<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español | PortuguĂ©s | Italiano | Français | Deutsch | Nederlands December 17, 2008 | Issue #55

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Narco News Issue #54
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The Other Journalism with the Other Campaign

[EN] The Other Campaign

[ES] La Otra Campaña

[PT-BR] A Outra Campanha

[IT] L’Altra Campagna

[DE] Die Andere Kampagne

[FR] L’Autre Campagne

[FR] De Andere Campagne

[FR] «کۧ۱ŰČŰ§Ű±ÛŒ ŰŻÙŠÚŻŰ±Â» Farsi

Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion

The BogotĂĄ Connection: Narco News Investigates DEA Corruption and Cover-Up in Colombia

The House of Death: U.S. Law Enforcement Complicity with Murder in Ciudad JuĂĄrez

Narco News is supported by The Fund for Authentic Journalism


Publisher: Al Giordano

Newsroom Coordinator:
Chris Fee

David B. Briones

Opening Statement, April 18, 2000
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The Fund for Authentic Journalism

Banamex vs. Narco News: The Drug War on Trial

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Site Design: Dan Feder

All contents, unless otherwise noted, © 2000-2008 Al Giordano

The trademarks "Narco News," "The Narco News Bulletin," and "School of Authentic Journalism" © 2000-2008 Al Giordano


Ecuador Drops the Money Ball: President Correa Threatens to Stiff Banks, Pay Social Debt First

“Although Ecuador currently has the capacity to pay, dropping oil prices and squeezed credit markets are putting... plans to boost spending on education and health care in jeopardy”

By Daniel Denvir
The Indypendent

December 14, 2008

Wilting Wages: Money Sent Home to Mexico Declines as U.S. Economy Deteriorates

Remittance Rates Have Fallen in Recent Months as Immigrants Face Economic Hardship

By Jennifer Janisch
The Indypendent

December 14, 2008

In Colombia the Numbers Don't Add Up

CODHES Analyzed a Recent Report Regarding the Number of Insurgent Casualties; Either the Colombian Government Exaggerated its Success, or There are More Insurgents than Previously Thought

The US Office on Colombia

en español... En Colombia las Cifras No Cuadran

December 14, 2008

Caracol #1: La Realidad

First in a Series on Zapatista Autonomous Centers

By Gloria Muñoz Ramírez
Americas Program

December 12, 2008

Round One of Obama’s “Open for Questions” Reveals Clamor for Drug Policy Reform

The Top Question for the President-elect, and Six of the Top 20 on his Change.Gov Website, Seek Long Overdue Changes in the US “War on Drugs”

By Al Giordano
The Field

December 12, 2008

Why Plan Mexico will Crash and Burn

Rampant Corruption on Both Sides of the Border Exacerbate the Ineffectiveness of an Already Failed Strategy

By Kristin Bricker
Via the NarcoSphere

December 10, 2008

To Keep Reporting to You in 2009, Narco News Needs Your Support Today

It’s a Crucial Moment for Latin America and US Policy, and “Change” Will Depend on More and Better Information from Below

By Al Giordano
Publisher, Narco News

December 10, 2008

We All Failed Gary Webb

Four Years After the Pioneering Authentic Journalist’s Death: “People who should have supported his work simply couldn’t be bothered”

By Robert Parry
Consortium News

December 10, 2008

US Drug Czar Candidate Funded an Abusive Fundamentalist Rehab Center

US Rep. James Ramstad Was Sole Sponsor of Earmark Funding for “Teen Challenge,” with the Motto: “Addiction Is a Sin, Not a Disease”

By Maia Szalavitz
The Huffington Post

December 10, 2008

“Another Unwarranted Break-In By Oaxaca Police”

Tear-Gas Launched into House with Two-Year Old Inside

By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca

December 9, 2008

If You Organize It, He Will Come

Lessons of the Chicago Factory Occupation

By Al Giordano
The Field

December 8, 2008

Juarez Murders Shine Light on an Emerging ‘Military Cartel’

New Documents Obtained by Narco News Tell a Different Story of Mexico’s Drug Violence, One More Sinister and Dark than the Media Script of a Simple Turf Battle Between Rival Drug “Cartels”

By Bill Conroy
Via the NarcoSphere

December 6, 2008

Mining Expert Says Petaquilla Likely Never In Production

The Future Doesn’t Look Very Bright for the Petaquilla Open Pit Gold and Copper Mine Projects in Panama. Even Though The Company Issued a Press Release Stating They Would Go in Production This Month

By Okke Ornstein
Via the NarcoSphere

December 5, 2008

Let’s End Drug Prohibition

On the 75th Anniversary of the Repeal of Alcohol Prohibition, It’s Time to Repeat History

By Ethan A. Nadelmann
The Wall Street Journal

December 5, 2008

Spring in America is Just Around the Corner: Announcing Spring 2009 United States Tour

Community Organizing and Authentic Journalism: I’d Like to Come to Your Town, City or Campus to Have a Conversation

By Al Giordano
The Field

December 5, 2008

A Border Under Siege

American Military Training and Texas Guns are Helping Boost Drug-War Violence

By Peter Gorman
Fort Worth Weekly

en español... El entrenamiento militar y armas de EE.UU. aumentan la violencia de la guerra de la droga

December 4, 2008

Welcome Secretary Clinton: Obama's Promises to Be Kept for US-Latin America Policy

