1. 20 Thick, Juicy Questions With Aqua Teen's Meatwad

    It's been a busy couple of weeks for the world's most famous ball of ground flesh and byproducts. With the release of the sixth season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force on DVD Tuesday, Meatwad (pictured, right) had to leave his...

    12.16.08 From The Underwire
  2. Video: Noby Noby Boy's Adorable, Confusing Gameplay

    Noby Noby Boy, the upcoming game from Katamari Damacy director Keita Takahashi, is ... well, it's weird. I've watched the above clip four times now, and I still have no idea what the objective is, what the plot might be,...

    12.16.08 From Game | Life
  3. Virgin Media Denies BitTorrent Throttling Report

    Virgin Media, the British internet service provider that just announced a 50 megabits per second broadband service, is denying a Tuesday published report that it plans to throttle BitTorrent traffic as a congestion management plan. "It's not true," Asam Ahmad, a company spokesman, said in...

    12.16.08 From Threat Level
  4. Cheap Deals Drive Blu-ray Black Friday Sales

    The extensive adoption of the Blu-ray format wasn't going to happen without some serious deals. And it looks like the perfect muddy bath that is the economic recession and the yearly Black Friday deals finally made it happen. Consumer's diligent...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  5. Hunt for Shoe-Tossers Not Part of Baghdad Dragnet

    BAGHDAD, IRAQ -- President George W. Bush's trip to Baghdad was supposed to underscore recent progress in Iraq, and mark the conclusion of a long-term security deal between the United States and Iraq. But with a well-aimed pair of loafers,...

    12.16.08 From Danger Room
  6. First LittleBigPlanet Level Pack Revealed

    Downloadable add-ons for LittleBigPlanet are nothing new, but so far the extra content for Media Molecule's title has been restricted to new outfits for the game's Sackfolk. Today's announcement however, changes all that. The "Festive Level Pack" is a $3.00...

    12.16.08 From Game | Life
  7. Video: Robots Have a Sex Life? Who Knew? (NSFW)

    (Editor's note: Video contains adult visuals and graphic language.) Michael Sullivan has a thing for robots, sex and stop-motion animation. His ongoing film project, The Sex Life of Robots, shows animated bots practicing moves that seem to be ripped right...

    12.16.08 From The Underwire
  8. Jobs Won't Appear at Macworld — 2009 to Be Apple's Last Show

    Apple on Tuesday announced that January's Macworld 2009 will be the last Macworld show the corporation will attend. Steve Jobs won't be appearing, either, which will once again raise questions about the CEO's health. "Apple is reaching more people in...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  9. NSA Whistleblower's TV Interview

    NSA whistleblower, Thomas Tamm, gave his first TV interview to Rachel Maddow and discussed his reasons for telling the New York Times about the government's warrantless wiretapping program and whether he thinks anyone in the government should be prosecuted for their activities. See also New...

    12.16.08 From Threat Level
  10. Dark Energy Could Be Einstein's Cosmological Constant

    Dark energy, which forms almost three-quarters of the universe, is the most mysterious stuff known to man. A new set of Chandra X-Ray Observatory data, however, has given scientists good information on what dark energy might actually be. Turns out,...

    12.16.08 From Wired Science
  1. Analyst Predicts Apple Netbooks for Macworld 2009

    An analyst is betting Apple will introduce a pair of netbooks in January, even though Steve Jobs just two months ago said he wasn't ready to. "I don't have any inside information," said Ezra Gottheil, a Technology Business Research analyst,...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  2. TransAgriculture

    Life & Art is a new program series at V2_ focused around the intertwinement of art and life. Asking whether art can be lived or a life can be art takes on a new meaning in an age of genetic...

    12.16.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  3. Rumor: Lair Developer Trims Half of Work Force

    Though a recent blog post by Factor 5 artist Sam Baker detailing the financial woes of the Lair developer was quickly removed from the 'net, Edge cites a "well-placed source" corroborating the artist's claims and then some. In his missive,...

    12.16.08 From Game | Life
  4. Bush Shoe-Toss Immortalized in Games, Animations

    The Iraqi journalist who tossed his shoes at President George W. Bush missed the commander in chief, but he scored a direct hit on the web zeitgeist. The incident, in which reporter Muntadar al-Zeidi flung his footwear at Bush during...

