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Broken Web Site
We're experiencing serious problems with our web site and are trying to fix them, but in the meantime, our apologies and thanks for making the media. BIMC editors...

March to Support the Greek Insurrection
In response to the call to action from Greece, at noon on Saturday, December 20th people will meet at Faneuil Hall to march in support of the Greek insurrection. “It is important to take action in support of the rebels who are risking their lives to fight against the conditions imposed upon them by authoritarian governments and a broken capitalist system,” says Boston Anarchist Frances Roylos. “If we have to choose between starvation and revolution, we choose revolution.”

RELATED: New School University has been occupied:
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18 Dec 2008 | Filed under: Announcement / International : Politics : Social Welfare
Hundreds in Mass kick off campaign for passage of Employee Free Choice Act
IMG_3835.JPGOn International Human Rights Day hundreds of community and labor leaders gathered to make the link between workers' rights and human rights. The Massachusetts campaign for Employee Free Choice Act will tie broad economic recovery to passage of landmark labor legislation.
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11 Dec 2008 | Filed under: News / Human Rights : Labor : Organizing : Politics
Bank Of America, We're Still Breaking Up!
Rising Tide Boston wishes to announce that the group will continue its part in the widespread campaign to pressure Bank of America to drop its involvement with the coal industry, despite the bank's recent release of a new "Coal Policy". We view this so-called policy as a PR gimmick intended to distract the public from Bank of America's ongoing funding of the coal industry. Bank of America's Coal Policy fails to commit to a timeline or any concrete action to halt their financing of mountain top removal coal mining, and the alternatives the bank pledges to support are not solutions at all.
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11 Dec 2008 | Filed under: Announcement / Environment : Human Rights : Labor : Organizing : Social Welfare
Chuck Turner Stands for Us, We Stand with Chuck
In an amazing show of solidarity, people in Boston's progressive community stand for Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner defying FBI charges of corruption. We repost here a report-back from the latest community gathering for Chuck. -- BIMC Editors

Ever the visionary, ever the rebel, Councilor Turner rallied hundreds of supporters and neighbors at Roxbury Community College this evening. In a crowd that swelled from a capacity of 300 at the outset to a couple hundred more at its high point, Turner methodically refuted the two main media narratives against him: “victimhood” and “need for new leadership”. Throughout the emotional evening, the Councilor and all the speakers, singers, and poets connected with a deep spirituality as they prepared for the next day’s hearing in federal court. The event however was grounded by a serious analysis of US Attorney Sullivan’s motives in bringing charges against Councilor Turner.
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11 Dec 2008 | Filed under: News / Organizing
39th National Day of Mourning
United American Indians of New England gathered at Cole's Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and marched with about 150 of their supporters through the streets of Plymouth on Thanksgiving afternoon. They were not there to celebrate the myth of what is taught about the Pilgrims arriving here almost 400 years ago, but rather they want the truth of that time to be told, Native American heritage recognized, and they called for political prisoner, Leonard Peltier to be released. The Wampanoag were the first natives to greet Pilgrims.


VIDEO (by Michael Borkson):
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30 Nov 2008 | Filed under: News / Human Rights
BAAM Issue 15
The Boston Anti-Authoritarian Movement's 15th monthly newsletter. Enjoy.
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26 Nov 2008 | Filed under: News / Organizing
Photos--Chuck Turner press conference/rally
chuck turner rally 012.jpgSeveral hundred people gathered in front of Boston City Hall today 11-24-08 to support Boston city councillor Chuck Turner.
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16 Dec 2008 | Filed under: News / Politics
City Councilor Chuck Turner's Public Statement on His Arrest
turner.jpgBoston City Councilor Chuck Turner was arrested last Friday, November 21st, by the FBI under corruptions charges that he denies, and was later released on a $50,000 bond. Since 2000, Turner has been one of the most progressive politicians in Boston, supporting minority groups, poor families, and other anti-war, economic and social justice issues. Below you will find the full statement he released upon his arrest:

"While I intensely dislike and think that it is highly unfair to decide a person's guilt or innocence through the media, it is clear that once you become the target of a media witch hunt, you either fight back by presenting the essence of your legal defense or allow the media wolves to destroy your reputation so that the jury's decision becomes irrelevant to public perception...

For further updates, please visit:

For news updates, please also see Open Media Boston:
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24 Nov 2008 | Filed under: Announcement / Politics : Race
Local Interest
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