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January 12 2009
“— Black and white TV generation have monochrome dreams - TelegraphNew research suggests that the type of television you watched as a child has a profound effect on the colour of your dreams.
While almost all under 25s dream in colour, thousands of over 55s, all of whom were brought up with black and white sets, often dream in monchrome - even now.
Reposted from hairinmy
Somehow, this screams "RGB LEDs!". I may have acquired a project.
Anki Teaches Text, Audio, or Images Through Repetition [Featured Download]: Shared by DaddyD Free learnin!
Reposted from daddyd
jules et jim via L O L I T A
That is a sound plan. Depending on how many changes you make between deploys (and whether or not you have submodules), it might even be faster to keep a local cached copy on the server, like so:
set :scm, :git
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
I find that this sometimes shaves off a minute or two of fetching stuff by not downloading submodules that are on a slow server.
set :scm, :git
set :deploy_via, :remote_cache
I find that this sometimes shaves off a minute or two of fetching stuff by not downloading submodules that are on a slow server.
Ja wenn's bloß ohne Worte wär.
Try() as you might
Tired of writing things like ( if user) and all it's variants? Almost a year back now, I saw the try() method suggested. The intention of the method is to guard you against calling methods on a nil object. If you try to call a method on a nil object it should return nil, otherwise it should call the method.
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