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In Grecia neofascisti e polizia operano fianco a fianco

category internazionale | antifascismo | notizie author giovedì 11 dicembre, 2008 12:22author scritto da Antifa

In Grecia neofascisti e polizia operano fianco a fianco nel reprimere e manganellare la giusta protesta popolare.

Police is using Neo Fascists and policemen in plane clothes , with rocks and sticks , pretending to be demonstrators , targeting either the demonstrators or vandalizing small shops and houses , trying to divert the climate and scare of the every day citizens.
The pictures are from Patra city, where Policemen in plane clothes and Neo Fascists were clashing with demonstrators .The above ( ie the participation of fascists in the events) have been confirmed this morning by the Mayor of city of Patra, this morning speaking from his telephone to the major TV channel ( Alpha)
Also ..The photographer who took the pictures in the link showing of police shooting to the demonstrators, was fired from the newspaper he was working "Eleftheros tipos" ( free press), owned by Mrs Agelopoulou, key respected finger in the organisation of the Olympic games of Athens and idustrialist ...
this video is from older events wher you can see clearly the neofascists to participate IN the blocks of the Greek Police.


 #   Title   Author   Date 
   infiltrati     redwarrior    dom 14 dic, 2008 12:41 
   fonti?     v    dom 14 dic, 2008 14:10 


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