots bombing unimpeded as if on practice runs, tank and artillery soldiers shelling houses and civilians from their armored vehicles, combat engineering troops destroying entire streets in their ominous protected vehicles without facing serious opposition. A large, broad army is fighting against a helpless population and a weak, ragged organization that has fled the conflict zones and is barely putting up a fight.

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History Did Not Begin with the Qassams

By Amira Hass - Znet

Ever since the Palestinian Authority was established, the Israeli public relations machinery has exaggerated the danger of the military threat that the Palestinians pose to us. When they moved from stones to rifles and from Molotov cocktails to suicide bombings, from roadside bombs to Qassams and from Qassams to Grads, and from the PLO to Hamas, we said with a whoop of victory, "We told you. They're anti-Semites." And therefore, we have the right to go on a rampage.

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Canadian Special Forces Builds Equipment Depot Near Victoria

January 19, 2009 - Journal of Commerce

The Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), a counter-terrorism unit operating as part of the Defence Department, is building an equipment depot in British Columbia to improve their response to threats on the West Coast...The $10 million depot will be located at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt in Victoria.

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Britain: Young Jewish Man Arrested for Heckling Zionist Rabbi

SchNEWS; Friday 16th January 2009 - Issue 662

A young Jewish man was arrested in London on Sunday (11th) after singing at the Chief Rabbi of Britain, Jonathan Sacks, during his speech at an End Hamas Terror (pro-Israel) rally.

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The New Nazis

By Alan Hart - Press TV

Knowing the documented truth about the creation of Israel by Zionist terrorism and ethnic cleansing, and watching - mainly thanks to Al Jazeera and Press TV live feeds - the war on Gaza, Israel's latest display of state terrorism, I have come to a conclusion. It is time to give Israel's hardcore Zionists their real name. They are the New Nazis.

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Both PFLP and Hamas Reject So-Called "Negotiations"


The only Palestinian legitimacy that matters now is the legitimacy of resistance. This is the definition of our national unity - confronting the occupier and its crimes against our people. The legitimacy now is not that of the "Palestinian Authority," legitimacy is formed by standing with the resistance, with our steadfast people against the crimes of the occupier.

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The roundcube webmail application is back

For those who love it, we have enabled the roundcube webmail application again:


Now with fewer broken parts!! shell.resist.ca and Sympa are running again!

Well it's been a crazy few days and we are far from confident but are hopeful that the new hardware and clean configuration will keep our services running. In the meantime expect some strange looking changes and difference between the system you will see today and what you saw yesterday.

We still have lots of details to configure but for now all our core email services should be functional. Please be patient with problems you encounter and give a us a little while to get things back up to speed.

Let's hope our problems are resolved!

Having Trouble Connecting To Your Mail?

For webmail (https://mail.resist.ca), POP FAQ on riseup.net.">POP and IMAP FAQ on riseup.net.">IMAP (with thunderbird, OSXMail, outlook etc.) be sure you are using your complete email address (username@resist.ca) as your username? If you are and still can't connect please contact us and be sure to provide an alternate email address that we can contact you to reset your password.

shell.resist.ca users

shell.resist.ca is now a separate server, with a separate password. Your shell login uses the old username format NOT YOUR COMPLETE EMAIL ADDRESS. Once you login to shell.resist.ca you will then use your mail password to connect to the mail.resist.ca and read your email. Mail passwords are now complete email addresses (user@resist.ca).

If you reset your password via mail.resist.ca (our webmail) this will only change the password for your mail, your shell.resist.ca password is changed by logging in and typing:


at the prompt and then provide the information requested.

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