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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Beloved community activist Beauty Turner dies

Beloved SisterChicago lost a giant tonight, with the death of community activist Beauty Turner, who died late this afternoon after suffering a stroke several days ago that left her in a coma. She was 51. For those who didn't know Beauty, she was a tireless fighter against police brutality and state violence, and lent her formidable organizing and writing skills to the battle for justice for public housing residents and working class people throughout the metro area. Read more.

News :: Labor

Chicago Workers' Plant Occupation Ends in Victory

Hasta La Victoria Siempre!The sit-in and plant occupation at Chicago's Republic Windows and Doors ended in victory late Wednesday night, when the union announced that more than 200 workers and members of UE Local 1110 voted unanimously to accept a $1.75 million settlement that includes eight weeks of back pay, two months of continued health coverage, and compensation for unused vacation time. Final Press Conference: Audio

According to UE, over the five days of the Republic plant occupation, messages of solidarity poured in from around the world. Individual workers, organizations, labor unions and federations sent emails and letters of solidarity. Protests against the Bank of America were also organized across the U.S. as word of the Republic occupation spread. [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ]

The settlement also laid the basis for future initiatives — including the creation of a new foundation dedicated to reopening the plant. That effort will be initiated with seed money from the UE national union and the thousands of dollars in donations to the Solidarity Fund that have poured in from around the world in recent days. Workers chose the name themselves: the Window of Opportunity Fund. "The fund will be open to receive donations from all friends of the Republic workers and supporters of their struggle," said Local 1110's Melvin Maclin in the union's official statement.

Accounts on Chicago IMC newswire: [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
Photos: [ 1 ] Video: [ 1 ] Related Links: UE Solidarity webpage

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News :: Labor

Support Swells for Chicago Union Workers' Factory Occupation

Chicago Workers Occupy FactoryThe worker occupation of the Republic Windows and Doors factory on Chicago's Goose Island by members of UE (United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America) Local 1110 went into its third day on Sunday, and workers have vowed to continue the occupation until they are paid back pay and benefits, or until the plant is re-opened.

The occupation was declared on Friday, the day the company moved to shutter the plant with only three days notice — in violation of federal and state labor laws. Owners have also cut off employees' insurance and failed to pay back pay. The takeover has sparked a groundswell of support across the nation, with rallies, e-mail campaigns, petition drives, fundraisers and plans for future actions. [ Updated news links ]

Company management blames the shut-down on Bank of America, which cut their credit line — after BoA received $25 billion in federal bailout money that the bank said they did not need. Since the bailout began, BoA — like big banks across the globe — has slashed credit lines to businesses, forcing a growing number of small and medium-sized companies to shut down. Workers plan to meet with company and bank representatives on Monday — and to picket BoA's LaSalle St. offices on Tuesday if Republic's line of credit is not restored.

The action at Republic Windows comes on the heels of a drive to kick out the company union, which had colluded with company owners and management for years. That effort succeeded after three years of struggle. Republic Windows' worker occupation is one of the first actions of its kind in the United States since the Great Depression, when a wave of sit-in strikes and factory occupations marked one of the most militant phases in U.S. labor history.

Accounts from the CIMC newswire [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ] Local Blogs: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |5 | 6 ] Photos: [ 1 |2 ] Video: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ] Radio: Labor Express live streaming at WLUW | WINS Radio interviews UE's Leah Fried

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Thousands March in Chicago for LGBT Rights

Thousands March for LGBT Rights!Thousands of protesters from Chicago's LGBT community and allies poured into the streets last Saturday in a wide ranging, 4 1/2 mile march against California's Proposition 8 and other anti-gay ballot measures adopted in early November.

Gathering just after noon at Federal Plaza, the protest grew from a few hundred to more than 4,000, surging into the streets to march past City Hall, the Thompson Center and up Michigan Ave. Police on bicycles and horseback tried to block the march from the Mag Mile — but failed. The crowd, a mix of young and old, gay and straight, black, Latino, Asian and white, was peaceful — police said no arrests were made throughout the nearly four hour event.

Saturday's protest was organized in just 7 days and largely online as part of a national day of action for marriage equality initiated by Join the Impact in over 200 cities across the country. Local organizers have vowed to continue grassroots efforts to make Illinois the next marriage equality state and keep the heat on local pro-Prop 8 donors and anti-gay bigots.