    12.16.08 From The Underwire
  5. U.S. Will Arm Militias in Afghanistan (Updated Again)

    In Iraq's Anbar province, U.S. forces gave guns, money, and authority to local militias to keep order in their neighborhoods. Sure, many of these so-called "Sons of Iraq" were former insurgents, and barely-trained. But these often-tribally-based groups did the job,...

    12.16.08 From Danger Room
  6. Child's Play Charity Drive Tops $1,000,000

    The 2008 edition of Child's Play has topped $1,000,000 in funds raised, according to a recent announcement by the charity drive's organizers. In case you've been living under a particularly stingy rock these past five years, Child's Play is an...

    12.16.08 From Game | Life
  7. Drillers Accidentally Create First Live Magma Observatory

    SAN FRANCISCO, California — Drillers accidentally hit a pocket of molten rock underneath a working geothermal energy field in Hawaii, a lucky break for geologists that could allow them to map the geological plumbing that created everything we know as...

    12.16.08 From Wired Science
  8. Solar Hybrids Soak Up the Sun

    Solar pioneer Greg Johanson set a world record for the fastest speed in a sun-powered car way back in 1986. That car, Sunrunner, has since been retired and its solar array relegated to some California rooftop, but Johanson is still...

    12.16.08 From Autopia
  9. Game|Life Video: Mirror's Edge vs. Prince of Persia -- Fight!

    Mirror's Edge. Prince of Persia. So similar, yet so very different. Both videogames attempt to bring death-defying jumping action into the next generation. But while one relies on difficult and frustrating precision moves and lots of dying, the other eliminates...

    12.16.08 From Game | Life
  10. Midway Cuts Jobs, Cancels Games to Save Cash

    In an effort to salvage the firm's future, Midway Games has revealed a cost-cutting initiative that will see a quarter of the company's employees laid off and a number of in-development titles canceled, reports Gamasutra. Both Midway Chicago (creators of...

    12.16.08 From Game | Life
  1. Drone War Continues; UAV Production Sky High

    The drone war over Pakistan has slowed, a bit. But American robotic aircraft continue to take out suspected militants in Pakistan's tribal regions. A drone strike killed two yesterday near the town of Miramshah. The unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs,...

    12.16.08 From Danger Room
  2. Hackers Successfully Unlock the iPhone 3G

    A team of hackers announced Tuesday that it has unlocked the iPhone 3G. Codenamed "yellowsn0w," the hack will enable the iPhone 3G to work with 3G networks other than those sanctioned by Apple. (For example, the unlock hack would make...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  3. Firefox Add-ons: Make Google More Powerful With Tag Filtering

    Tag clouds are one of the distinguishing design elements of so-called web 2.0 — they make it easy to see what the most popular subjects are at a glance. But what if you took tag clouds and injected them into...

    12.16.08 From Epicenter
  4. Report: Virgin Media to Restrict BitTorrent Traffic

    UK Internet service provider Virgin Media plans on introducing new technology to specifically monitor and limit BitTorrent traffic next year, a reversal of its support for net neutrality. Details and the exact timing of Virgin Media's decision to incorporate application-based...

    12.16.08 From Epicenter
  5. Signal Patterns: A Socially-Networked Music Personality Test

    Ever wonder what your "music personality" is like? Signal Patterns is offering an online test that plays a variety of music clips and asks the listener to rate how much they like "this type of music." The test takes about...

    12.16.08 From Epicenter
  6. Christmas Camouflage

    Our 1970's Lincoln Mark V had white leather seats, a big V8 and a huge carpeted trunk. Bags and bags of Christmas treasures were locked in that trunk, safe from prying little hands. My hands, however, were connected to a...

    12.16.08 From Geekdad
  7. The GeekDads Podcast Live Tonight 7pm PST

    For those of you who enjoy our GeekDads podcast, we'll broadcast the recording session live tonight. So if you'd like to waste an hour and participate via chatroom, stop by right here at 7:00 this evening, Pacific time. We hope...

    12.16.08 From Geekdad
  8. Army Wages iPod Warfare in Baghdad

    BAGHDAD, IRAQ -- During a humanitarian aid distribution in Baghdad's Sadr City, Staff Sgt. Kent Crandall brought along a nifty iPod accessory: an Army psychological operations loudspeaker. Crandall had loaded the iPod with Iraqi pop music, which he cranked during...

    12.16.08 From Danger Room
  9. Pzizz Puts a Few Zzz's Back in Your Sleep

    With a family and life and the stress of the end of the year holidays building, sleep can sometimes be a precious commodity - particularly if you've got young ones at home that haven't (yet) mastered the art of sleeping...

