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Banner Action at GM Soy Conference
Land reforms! NO Steakholder Conferences!

ImageAmsterdam - Today, A SEED Europe held a picket-line at a conference on genetically modified soy. The objective of the meeting was to discuss sustainability risks and benefits of GM soy and to formulate management options for companies.  A SEED reminded participants upon arrival that not only is GM still controversial, but so is large-scale soy production in general. A SEED did not participate in the conference itself because the announcement made clear that in our eyes crucial poignant issues in the (GM) soy debate were not open for discussion.
Left and the crisis
it is fun going downhillConference in Amsterdam on December 13.

The economical crisis is starting to hit the ground. Public authorities and governing parties take unprecedented (and expensive!) measures to support the financial system. So far leftish organisations in the Netherlands haven't responded much, while the consequences will be serious and the crisis will deepen further.
Video updates from Paraguay
ImageAn international team of with activists from A SEED and LaSojaMata is currently filming and documenting various events, reflecting this new political conjuncture and the seize of conflicts in Paraguay. A series of video reports is being produced, which are listed below and are added continuously.

You can read more about it on the LaSojaMata website.
Pig™ and chicken® - how animal breeding gets dominated by the biotech-business
ImageWith stock-breeding there are animals and feed that those animals are supposed to eat so humans will be able to consume the meat, milk or the egg. This is in general a not very efficient way of producing food, but this is how it has been done for many millenniums. The scale of this process is increasing ever more and on the A SEED website you can find a lot of information about the problems that result from this.

But the developments continue: now there is the Monsanto pig™ that is eating Monsanto feed™. And also The Netherlands is participating with enthusiasm; Hendrix Genetics is one of the world leading companies when it comes to hybrid chicken, pigs and turkeys.
A week with meat, cheese, panda bears and big feet.
een oude, maar nog steeds actuele cartoonAmsterdam, November 2008 - In the last week of October our meat consumption and land use was a lot in the news. The Dutch mainstream media mentioned clearly that the consumption of meat, dairy products, cars and holiday trips by plain of the average Dutch person occupies a too big portion of the available natural resources and land. At A SEED we couldn't resist to mumble the arrogant sentence "We have said this before".

Continue reading in Dutch.
World Bank toasts to climate change...
ImageOn the 12th of October A SEED and friends were protesting in the Amsterdam canals against the way the World Bank is dealing with climate change. The World Bank wants to give conditional loans to the poor countries in the South to get prepared for climate change and to reduce CO2 emissions. These countries are even told to start trading on the carbon market... But it is the western countries, the main polluters so far, that should pay the poor countries for the damages and (future) protection instead! With interest of course.
It's clear: all banks, including the World Bank, want to make money using any resource. If we let them, they'll even use hot air to do so...
This action was part of the Week of Global Action Against Debt and International Financial Institutions.

World Bank's new Climate Investment Funds will neither help the poor nor reduce CO2 emissions

At the end of September ten donor countries pledged to supply the World Bank with more than 6.1 billion dollars for two new Climate Investment Funds (CIF) of the Bank “to help developing countries in their efforts to mitigate increases in greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change”. These funds, however, will increase the already high level of indebtedness of developing countries and economic dependence on international donors and won’t help cut CO2  emissions sufficiently.
Agrofools hit the road during Social Forum in Malmö
ImageProtesters at petrol stations state "Agrofuels are no solution for the climate and energy problem!"

Malmö, Saturday 20 September 2008 - During the European Social Forum (ESF) about 50 people protested against the introduction of the large scale production of agrofuels. The devastating social and environmental consequences of the production of energy crops was a big issue in the presentations and discussions inside the ESF. The Agrofools decided that it was important to reach the people in the streets as well, and to explain that we have to choose between food and fuel.
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