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Public Affairs programming - new content

Those of you listening may have noticed some new public affairs content on WRFU. We've added some shows, like War News Radio, to our automation system. Our automation plays when there are no scheduled shows, or when scheduled shows don't happen. Most of the time we fill this time with content from our local music library, but from 4-8pm we're now concentrating on providing public affairs content on the automation system.

This won't affect any scheduled shows during these periods, but when there's no live/local content you'll hear shows like War News Radio, the Progressive's daily and weekly news analysis, and the prison radio commentaries of Mumia Abu-Jamal. You'll also hear reruns of popular local shows like Media Geek (originally broadcast on WEFT-FM 90.1 on Friday afternoons) and Media Matters (originating from WILL-AM on Sunday afternoons).

I'm working on generating podcast feeds of the various content we provide, so you could, for instance, subscribe to our Monday afternoon shows, or our media analysis-related content. It's not top of our list of things to do, so could take a while, but do check back....

FCC proposes changes to LPFM rules

The FCC has recently proposed changes to the rules governing LPFM stations like WRFU. Below are the comments I submitted to their "Second Notice of Proposed RuleMaking" (2NPRM):

My name is Andrew Ó Baoill, and I am station manager of WRFU-LP, a radio station in Urbana, IL, that is one of the beneficiaries and progeny of the LPFM licensing regime. I am in addition a PhD student at the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois, where my research focuses on the role of community radio. I write today to express my support for the actions the Commission has undertaken to facilitate the growth and development of the LPFM sector, to underscore the benefits that the LPFM service has brought to our community, and to respond to some of the questions asked in the Second Notice regarding how best to foster the stability and further growth of this valuable service as we look to the future.


New website for A Critical Ear

A Critical Ear, which airs on Thursdays from 6-7pm, has a new website, The site includes links to archived shows (space constraints may mean that's just the last few weeks) as well as supplementary resources, links to sites mentioned during the show, and so on. Check it out and let us know what you think of it.

Lolaka ya Afrika - 2008 Spring Schedule

Every Wednesday 8am-10am

Krukid: Afr-i-can


Ntina ya makambo ya Afrika na Champaign-Urbana! Your local SOURCE for information and in-depth follow up to topics raised on the radio show, current news and issues as they relate to Africa and African people, local events (discussions, lectures, music), and millions of links to a myraid of local resources and other important websites. tell your homies. AMANI

click READ MORE for Spring 2008 Schedule

special guests scheduled and unscheduled – check website for updates!

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