    12.16.08 From Geekdad
  10. Lightroom Update Adds Camera Support, Camera Profiles

    Adobe has just released the 2.2 update to its Lightroom digital development software. While this version contains numerous bug fixes, the meat is, as ever, in the added support for RAW camera formats. If you own one of the following,...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  1. IE Fans Beware: Hackers Are Exploiting a Serious Unpatched Flaw

    If you've never tried Firefox, Safari, Opera Google Chrome or other Internet Explorer alternatives, now might be a good time. Microsoft's flagship browser, the default choice on countless Windows machines, currently has a serious security flaw that affects all versions...

    12.16.08 From Epicenter
  2. 'Magical' Gravity Wave Weapons No Threat, Panel Says

    Fear not, tinfoil hat brigade. Despite what you may have heard on the Internets, the rippling of spacetime cannot be used as some sort of weapon. So says JASON, the Pentagon's premiere scientific advisory board. For years, word has circulated...

    12.16.08 From Danger Room
  3. RAZR Re-Incarnated as Knock-Off Baby Toy

    It might not have the cachet of the iPhone, but the sheer ubiquity of Motorola's hate-it-or-hate-it RAZR means it has achieved an altogether higher form of immortality. It has been made into a toy for babies. Here we see the...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  4. Seafarer Recalls 110 Days in Pirate Captivity

    MOMBASA, KENYA -- Captain Edward Kalendero, 51, commands a skittish crew. While Kalendero so far has avoided kidnapping, many of the nine seafarers serving under him aboard the small coastal cargo ship Semlow have been captured and ransomed by pirates...

    12.16.08 From Danger Room
  5. Five for Fighting 12/16/08

    * On the hunt in Baghdad * Will Hillary really ban Blackwater? * Ex-officials: Cheney OK'd torture * Anti-pirate plan resisted * Wanted: bomb-in-culvert sensors

    12.16.08 From Danger Room
  6. Top 5 Disruptive Music-Making Technologies

    Ever since a caveman first clacked two stones together, musicians have relied on instruments — Bobby McFerrin and that guy from Police Academy notwithstanding. These music creation technologies are disrupting the normal ways in which music has been made in...

    12.16.08 From Epicenter
  7. The 5th Day of Geekmas: Win a T-shirt and a Copy of We Are Error from Year 200X

    Up for grabs in today's contest is a t-shirt and a copy of the We Are Error CD from Year 200X.

    12.16.08 From Geekdad
  8. Unlocked Taiwanese iPhones Could Cause Gray Import Surge

    At $800 and $900 for the 8GB and 16GB models respectively, these iPhones aren't cheap. But the official Thai iPhone is, along with the Hong Kong version, the only way you'll be able to get your hands on an unlocked...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  9. Laptop Pillows for Tired Notebooks

    As you would imagine, here at Gadget Lab we get a lot of crap gumming up our inboxes, which we then mine for the precious nuggets of gold that we bring to you, our faithful readers. This morning, I found...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  10. World's First Computer Rebuilt, Rebooted After 2,000 Years

    A British museum curator has built a working replica of a 2,000-year-old Greek machine that has been called the world's first computer. A dictionary-size assemblage of 37 interlocking dials crafted with the precision and complexity of a 19th-century Swiss clock,...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  1. Analyst Report Says 44% of U.S. Homes Will Own DVRs by 2014

    A report from a consumer analyst group this week is saying that 52.3 million households, or 44% of all homes with a television, will have a DVR within five years. The findings are significant because they show how quickly people...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  2. The Twilight Zone Returns in Comic Book Form

    When I was a kid, I can remember looking through a friend's stack of comic books and stumbling across a book of Twilight Zone stories. I recall thinking, "How cool is this? The same show that I love to stay...

    12.16.08 From Geekdad
  3. Mac Software Update Gives the Finger to Older Notebook Owners

    Disappointing news for older MacBook and MacBook Pro owners: The newest update to Mac OS X, numbering 10.5.6, brings a new preference pane for the computer's trackpad. The let down is that it doesn't introduce the fancy new four finger...

    12.16.08 From Gadget Lab
  4. The Spirit Clips Do Little to Ease Fans' Screaming

    Early glimpses of The Spirit seemed a little off-putting somehow and drove many fans to question the potential of Frank Miller's Will Eisner adaptation. The first full online clips from the Christmas premiere should dispose of any doubt and allow...

