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Y3W: Ryan Adams and The Cardinals (438 Views)

Y3W montage that aired on GMA Saturday, December 13th 2008. Submit your own three word pictures and videos and watch again in 2 weeks! Also, ...

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Uploaded on 12/12/2008 at 4:01 PM ET

Y3W: Ryan Adams and The Cardinals (560 Views)

Y3W montage that aired on GMA Saturday, December 13th 2008. Submit your own three words pictures and videos and watch again in two weeks! Music...

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Uploaded on 12/12/2008 at 3:19 PM ET

iCAUGHT Wants to know Your 3 Words for 2009 (938 Views)

Calling all i-catchers....we want to know your 3 words for 2009! Put your thinking caps on because we are going to include the most funny, inspirat...

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Uploaded on 12/8/2008 at 4:29 PM ET

i-CAUGHT wants to know Your 3 Words for 2009 (910 Views)

Calling all i-catchers, we want to know your 3 words for 2009! Put your thinking caps on becuase we are selecting the most funny, creative and ins...

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Uploaded on 12/8/2008 at 2:14 PM ET

i-CAUGHT Your 3 Words for 2009- Submissions Needed (523 Views)

Calling all i-Catchers....We want to know your 3 words for 2009. Put your thinking caps on because we are going to select the most funny, inspirat...

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Uploaded on 12/8/2008 at 2:09 PM ET