[A less silly-looking picture of me]

Welcome to Chris on the Web

Most of this needs to be revised

Most everything on this page is outdated. (This page started out as the very first web page I wrote, back in mid-1994. Conceptually it hasn't changed very much since then...)

My Pages

World Wide Web CoolPages (tm)

Places I Surf Daily

Usually I'm lordsutch. Sometimes I'm not.



A TiVo is a personal video recorder. Think of a VCR that uses a hard disk instead of tapes, records shows you like, and allows you to pause live TV. Among other awesome things. Don't watch TV without one.


Late Night Televison

Prime-Time Television


You could say I have no taste in music. You could also say that I have rather eclectic tastes. Anyway, here are some of the artists I'm currently listening to:

The First Amendment

Or, why these people can't have their cake and eat yours too.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Some sources of information on those 45 words:

Interesting Internet censorship pages

Other Internet censorship resources

U.S. Politics


Libertarian Resources

Higher Education



Disclaimer: CoolPage and its plural are not really trademarked by me. No doubt someone else has done already so.

Join the Blue Ribbon Anti-Censorship Campaign!
Chris Lawrence <chris@lordsutch.com> (02 Nov 2006 at 16:01 CST)