    12.15.08 From The Underwire
  5. Should NSA Whistleblower Be Prosecuted?

    Opinions are divided on whether Thomas Tamm, the original source for The New York Times 2005 story on the NSA's warrantless wiretapping, should be prosecuted for revealing classified information. Tamm is a former justice department prosecutor. Some bloggers think Tamm is a patriot. They are...

    12.15.08 From Threat Level
  6. Rock Band 2 on Wii: Harmonix Responds, Details Game's Features

    As it turns out, Harmonix has quite a bit to say about Rock Band 2 on Wii. Regarding the impending and very late release of Rock Band 2 for Wii, Harmonix has issued a detailed statement in response to our...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  7. Top Gear Flogs A Tesla -- And Breaks It

    Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson beat the snot out of a pair of Tesla Roadsters, and while he was blown away by the EV's ungodly acceleration and technological prowess, he ultimately decided the car looks better on paper than it does...

    12.15.08 From Autopia
  8. Yahoo Mail Gets More Social, But the Price of Admission Is Too Steep

    Yahoo announced updates to several of its key properties Monday, including an overhaul of its free, web-based e-mail service. Yahoo Mail will soon feature more Facebook-like social networking enhancements, and the site has been opened up to third-party developers, giving...

    12.15.08 From Epicenter
  9. New Wolverine Clip Traces Origin of Angry X-Man

    The new trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine shows plenty of claws, mutants and facial hair. There's also plenty of action, as Wolverine's dark military back story unfolds: Hugh Jackman, who reprises his role as the adamantium supersoldier, snarls and tears...

    12.15.08 From The Underwire
  10. Sharp To Unveil TVs With Integrated Blu-ray Players Next Month

    The Blu-ray format has yet to blow up in a wave of success, but Sharp Electronics is betting that a Blu-ray-TV combo design will boost its sales and bring the company some needed buzz. According to Sharp executive Mike Troetti,...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  1. Comics Wax Poetic on Monty Python as New DVDs Arrive

    Some entertainment creations are seemingly beyond criticism -- universally beloved and genuinely held with reverence as showbiz legends. Monty Python's Flying Circus is on that ethereal list. A&E; re-released the full library of Monty Python shows on DVD recently --...

    12.15.08 From The Underwire
  2. Space Invaders Extreme, The Anagram Review

    Especially those without the paddle controller. Anyone else up for some more anagram reviews? I am not. This one took too long. Update: NeoGAF poster EmCeeGramr gives us this spot-on assessment. (Inspired by this resurrected NeoGAF thread of anagrammed game...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  3. Rumor: New Mac Mini Coming to Macworld 2009

    Apple will launch an upgrade to its low-end desktop, the Mac Mini, at January's Macworld Expo in San Francisco, according to an Apple corporate employee who contacted Wired.com. The source, who wished to remain anonymous (to keep his job), could...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  4. Confirmed: Air Force Falls Short in Third Nuke Test (Updated)

    Now, it's confirmed. The Air Force has indeed blown a third test of its nuclear handling capabilities, as Danger Room first reported over the weekend. In a memo, the Air Force confirmed that the 90th Missile Wing at F.E. Warren...

    12.15.08 From Danger Room
  5. Sun Induces Strange 'Breathing' of Earth's Atmosphere

    SAN FRANCISCO, California — New satellite observations have revealed a previously unknown rhythmic expansion and contraction of Earth's atmosphere on a nine-day cycle. This "breathing" corresponds to changes in the sun's magnetic fields as it completes rotations once every 27...

    12.15.08 From Wired Science
  6. NASA Needs a New Direction, Says Independent Review Panel

    American human spaceflight is at a turning point, and its future looks a bit shaky. The space shuttle is soon to retire, the replacement moon- and Mars-bound Constellation is yet to get off the ground, and the next president could...

