...specialists in cost-effective research solutions covering the European and global electronics industry

RER is part of the Reed Electronics Group - the only industry resource structured to meet the information needs of the global electronics product development process from needs identification to distribution.


Since 1973 the Yearbook of World Electronics Data has provided market and production data on the global electronics industry.

Either through the four published volumes, individual country reports or custom research the Yearbook database is the definitive source of data on the global electronics industry. {More}


CEE to increase share of European connector market
Despite the recent volatility the underlying trends driving the connector industry remain the same with Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) expected to continue to increase its share of the market throughout the period to 2012. Between 2007 and 2012 compound annual growth in the CEE connector market will average 6.4% per year with the overall market increasing from Euro 1,059 million to Euro 1,447 million. This compares to average growth of only 1.4% per year for Western Europe .

The European Electronic Manufacturing Services Industry - An analysis of the Top 50 European EMS providers
Electronic manufacturing service providers are playing an increasingly important role in the European electronics industry with the leading companies dominating. This new report, the first in an annual series, provides a ranking of the Top 50 EMS providers in Europe, detailed company profiles and a listing of European manufacturing facilities.


Reed Electronics Research is a leading provider of market information on the global electronics industry and the only source for comparable data on 53 countries. This is supported by strategic studies on key sectors of the electronics industry including automotive electronics, the European and Asian TV industries and Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS).


Reed Electronics Research will publish its annual survey on the West European electronics industry in Janaury. Published since 1973 the report provides an in-depth analysis for both electronics production (2006-2009) and markets (2006-2012) for 16 countries and 10 major product groups.

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emarketforecasts is the leading source of "top-level" market and production data on the European and global electronics industry.

Featured Country
According to the latest figures from the Yearbook of World Electronics Data Chinese electronics output is forecast to exceed US$300 billion in 2006 and is expected to surpass the US by the end of the year to become the world’s largest manufacturer.

European Electronic Markets Forecast
doesn't just keep subscribers up-to-date with the very latest news and industry analysis; its gives them an objective overview of the evolving electronics industry, month by month

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