Next steps include an informational picket on Saturday, Nov. 22 at 5 PM outside the Century Theater in Evanston. The owner of the Century is Cinemark Company, whose CEO, Alan Stock, gave nearly $10,000 to support Prop 8.

Photos: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ] Video: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 ]
Related Links: Gay Liberation Network | Join the Impact | Corporate news accounts

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Gender & Sexuality : Media : Protest Activity

Anti-Prop-8 Sentiment Fuels Anti-Dobson Chicago Protest

Dump Do8bson! From the newswire: "Despite the city's first brush with winter, [Saturday, November 8] some 500+ demonstrators greeted Focus on the Family's James Dobson outside a downtown hotel, protesting his pivotal role in engineering the defeat of equal marriage rights in California a few days ago.

"Dobson's group gave $800,000 for California's anti-equal marriage rights Proposition 8, and a Focus on the Family spin-off spearheaded that effort. Dobson was in town to receive an award from the Museum of Broadcast Communications (MBC), which has been roundly condemned for honoring a man who aims to take away rights from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people."

Protests against California's Proposition 8 have swept the United States, with follow-up protests in Chicago and nationwide scheduled for November 15. Read more / see photos

Video: Video one | Video two

Additional resources: Gay Liberation Network | Truth Wins Out | | Radio interview about Dobson

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News :: Elections & Legislation : Peace : Protest Activity

Local war-mongering anti-immigrant NAFTA-pusher named White House Chief of Staff

Not the choice for changeRahm Emanuel, who since 2003 has been the Illinois' 5th district representative in Congress (on Chicago's north side), and has been the focus of repeated activist efforts and protests for many years, has been named White House Chief of Staff for the forthcoming Obama administration.

Emanuel has been stridently pro-war, and as chair of the Democratic Caucus in the U.S. House for two years has advocated for pro-war House Democrats for election (including the Illinois 6th district primary battle between Tammy Duckworth and Christine Cegelis). Emanuel also played a key role in the passage of NAFTA in the U.S. Congress, has sided with xenophobic Republicans on immigrant rights issues, and has been stridently pro-market, having been the top recipient of donations from hedge funds and private equity firms.

Past Chicago Indymedia coverage: Illinois Occupation Project: 2 arrested at office of Rahm Emanuel | Chicago Independent Television: Video of 2008 Protest at Rahm Emanuel's office

Additional coverage: 'History will be the judge:' Rahm Emanuel on the Iraq War and More | Photos of various anti-Emanuel actions | Israeli Media Claims That Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff Will Represent Israel in the White House | Rahm Emanuel's father offers commentary | Facebook: Rahm Emanuel - NOT the Choice for Change | The Real News Network: Obama recruits "Rahmbo" Emanuel | The Real News Network: Who is Rahm Emanuel?

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Protest Activity

Unarmed Chicagoan Killed by Chicago Police Officer

What do we want? Peace. From the newswire: "An off duty police officer shot and killed another unarmed civilian last night on the city's West Side, making this one of the worst years in recent memory for such shootings [and prompting a press conference and march in protest.]"

"Over 100 community residents held a press conference followed by a march [on Wednesday, October 29] through the community on Chicago's West Side to protest the Monday night police shooting of 34-year-old Larnester Hull, father of five, in the back of the head by an off-duty Chicago police officer."

"Make no mistake about it," said Mark Carter, one of the protest leaders. "The Chicago Police do not like black people. It doesn't matter if they're [the police] white, black or whatever, they're all blue. They're police. This is the USA, and they're still killing black people." Read more / See photos | Press release

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News :: Crime & Police

Former CPD Commander Jon Burge Arrested on Torture Related Charges

What do we want? Peace.Victims, attorneys and activists who have been calling for justice in the now infamous Chicago police torture cases for decades claimed victory today when former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge was finally indicted by the U.S. Attorney General’s Office and arrested in Florida on charges relating to the torture of over 100 African American men over a 20 year period. Read More

  • Related stories: Fitzgerald: Others could be charged in Burge case - Chicago Tribune | Daley accepts no responsibility for Burge torture cases - Chicago Sun-Times | Police Torture in Chicago - archive of articles by former Reader staff writer John Conroy, who has been covering police torture and related issues since 1990.
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