    12.15.08 From Wired Science
  7. Rumor: Chinese Democracy Coming to Rock Band, Says Axl

    After a millennia in production Guns N' Roses' latest album Chinese Democracy is finally on shelves -- and soon to appear on the Rock Band music store if lead singer Axl Rose is to be believed. During a recent roundtable...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  8. LimbGear Offers MP3-Enabled Beanies For The Fashion Conscious

    Tommy Hilfiger and Valentino are for the technology n00bs. The real geeks ostenibly go for fashion from LimbGear, a company that claims to make "MP3-enabled apparel and accessories." It's latest fashion zapper is a MP3-enabled beanie cap with a Harry...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  9. Bacterial Behavior in Space Hints at Disease-Busting Hacks

    Like a Kubrickian psychodrama retold at the microbial scale, zero-gravity physics seems to trigger salmonella's dark side, making the food-poisoning bug more virulent when cultured in space. But there may be a happy ending: Depending on what salmonella itself is...

    12.15.08 From Wired Science
  10. Massive Volcanic Eruptions Could Have Killed Off the Dinosaurs

    SAN FRANCISCO, California — Huge volcanic eruptions that belched sulfur into the air for around 10,000 years could have killed the dinosaurs, according to new evidence unearthed by geologists. Evidence is accumulating that it wasn't an asteroid that did the...

    12.15.08 From Wired Science
  1. Father, Mother Shot After Taking Halo 3 From Son

    One year ago, Ohio teen Daniel Petric allegedly shot both his mother and father then attempted to make the scene resemble a murder-suicide after the duo barred him from playing Halo 3, according to the online component of Cleveland paper...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  2. MystOnline Source Going Public, Courtesy Cyan Worlds

    Though the original implementation of MystOnline may have failed months ago, its creators at Cyan Worlds are unwilling to let the online world die, even if that means releasing the game into the wild, free of charge. Tony Fryman, CEO...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  3. Home Will Move PlayStations, Says Sony

    Speaking with UK-based website CVG, PlayStation Home's European service manager Dan Hill claims that the recently released beta has the potential to become a system-seller, once the product and its offerings evolve. As it currently stands, Home is little more...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  4. Sweden Rescues Volvo and Saab from Fjord and Generål Mötors Woes

    Like a friendly foreign embassy in an unstable land, the Swedish government came to the rescue of two fellow countrymen with cold hard kronor for carmakers Saab and Volvo. Far from a bailout, the Swedish aid comes with some assembly...

    12.15.08 From Autopia
  5. Archos Executive Teases OLED Screen, Plays Down Archos 'A-Phone'

    Archos players are widely recognized as some of the best personal media portables out there, and judging by recent comments by a company executive, they're about to get even better: they're thinking about changing up the display to an OLED...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  6. Slydial App Arrives on iPhone; It's Useless

    Slydial, a telephone service that's supposed to help you slyly avoid confrontation by connecting you straight to someone's voicemail, isn't sly at all. The service just launched its own iPhone app, too, and it's equally useless. I tested Slydial on...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  7. Picture: Lasers Hit Greek Riots (Updated)

    Police around the world use everything from sonic blasters to pepper spray to skunk bombs to plain-ol' dung to control crowds. But sometimes, the protesters can turn the tables, with tools of their own. Take this clash in Greece, where...

    12.15.08 From Danger Room
  8. Guns N' Roses Uploader Guilty of Copyright Infringement

    The Los Angeles man accused of uploading nine pre-released Gun N' Roses tracks pleaded guilty Monday to one count of misdemeanor criminal copyright infringement. Kevin Cogill faces a maximum one year of confinement when sentenced in Los Angeles federal court on March 3. But he...

    12.15.08 From Threat Level
  9. Wii Rock Band 2 Squeaks Out, Or: How to Drop the Ball

    The fate of the Wii version of Rock Band 2 has been up in the air ever since the game's announcement at E3. In a statement released Friday, Harmonix removed all doubt: The Wii and PlayStation 2 versions of the...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  10. Merry Holidays with James Howard Kunstler

    *Or, "surely the public would be shocked to grasp what's in store." http://jameshowardkunstler.typepad.com/ (...) Surely the public would be shocked to grasp what's in store. Probably the worst thing we can do now would be to mount a campaign to...

    12.15.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  1. Lori Drew Files New Bid for Dismissal on Grounds that MySpace Authorized Access

    Lori Drew, the woman convicted of three misdemeanors in the MySpace suicide case, can't be guilty of computer fraud, because gaining access to a computer under false pretenses is still "authorized access" as a matter of law, Drew's attorneys argued Monday in a new bid...

    12.15.08 From Threat Level
  2. Lightning-Storm Gamma Rays Could Harm Air Travelers

    SAN FRANCISCO, California — The most energetic particles in the electromagnetic spectrum could pose a danger to commercial airline passengers. About every 3000 hours of flying time, a plane is hit with a bolt of lightning. Recently, spacecraft have found...

