I blogged about the original Asus Eee-PC when it was first announced and, as you can probably tell from that post, I basically fell in love with the concept of a small laptop-like, lightweight portable device that could be used for casual browsing. But then the introduction price turned out to be nowhere near $199, and versions with bigger, more useable screens were announced. So I decided to wait. Until today.

Filed under: English, Gadgets | Tags: , , , , , | Roy | August 13, 2008 Comments (2)

Medison Celebrity laptop

It’s been months, and not a single laptop has been delivered. If one would have been the blogospere would have lit up like a Christmas tree, but instead there’s been radio silence all around. That’s why I asked 2checkout.com to cancel my order of a Medison Celebrity laptop. With the Eee-PC hitting shops any day now and laptop prices dropping like bricks there’s no need to wait around for what has IMHO become a clear case of vaporware. On top of that, I don’t even really need a laptop computer right now.

Filed under: English, Gadgets | Tags: , , , , | Roy | October 29, 2007 Comments (2)

Medison Celebrity laptop

Swedish company Medison has started offering a $150 laptop on their website. For the price the celebrity it’s very decently specced. It puts the OLPC and the Eee PC to shame, and looks pretty sleek as well. I’ve read predictions that laptop prices are going to drop, but this is ludicrous. Too good to be true? Will this turn out to be vaporware? Or will I be missing a unique opportunity by not clicking the ‘buy now’ button just yet?

Filed under: English, Gadgets | Tags: , , | Roy | July 25, 2007 Comments (12)

Asus Eee PC

A while ago I blogged about the Nokia N800. It’s been released now but I won’t be getting one. Not just because the “sub $300″ price tag turned out to be closer to €400, but because Asus just raised the bar when it comes to small, portable internet devices. Enter the Asus Eee CP 701.

Filed under: English, Gadgets | Tags: , , , , , | Roy | June 22, 2007 Comments (7)

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