Food Not Bombs is organized according to anarchist principles of non-hierarchy and decentralization. We take food that would otherwise be thrown away and make healthy, vegan meals for the hungry. We cook in the Sunset Junction area of Silver Lake and in Highland Park and serve our delicious vegetarian food every Thursday and Sunday in Downtown Los Angeles.

Serving Locations & Times:

  • Sundays only: San Julian St. between 5th St. and 6th St. at approximately 7:15 p.m


Highland Park mural by Ulises Ramirez, 2007


05-14-08: Food Not Bombs Benefit Show

Benefit Show Flyer

Saturday, May 17th

3227 Glendale Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90039

In Atwater Village

Performances by:
Die Rockers Die
The Peculiar Pretzelmen
Michael Knat
Colony Collapse

Plus! Art and video installations!

$5 Donation

Free food provided by:
Los Angeles Food Not Bombs

01-19-08: Food Not Bombs Benefit Show

Benefit Show Flyer

Saturday, January 26th, 2008


Performances by: 
Crooked Cowboy
Bloody Robots
Hurt Model

$5 donation at the door

The Space Ark Gallery
106 S. Avenue 58
Highland Park, CA 90042

All proceeds go to the Downtown and North East Los Angeles chapters of Food Not Bombs.

12-28-2007: New website

We've just given our old website a complete make-over. The sleek, clean layout should make navigation much smoother. Photographs, old and new, still to come.

Comments? Suggestions? Email them to the webmaster