When visiting family last week, the conversation turned to Sudoku puzzles and how to solve them through software (I know, it’s sad :) ). My initial impression was that it shouldn’t be too hard to write a program that fills in the missing numbers but, as so often, I now stand corrected.

Filed under: English, Flash, Personal | Tags: , , , , | Roy | November 6, 2008 Comments (8)

Tagnetic Poetry is another experiment using Flash to display your blog’s tag cloud. It was Merel Zwart who came up with the brilliant idea to mimic magnetic poetry. Because it re-uses most of the code used in WP-Cumulus, the 0.8 version should already be pretty stable.

Tagnetic Poetry is now available from Wordpress.org

You can see it in action here.

Triggered by a comment on my recent Flash SEO post I decided to set up my own experiment to find out if, and to what extent search engines index Flash content.

Filed under: English, Flash, SEO | Tags: , , , | Roy | March 6, 2007 Comments (3)

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