OpenID Foundation Board of Director Election Now Open

The first OpenID Foundation election of community board members opened on December 10th. All members of the OpenID Foundation are eligible to vote for candidates. If you are not already a member of the OpenID Foundation, you can join as an individual member for $25/year.

There are 17 candidates running for a total of seven seats. You may vote only once, for as many as seven different candidates. The candidates are (alphabetized by first name):

All candidates listed above received the requisite three seconds to run for the election. The four candidates who receive the most votes will serve two year terms and the three candidates receiving the next highest numbers of votes will serve one year terms. (This allows us to institute staggered two-year terms going forward.)

Board membership requires a substantial ongoing investment of time and energy. Board members will be called upon to serve both on the board and on its committees where the work of the foundation is conducted, and to actively contribute. The best candidates are passionate about OpenID and advancing digital identity, will have the time to devote to community service in this manner, and are people who gets things done and work well with others.

Voting requires that you sign in with the OpenID that you used to register when you joined the Foundation. If you experience problems participating in the election or joining the foundation, please send a note to

Voting began on December 10 and ends on Wednesday, December 24. Results will be announced by Wednesday, December 31, with the new board terms starting the next day, on Thursday, January 1.

Upon completion of the election, the new board will elect the officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) as well as the Executive Committee.