Pratul Kalia emailed me this week that he and Björn Jacob have ported WP-Cumulus to Drupal. Instead of going for a clever name like “Blogumus” or “Joomulus” he opted to simply go with “Cumulus”. How about “Drupumus”, Pratul? ;)

Anyway, if you’re using Drupal and would like an animated tag cloud, be sure to check out

Filed under: English, WordPress plugins | Tags: , , | Roy | November 5, 2008 Comments (8)

A lot of people have contacted me asking whether they could port WP-Cumulus to their CMS of choice. While it’s nice of them to ask, the GPL license wouldn’t let me stop them even if I wanted to. Which I don’t. I love how this little project of mine is spreading like wildfire. I’ve hardly been able to keep up with the comments on my blog and the Cumulus-related email I get. I now know what people mean when they say the response has been overwhelming.

So to answer this question once and for all: Yes, you can. As long as your stick to the GPL license you can do anything with WP-Cumulus. If you port Cumulus to a new platform, please let me know so I can write about it in posts like this.

Here are three(!) new ports recently released by their respective authors. Thanks to Christian Philipp (TYPO3), Rob Antonishen (Serendipity) and Big Bear (Joomla) for their work.

Filed under: English, WordPress plugins | Tags: , , , , | Roy | October 28, 2008 Comments (3)

Yannick Lejeune has ported WP-Cumulus to Typepad. Aptly named Tumulus, the snippet of code can be downloaded from Yannick’s site. One more step towards world domination (insert evil laughter here)… :)

Filed under: English, WordPress plugins | Tags: , , , , | Roy | September 16, 2008 Comments (2)

I would not have thought it to be possible, but Amanda has succeeded in porting WP-Cumulus to Blogger. She’s written a short tutorial on how to set it up, which is surprisingly easy to do. I haven’t used Blogger since 2003, and wouldn’t have known where to start. So thanks Amanda!

If you’re a Blogger user and you want to catch up with what’s been happening with the WordPress version, click here.

Filed under: English, WordPress plugins | Tags: , , , | Roy | September 2, 2008 Comments (19)

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