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Imperialism Galore

Protests against HMS MontroseThe American presidential race has as always, been a great opportunity for writers and journalists to discuss with great confidence, propose ideas and political judgments but without being aware that beyond all the hopeful and charismatic speeches of politicians there lies a reality which is actually effecting all of the masses of the world: this is in fact imperialism. Recently a Russian fleet sailed in the Mediterranean sea which stopped in Libya and also in Syria where a permanent Russian naval base is being built in the port of Tartus.

Silent Protest Against Budget 2009

The Coffin of Social Justice

Yesterday Moviment Graffitti staged a silent protest, in front of the Parliament building, just before the beginning of the session of the 2009 Budget. The protesters held a coffin with an inscribed; ''Social Justice'' and they were all dressed in black to symbolize the death of social justice with the gas and electric tariff increases. The Maltese government has increased gas and electric tariffs drastically against the wishes of the Malta Council for Social and Economic Development just days before the Budget was announced.

Issue 7 of Ir-Realta' released

The Ir-Realta' Collective has just released its 7th issue of the newspaper Ir-Realta'. This issue contains several analytical articles on culture, parole and the Lisbon Treaty, two literary pages by young and talented artists and more. To acquire a copy for free please send an email to

L-intervista tar-Realta' ma' Dr. Philip Carabott

F'Settembru Ir-Realta' saqsiet lil Dr Philip Carabott biex jagħti intervista rigward il-mard transmess b'mod sesswali u s-Sexual Health Policy tal-Gvern. Dr Carabot irrifjuta sakemm ma jinġabx il-permess mid-Direttur Ġenerali tal-Isptarijiet peres li milhux kienet inħraġet direttiva fuqu li imponietu biex ma' jagħtix intervisti lill-mezzi tal-informazzjoni. Ir-Realta' talbet il-permess u dan ġie nnegat mingħajr ebda raġuni. Bħala reazzjoni l-Kolletiv sejjaħ press conference, bi protesta biex Dr Philip Carabott jingħata l-permess mill-ġdid biex jkun jista jitkellem liberament fiil-mezzi tal-informazzjoni.

Unheritage Malta

There is currently no institution which protects the historical heritage and the cosnequence of this is that a lot of heritage is being lost at a very rapid rate. Rabat is a fine example of this situation. Just recently a huge modern housing complex is beign built just next to a house which probably dates back to medieval times. Even though the complex has just recently started going up, the old house has been vandalized and some of its old stones have been replaced by the contractor with new modern bricks! Such vandalism throws shame on the authorities for their idleness and apathy!

No sign of Justice reform: politicians idle

As an independent media organisation Indymedia Malta applaudes the Ministry of Justice for ordering an investigation on the case of Nicholas Azzopardi. Indymedia Malta believes that such investigations should not also be undertaken by magistrates but also by speicalists and indepndent bodies who have no hidden interests. Indymedia Malta also believes that media should have full access to all to the information the government possesses. The ministry of Justice has also moved forward in the right direction by the principle of freedom of information in granting access to journalists at the Hal Safi Detention Centre.

FAA will defend public’s voice, even on St. John’s

St. John's co Cathedral Valletta

Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar is surprised that the St. John's Cathedral Foundation should express itself so strongly against public participation in the St. John’s Cathedral debate.

By failing to hold a public presentation before submitting the applications, as is the norm when dealing with a project affecting Malta’s premier national monument, the Foundation clearly looked upon the public’s interest as unwelcome and uncalled-for trespassing on the hallowed grounds of "experts".

Increasing Apathy Towards Environmental Appreciation in the South

Construction waste at XghajraIllegal dumping has continued in the coastal area between Xghajra and Marsascala, despite reports done from Indymedia. It is shocking that construction and domestic waste can be found all along the stretch of the coast and till this day have still not subdued. After Indymedia’s reports dated July 2007, some of the waste had been removed, yet new dumpings have again been made. This shall become a serious environmental issue, effecting the area and natural habitats.

It-Tarzna: falliment jew sabutagg?

Is-suggett tat-tarzna huwa suggett li ricentament qanqal hafna dibattitu fost il-Maltin u Ghawdxin minhabba l-pjanijiet godda ta' privatizazzjoni li ghandu l-gvern. Kemm il-partit Nazzjonalista u kemm il-partit Laburista qaghdu lura milli joffru ragunijiet validi wisq inqas alternattivi cari u ekonomici ghal din l-intrapriza. Bhal ma jigri s-soltu fil-politika Maltija, id-dibattitu tas-suggett gie mcahhad milli jigi diskuss b'kull liberta, serjeta u kull informazzjoni possibli biex jigu ssalvagwardjati ir-reputazzjonijiet tal-individwi li ghandhom xi tip ta' poter jew iehor.

General Workers Union holds protest meeting against shipyards privitization

The crowd at the meeting The General Workers Union has yesterday held a protest meeting against the way shipyards are being privatised and the way its workers are being treated. The protest which was attended by students and shipyard workers with families cheered the Union's officials when they said that the Union will keep battling for worker's rights.

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