    12.15.08 From Wired Science
  3. Join the Wired.Com Tech Layoff Tracker on LinkedIn

    Last October we started The Wired.Com Tech Layoff Tracker to keep a running tally of the number of people who are being laid off in the tech industries -- high tech, media, telco, software, Web 2.0, etc. At this writing...

    12.15.08 From Epicenter
  4. 3 Drivetrains, 1 Car, Zero Emissions

    Hybrid? Electric? Hydrogen? Why choose when you can have all three? Mercedes-Benz has developed a modular design that can accommodate a gas-electric, battery electric or hydrogen fuel-cell drivetrain in a compact five-seater it calls Concept BlueZero. By using a common...

    12.15.08 From Autopia
  5. Nintendo Pitches In to Help Dragon Quest Succeed -- What It Means

    On the occasion of last week's announcement of a release date for Dragon Quest IX and the development of Dragon Quest X on Wii, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata made some interesting comments about the popular RPG series. Here's what Iwata...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  6. Court Narrows National Security Secrecy, Limits Oversight

    A unanimous federal appeals court on Monday narrowed the scope of when telecommunications companies must keep the self-issued FBI search-warrant requests secret. But the court limited when it was necessary for judges to review a secrecy order. The appeal concerned various counter-terrorism statutes and the...

    12.15.08 From Threat Level
  7. Study Says Cars Make Us Fat

    As if there weren't already enough evidence proving regular exercise is good for you, a new study suggests ditching the car and walking, riding a bike or using mass transit can help prevent obesity. In what might seem like a...

    12.15.08 From Autopia
  8. The Next Netbook Trend: Cellphone-Like Contract Deals

    How's this for some technological wizardry? Take a $350 netbook and turn it into a $1,500 device without changing anything inside. That's exactly what Acer, RadioShack and AT&T; have done with their latest netbook offer. On Friday, the trio said...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  9. Freeman Dyson's Redneck Pit Bull Genomics

    http://nofearofthefuture.blogspot.com/2008/12/freeman-dysons-pit-bulls.html I'm not recommending that you actually read this (unless you are Warren Ellis). I just want certain people to know I'm watching.

    12.15.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  10. Rumor: Apple Definitely, Probably Not Working on iPhone Shuffle

    Rumors are flying that Apple will announce a new, smaller version of the iPhone at MacWorld, the company's big annual conference Jan. 5 to 9, 2009. MacWorld is traditionally where Apple CEO Steve Jobs makes his biggest product announcements —...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  1. Arphid Watch: ThingMagic Arphid Truck Catalogs Its Own Tools

    http://www.technologyreview.com/computing/21828/?nlid=1581&a;=f (((I like these nice, simple, grassrootsy RFID apps. This would be great for people living in Airstream trailers.))) (...) What makes Tool Link unique is the application and ThingMagic's focus on embedding RFID into the object. The antennas, for...

    12.15.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  2. Colombia's 'Captain Nemo' of Cocaine

    Enrique Portocarrero may not look like a mad genius. But Colombian officials say this part-time shrimp fisherman is largely responsible for equipping the nation's cocaine cartels with a fleet of miniature submarines. According to the L.A. Times, local law enforcement...

    12.15.08 From Danger Room
  3. Geek out with "Ecological Intelligence"

    http://www.ugotrade.com/2008/12/15/smart-planetinterview-with-andy-stanford-clark/ The nifty part is that this vague cybergreen idea has now moved from pure sci-fi ubicomp handwaving to impenetrable geek acronyms like "MQTT" and "RSMB"! Man, to have lived to see the day!

    12.15.08 From Beyond the Beyond
  4. Noby Noby Boy, Katamari Creator's New Game, In Early 2009

    Noby Noby Boy, the next game from the creator of Katamari Damacy, finally has a release window -- we'll be playing it sometime in early 2009. But what is it? Namco Bandai released a flood of screenshots, artwork, and information...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  5. Terminator 5 Already in Motion

    Terminator Salvation doesn't hit theaters until May but producers have already decided to make a follow-up slated for release in 2011. Salvation director McG will be involved in this fifth picture in the machine freak franchise, with star Christian Bale...

