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Even after condemnations of Coulter by NBC staff, will network again help her sell books?
On Hannity & Colmes, Ann Coulter announced that she will appear on the January 6, 2009, edition of NBC’s Today show to promote the release of her new book. NBC has repeatedly provided Coulter a platform to spew her inflammatory rhetoric even as NBC-affiliated hosts and anchors have expressed disapproval of Coulter’s statements or criticized the media for promoting her. Read more.

Flashback: Will NBC once again help Ann Coulter sell books?

Flashback: Matthews claimed Coulter forces him to "go to confession" -- but he keeps inviting her on



Discussing Obama's release of Blagojevich report next week, Politico and Hannity ignored Fitzgerald's reported request for delay
The Politico reported that President-elect Barack Obama "announced he would delay the release of an internal review about contacts between his aides and Blagojevich's office until next week," but did not report that Obama said that while the review was complete, "The U.S. attorney's office asked us to hold off releasing those [findings] for a week." Despite Obama's explanation, Sean Hannity asked: "Why can't we get it out this week?" Read more

County Fair: Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't



Fox has touted Colmes' co-hosting duty as proof of its "balance," but now Hannity is hosting alone
Fox News hosts and executives have, on several occasions, defended themselves against charges that Fox News leans conservative by pointing to the purported conservative/liberal balance that Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes represent. However, Fox News will reportedly debut a new show next year starring Hannity in the time slot in which the channel currently airs Hannity & Colmes. Fox News already provides Hannity with his own weekend show, on which he has offered up a slew of misinformation, smears, and a guest with a long history of anti-Semitic and racially charged comments.
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GOP trying to catch up to the media in hyping the Blago/Obama story

That the GOP is playing the guilt-by-association card is a given and the press will acknowledge that. But trust us, the GOP has merely been playing catch-up with reporters and pundits who set up shop long before the GOP arrived on the Blago/Obama scene. Read more »


Vote: What was the Most Inane Punditry of the 2008 presidential campaign?

The 2008 election made history, but the long campaign leading up to it included plenty of servings of half-baked commentary. Media Matters for America has nominated 10 particularly inane pieces of punditry and invites you to vote for the Most Inane Punditry of the 2008 presidential campaign. Vote Now

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Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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