I have no idea whether anyone has thought of this already, so please don’t sue me. Folding vertical browser tabs. The idea is to be able to fold and unfold tabs, thereby dividing the horizontal space available. This would enable you to not only browse more than one website at once, it would also make copy-pasting stuff easier. Or looking up stuff in a dictionary whilst reading a page that uses fancy words. And it would allow you to fully use the screen real estate on large displays.

The image is a very very crude (it took me only 10 minutes to make) mockup of the idea, based on Firefox. It has four tabs, with two of them ‘active’ (unfolded) and two ‘inactive’ (folded). Click the small version to see a higher resolution one. It should give you an idea of that I mean. Let me know what you think.

Filed under: English, ideas | Tags: , , , , , , | Roy | October 22, 2008 Comments (12)

Brando USB hub with on/off switches

I wrote about this a while back, and it seems someone had the exact same idea. Brando just released a USB hub with switches that let you turn the connected devices on or off as you please.


I’m not too fond of the design (which does little to hide the wiring and uses slide switches instead of more convenient push buttons), and a couple of more ports would have been nice, but this is a great device nontheless. Every time someone does not power up that little-used scanner and saves rain forests as a result is important.

Filed under: English, ideas | Tags: , , , , | Roy | December 8, 2007 Comments (0)

USB logo

I use lots of USB devices. External hard drives, a flatbed scanner, card reader, webcam, etc… But I don’t use all of them very often. I’ve even disconnected the scanner because it has no on/off switch and it makes all kind of calibrating noises when I start my computer. My external hard drive, which I use just once a week to run a system backup, also makes more noise than my PC does and it too lacks a proper power switch. This why I came up with the idea of an USB hub with switches that let you decide which devices you want to start up and which you don’t need.

Filed under: English, ideas | Tags: , , , , | Roy | November 2, 2007 Comments (3)

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