    12.15.08 From The Underwire
  6. Browser Game: Just Like a Minotaur In a China Shop

    Much like the average law-abiding citizen, the noble Minotaur would like nothing more than to settle down in a nice quiet home, marry a cow, and own lots of fine china. Alas, cruel fate has cursed this poor semi-bovine with...

    12.15.08 From Game | Life
  7. Samsung NC10 Hacked to Run OS X

    While my Hackintosh netbook was on display at Gizmodo Gallery last week, I had a chance to tinker around with the 10.2-inch Samsung NC10 on loan from Samsung. Much to our surprise, Samsung sent Wired.com an e-mail giving us permission...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  8. New York Times' NSA Whistleblower Reveals Himself

    It's been three years since The New York Times first broke the news of the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program, based on information provided by an anonymous source. Today the identity of the Times' Deep Throat is finally revealed to be a 56-year-old former prosecutor in...

    12.15.08 From Threat Level
  9. Scout Brings Gas-Electric Power To The Water

    NEW YORK - Hybrids are finally hitting the water, proving electricity and water do mix. The 145 Hybrid from Scout Boats combines a 20-horsepower Yamaha outboard engine with two 36-volt Lenco Marine motors to create what Scout calls the industry's...

    12.15.08 From Autopia
  10. First-Ever Photo of Liquid on Extraterrestrial World

    The Huygens probe has captured an image of what may be the first drop of liquid ever observed on an extraterrestrial surface. The photo is evidence that liquids may exist on the surface of other planets and moons, not just...

    12.15.08 From Wired Science
  1. French Screenshot Shows DRM-Free Music in iTunes

    Nearly a week after rumors swirled about three major labels letting iTunes to sell music without digital rights management comes evidence of additional experimentation by Apple with DRM-free music -- in France. In an echo of last month's appearance of...

    12.15.08 From Epicenter
  2. Twitter Joins the Google Friend Connect Fold

    Google has added Twitter to the list of ways you can connect with friends through Google Friend Connect. Now, when you join a Friend Connected site, you can choose to use your Twitter profile, discover people you follow on Twitter...

    12.15.08 From Epicenter
  3. Prototype Scanner Gives Middle Finger To Drunk Driving

    Two students at a Chinese university have invented a device that detects high blood alcohol levels by inserting a middle finger directly onto a fingerprint scanner. This development bodes well for other hand gesture controls in future car innovations. We...

    12.15.08 From Gadget Lab
  4. Torqeedo Motor Makes for a Greener Dinghy

    NEW YORK - Retire the filthy two-stroke outboard motor hanging off the back of your boat and go green(er) with an electric motor so small it fits in a backpack. The Torqeedo Base Travel 401 electric motor featured at the...

    12.15.08 From Autopia
  5. Politico Partners With Reuters To Bring Wire Content to Newspapers

    Politico has teamed up with Reuters to expand the coverage of its fledgling wire service. Reuters will add its own articles and content to Politico's network of over 60 newspapers and 100 website partners. In addition to free content from...

    12.15.08 From Epicenter
  6. Iraqi Army Loves, Hates Shoe-Tosser

    BAGHDAD, IRAQ -- The flying shoe incident has everyone here talking. To recap: Iraqi journalist Muntader al-Zaidi was detained after flinging his shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference yesterday in Baghdad’s Green Zone. Muntader seems to...

    12.15.08 From Danger Room
  7. GeekDad Puzzle of the Week: An AUSM Bonus

    The heroes of AUSM are at it again. Remember, email your solutions by 10:00 p.m. EST Thursday to be part of the random selection of correct answers and win a $50 gift code to ThinkGeek! All readers who check out...

    12.15.08 From Geekdad
  8. Warbot Pinup Calendar Revealed

    How big of a military tech fetishist do you have to be to hang a warbot pinup calendar in your room? That's the question I keep asking myself, as I leaf though this piece of awesomely bad swag, from military...

    12.15.08 From Danger Room
  9. ZoozBeat Turns iPhone into Beat Factory for Three Bucks

    Zooz Mobile, a small, commercial venture consisting of professor Gil Weinberg of Georgia Tech and graduate students from its Center for Music Technology, has built a powerful, entertaining application for the iPhone and iPod Touch that lets anyone make loops...

    12.15.08 From Epicenter
  10. WSJ WTF?

    Scott has a very good post this morning laying out the debate over Google's supposed flip-flop on net neutrality, front and center on p.1 of today's WSJ . One premise of the story is that something new is going on,...

    12.15.08 From Epicenter
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