
Digipoll boss Dr. Gabriel Dekel is a real Dr. Jekyll

1 December
The Unite Union has instructed its lawyers to file a case against the Digipoll research company in the Employment Relations Authority citing the continued victimisation of union members at its Hamilton call centre. "Digipoll has attempted to bully and victimise thirty union members out of the union by segregating them into another building away from where non-union employees are working", said Unite Union National Director Mike Treen.

They're not lovin' it...

5 November
Unite Union members from twenty restaurants in Auckland and
Hamilton took strike action and converged on the quarterly national conference of McDonald's bosses at an Auckland hotel.
Click here for the TV3 news live cross to the protest.
Click here for TV3's 6pm report.
Click here for NZPA article.
Click here for McJobs - Mcdonald's workers tales of bullying and mistreatment.
Click here for a slideshow of images from the pickets
Click here for TV3 news video of the Otara picket.

McDonald's workers will burn 'Ronald' outside Bosses conference

5 November
Unite Union members at around twenty restaurants in Auckland and Hamilton will take strike action and converge on the quarterly national conference of McDonald's bosses at an Auckland hotel. Union members will rally outside Queen Street McDonald's at 12 noon
before marching on the Hyatt Hotel to demand living wages and secure hours.

Improved offer for SkyCity workers

14 October
After 3 months of industrial action SkyCity members should be meeting next week to consider and vote on an improved offer from their employer. The exact details of some aspects have yet to be finalised but assumimg everything is satisfactory there will be meetings next week of union members to discuss and recommend a vote on a new Collective Employment Agreement (CEA) settlement.

Unite Union calls for fair wages and fair trade for McWorkers

10 October
On Friday 10th October at 8.30am McDonalds employees who are members of the Unite Union and community fair trade groups will hold a rally outside Queen Street McDonald's. The rally and coinciding strike action across Auckland by members of the Unite Union employed by McDonald's corporation in McCafes has been organised to put pressure on the world's largest fast-food chain to sign a union agreement that gives staff a living wage and to commit to phasing in fair trade coffee.

Airport's arrest threats against McDonald’s workers won’t fly with Union

7 October
Union members from all five McDonald’s restaurants located at Auckland Airport will be on strike from midday to demand pay parity with union workers at KFC, Starbucks and Pizza Hut. “However these workers have more than their boss to face-off with today. They are prepared to protest on airport property even if it means facing arrest,” said Unite Union Secretary Matt McCarten.

Worker's foot run over at Kaiapoi McDonald's

4 October
A McDonald's worker was forced to finish her shift despite her foot being run over in the restaurant carpark, a union says. The incident at Kaiapoi McDonald's comes a month after another former worker at the franchise, Chantelle Coup, was awarded $15,000 by the Employment Relations Authority. Unite Union Christchurch organiser Joe Davis said the 17-year-old girl was working on the drive-through about a month ago when her foot was run over as she delivered food to a parked car.

Campaign to end bullying in McDonald’s Restaurants

3 October
Unite Union is stepping up its campaign for an end to bullying in McDonald’s restaurants today. Crew and managers at four McDonald’s restaurants will take off aprons and down spatulas today in protest against a contract that allows their employer to use their shift roster as a form of bullying and control. The strikes come the same week that McDonald’s Corporation has launched an appeal against the Employment Court’s decision that McDonald’s should pay $15,000 to sacked Kaiapoi McDonald’s worker, Chantelle Coup.

Who wins if we get free trade with the US?

29 September
Opinion piece by Bill Rosenberg

As we have learned from the China FTA, we would be foolish to listen uncritically to the promises already being made for a trade deal with the US. The US drives a hard bargain. As one of New Zealand’s most experienced trade negotiators, Dr. John Wood, has described the way the US negotiated: “The United States’ underlying stance was that the other negotiating party should either accept its proposals, or adjust to the reality of them anyway.” In other words, take it or leave it.

Unite wins Super-sized payout for McDonald's worker

10 September
A Kaiapoi McDonald's worker was recently awarded $15,000 after her employer was found by the Employment Relations Authority to have constructively dismissed their 18 year old employee, Chantelle Coup, after she joined the union.

South Auckland truancy officers on Strike

9 September 2008
South Auckland truancy officers will be on strike tomorrow from 10am – 11am in support of a claim for decent pay. The Otara-based officers want a salary of $40,000 to bring them into line with truancy officers elsewhere.

Union Rat to plague McDonalds

25 August
For the first time in New Zealand a giant inflatable rat was deployed by Unite Union on the weekend to draw attention to workers' plight at SkyCity. Standing 20 foot high it was used outside SkyCity Casino at lunchtime on Saturday. The rat carried a placard saying "SkyCity: Don't be a rat - Give workers a fair deal."

SkyCity Negotiations Restart

25 August
SkyCity and the unions will meet this week in an attempt to reach a fairer deal than currently offered. Advocates from both sides met on Thursday and have committed to work positively.

Call for change grows louder

25 August
It's 6pm and your busy getting dinner ready. "Ring ring," goes the phone. "Oh no", you think as you hear the market research worker on the other end of the phone introduce themselves. Spare a thought however for the market research worker on the other end of the line.

SkyCity Backs Down Over Discrimination

25 August
Union dealers walked out after vindictive discrimination by casino middle managers. We understand that up to 35 SkyCity workers got interviews for promotion to dual rate dealers.

SkyCity Security Meltdown

25 August
On Saturday night the entire security shift walked off the job and met with Unite union advocate Matt McCarten in 24/7 after they believed they had been unfairly discriminated against. Matt and security union delegates met with their managers on Sunday.