Permissions FAQ

This page is designed to help address frequently asked questions regarding the rights and permissions for all web content featured on CBC.ca. Click on a category heading to view the corresponding FAQ.

Any content (text, photos, interactives, graphs, audio and video) found on CBC.ca can only be reused elsewhere with the permission of CBC. To enquire further about use of the CBC materials, please fill out the permissions request form.

General FAQ
Text/Article Permissions FAQ
Photo/Image Permissions FAQ
Audio/Video Permissions FAQ
Educational Use Permissions FAQ

General FAQ

Do I need permission to use CBC.ca content?
Can we link to your site?
Can I use an interactive or graph from your site?
May we have a CBC logo to use on our site?
I have found an example of misuse of CBC.ca content. Who should I contact?
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Text/Article Permissions FAQ
Can I post your article on my website?
May I quote from an article on your website? May I use an excerpt from one of your articles?
May we adapt one of your articles for use in our publication?
Is it possible for me to use one of the CP Online articles featured on your site?
May we translate one of your articles for use in our publication?
May I use a CBC.ca article in my community newsletter?
Would it be possible for our publishing company to use one of your articles in an upcoming publication?
Our non-profit organization would like to use a CBC.ca article?
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Photo/Image Permissions FAQ
Can I use a photo that I found on your site or use a screen capture from your site?
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Audio/Video Permissions FAQ
I am a university student and have come across a video clip on your website that I am hoping to use in a presentation. Is it possible for me to use it?
I'm writing for permission to web-host a copy of video clip from a Fifth Estate documentary. I have noticed this clip is available on file-sharing networks like E-Mule, but isn't available on your website.
I'd like to use parts of Metro Morning for classroom use. These audio clips would only be made accessible to students using my school's password-protected site. Who should I contact to get permission?
I'm a big music fan and run my own site devoted to this subject. Would it be OK for me to feature some audio clips from The National Playlist on my site? My visitors would love it!
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Educational Use Permissions FAQ
My child is doing a school project and would like to use one of your articles.
I would like to use some of the material on your website in a course I am teaching. I would copy the article (as is) and distribute it in printed form to my class. Is this permitted?
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Question not answered?
My specific rights and permissions question is not covered in any of the FAQ on this page. Is there somewhere else I should look?
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