Renegotiate NAFTA "in Six Months," Meet with ChĂĄvez and Others "in the First Year," Block US-Colombia Trade Deal, and Ease the Cuba Embargo

By Al Giordano
The Field

December 1, 2008

US Police Train Mexican Police to Torture

A Mexican Police Trainer Fired for Hitting a Female Cadet Has Been Hired by Another Police Force in Guanajuato

By Kristin Bricker
Via the NarcoSphere

en español... Policías de EE.UU. entrena en la tortura a policías mexicanos

November 29, 2008


Witness in Brad Will Case Remembers the 2006 Uprising

The Man Who Gave Him Mouth-to-Mouth on the Way to Hospital, Remembers the Protests and the Organizing, Discusses Why the Government Went After the Witnesses

By World View: Interview with Gustavo Vilchis
Chicago Public Radio

November 29, 2008

Mexico’s Mob Violence Moves North

Plan Colombia to the Merida Initiative: America’s Prohibitionist Strategy of Militarizing Drug War Efforts Abroad is Coming Home to Roost as Violence Crosses the Border

By Constantino Diaz-Duran
The Daily Beast

November 27, 2008

Amnesty International USA Under Fire for Its Support of “Plan Mexico”

At a Public Meeting with Amnesty USA President Larry Cox, a 15-Year Member of the Group Was Physically Removed After Speaking Against Militarization of Mexico

By Alan Gray
News Blaze

November 27, 2008

“I Didn’t Kill Brad Will”: An Interview with Juan Manuel Martinez

The Man Who Supposedly Murdered the US Videographer Agrees that He Participated in the APPO Protests, but He Maintains that He Never Met the Journalist

By Diego Enrique Osorno

en español... Entrevista: Juan Manuel MartĂ­nez - Presunto Asesino De Brad Will “Yo No MatĂ© a Brad Will”

November 27, 2008

The U.S. Drug War Reaches New Heights of Absurdity in Federal Court

Popular Clean Urine Kit Used to Pass Drug Tests Targeted by Feds in Conspiracy Case

By Christopher Fee
Via the NarcoSphere

November 26, 2008


State of Fear: Arizona’s Immigrant Crackdown

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Policing Tactics, Which Many Call Illegal, May be Paving the Way for Future U.S. Immigration Policy

By National Radio Project
Making Contact

November 26, 2008

The Selma of Immigration Rights

In Arizona, Immigrants Protest Sheriff Joe’s Nativist Agenda

By Andrew Stelzer
In These Times

November 26, 2008

“La Doctora” Bertha Muñoz Returns to Oaxaca after Nearly Two Years in Hiding

Despite Threats of Violence, and State Criminal Charges She has Returned Home to Face the Fear that Led Her into Exile

By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca

November 26, 2008

Links Between Mexican Security Secretary Garcia Luna and Drug Kingpin “El Mayo”

Federal Police Say Garcia Luna’s Bodyguards Witnessed the Head of Mexico’s Public Security Ministry Discuss an “Agreement” with a Drug Cartel Gangster

By Ricardo Ravelo

en español... VĂ­nculos GarcĂ­a Luna - “El Mayo”

November 25, 2008

Video: Doctor Bertha Returns to Oaxaca

Two Years in Exile, on the Date that Federal Police Invaded, the Voice of Popular Radio Picks Up the Cause Again

By Corrugated Films

en español... Video: La Doctora Bertha regresa a Oaxaca
en français... « La Doctora » Bertha Muñoz, revient à Oaxaca

November 25, 2008

New Media, New Opportunities

“It’s an Exciting Time to Be a Journalist”

By Erin Rosa
Denver Fieldhands, for Columbia Journalism Review

November 25, 2008

Romero’s Folly: NY Times Reporter Calls Chavez’s Landslide Electoral Victory a “Stinging Defeat”

The Venezuelan President Increased His Vote by 1.3 Million and His Candidates Won 74 Percent of State Governorships on Sunday

By Al Giordano
Via the NarcoSphere

November 24, 2008

Sen. Clinton, if Named Secretary of State, Can’t Escape Husband’s Golden Tongue

An Extension of Current U.S. Policy in Latin America: Former President Clinton has Earned Nearly $2 Million in Speaking Fees Paid for by Organizations Representing the Business Elite in Nations such as Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia

By Bill Conroy
Via the NarcoSphere

November 23, 2008

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From the Narcosphere

Written and Selected by the 438 Co-publishers of Narco News

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Top Reporters' Notes

NYC’s Raymond W. Kelly is not fit to be WMD Czar by Miguel Contreras (2 Comments)

Arizona ICE special agents violated criminal laws to obtain federal search warrant by Miguel Contreras

Indigenous Peoples censored at UN Climate Forum in Poland by Brenda Norrell (1 Comment)

Why Plan Mexico will Crash and Burn by Kristin Bricker

Hopi Chairman Ben Nuvamsa takes lead to halt Peabody Coal by Brenda Norrell

Apartheid: US takes Israel's lead, spying and killing at borders by Brenda Norrell

Maddog land seizures by Bush Inc. in the final hours by Brenda Norrell

Juarez murders shine light on an emerging 'Military Cartel' by Bill Conroy (2 Comments)

On Alcatraz, AIM calls for halt to US/Mexico border wall by Brenda Norrell

Mining Expert Says Petaquilla Likely Never In Production by Okke Ornstein