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Corporations engaged in manufacture of nuclear weaponry

question / pregunta: 

Takoma Park MD is a nuclear free zone, by ordinance. I'm a member of the NFTPC committee that reports on these issues to the city council. The text of the ordinance calls (in part) for city contracts to be ineligible if made with nuclear weapon manufacturers. [1]

Until ca. 2002, the city relied on an apparently-now-defunct nonprofit in Baltimore called "Nuclear Free America" for a publication called "Prime Nuclear Weapons Contractors: U.S. Departments of Defense and Energy Broad Nuclear Definition - Fiscal Year 2002 With Parent Company/Prime Contractor Cross References." [2] The document has not been released in some time, and tracking down the folks responsible has not been all that useful (although we know who they are and have been in contact). [3]

So here's the question: are there publicly-available resources for researching, on a case-by-case basis, the ties of corporations to manufacture and maintenance of nuclear weaponry? Seems like a good business library should provide the relevant information. We'd want to track known subsidiaries to parent companies, and cross-reference that list to a list of companies known to be in the business of contracting with DOD and DOE on nuclear weapons-related work. For example, a question has come up about "3M."

For just a little bit more about NFTPC you can check out our new-and-not-very-active-yet blog. [4]

[1] Section 14.04.060. See:
[2] For the front matter from the most recent publication, see:
[3] Richard Torgerson is current, or perhaps immediate-past president of NFA. See his bio here:

location / localización: 
Takoma Park MD 20910

Hubert Harrison: The Voice of Harlem Radicalism, 1883-1918

... is the title of a new book published by Columbia University Press.

Statistics for artists in need

question / pregunta: 

Dear Radical Reference,
My organization, Acts of Art, is working with Split This Rock & the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) to create a petition and paper demanding that 1% of the $500 billion stimulus package go to the arts. (In a way similar to the WPA projects). We need to create this 2 page paper pronto! Can you help us find solid statistics & references: 1) how the arts have financially/socially stimulated neighborhoods 2) how art funding has been cut 3) artists in need. Any further direction would be appreciated!
Thank you!
Susan Brennan

location / localización: 

Monitoring legal commentary about Proposition 8 litigation

I am a San Francisco-based law librarian, with a former career at the California Supreme Court.

QUESTION: womens' roles in activist organizations

question / pregunta: 

I am looking for recent (past five years) publications on the roles of women in activist organizations for a literature review in preparation for a series of documentary interviews.

I am not looking for biographies, but rather behavorial analysis or case studies. Book or journal publications are preferred, but well referenced website essays or dissertations are okay too.


location / localización: 

one set of resources


An initial rough bibliography and book list has been posted on a separate page. Others please add more!

Related Question

women's role in activist organizations


1) Women's Gendered Experiences as Long-Term Three Mile Island Activists

Marci R. Culley and Holly L. Angelique
Gender and Society, Vol. 17, No. 3 (Jun., 2003), pp. 445-461

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Library service to labor unions (1948)

Shinjoung's working on a paper about the history of labor libraries and libraries supporting labor unions. here's an article from 1948 that I thought folks might want to read.

PDX Collective Meeting Notes - December 2008

December 2nd, 2008 at the IPRC

In attendance: Nate (moderator), Renee, Laura, Lana, and Rick

Workshops at the IPRC

ABC No Rio Clothesline Benefit

If you're in Nueva York...

The Clothesline Benefit Art Sale
Affordable works on paper: $25 - $50
7:00pm - 10:00pm

QUESTION: American soldier and man of conscious held in refugee camp

question / pregunta: 

I would like any precedents in Germany or other countries for what is happening to Andre Shepherd, an American soldier and IVAW member currently being held in a German refugee camp as he seeks asylum? I have other questions too but this is on the top of my list. You can find out more by going to articles posted on the front of the website, the article in Der Spiegel is particularly informative.

location / localización: 

Answer: American Soldier in Refugee Camp


Using the articles database "New York Times Historical" (which many public and university libraries subscribe to), i did a search for the terms "vietnam" "soldiers" and "asylum".

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